norm la coe photography Male Photographer


Model Mayhem #:
Last Activity:
Jan 21, 2021
Very Experienced
Depends on Assignment
Nov 07, 2007

Lists (16)

Beautiful Women

240 Photos

Blue Denim

116 Photos

bold bare beautiful

327 Photos

dancers nude

229 Photos

great images of the nude

60 Photos

in public

73 Photos

Landscape nudes

272 Photos

nude portraits

363 Photos

radiant girls - images norm loves

93 Photos

the classic nude

132 Photos

Under water

46 Photos


269 Photos

women with cameras

39 Photos

women with flowers

84 Photos

wonderful nudes

132 Photos

Wood, glass, stone and iron

95 Photos
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About Me

THE  LANDSCAPE  NUDE - the pictures in my port were made by 38 different models in ten states.  .

See for more of my images.  My landscape nudes have been published nationally and internationally. 

I do full nudity, but I don't do soft porn.  I'm after female radiance, not peep-shows.  Tattoos are like clothing; they conceal the model; they are a barrier to seeing.

Escorts are fine, BUT his/her comments must be made before the shoot.  during, the escort must be unseen, unheard and unmoving, except to protect you from harm.  he'she has nothing to do with the shoot.  if i see a model looking to her escort more than once, i'll be upset.  no distractions are allowed by escorts.  I want all your attention. 


I think shooters like me, other lensmen, are superbly lucky when we find a good model who will work with us and attempt to create together a memorable image.  The "dance" of working as photographer with model is challenging, frequently in print and to me necessary as food.  i deeply appreciate every model who has ever worked with me, for her effort, her talent, her charm, her determination, he knowledge and, of course, her beauty.  thanks you all.  norm

I will work with beginning models, but I pay you; I don't do TFP.  Many of my best images are girls who never modeled before.  with my kind of work, it's your attitude more than experience which matters.  It's the glow of the woman, not her skin that makes a picture work. 

Good images of the nude are not about skin.  they are about radiance, about emotion. look in her eyes.  if she's not connecting with her eyes, start over. 

Sometimes we meet the greatest and nicest people on  MM and that is a kind of wonderful bonus to this thing.  it is a great thing to discover friendship and integrity.  . 

The target audience for my work is great museums and important private collectors, that in 50 years will pay $5,000 for one of my prints.  Only after I'm long dead, of course. 

Nothing on  this Earth is more beautiful than a woman  I have been honored to share the making of pictures with splendid women. 

all women are beautiful. age does not make a woman less so.  age alters the way we expect to see her, but her radiance and her joy in creating are inspiring.  My oldest model was Liz, who worked at 77.  Yes, she owned a lived in body, but her spirit celebrated life and beauty.  Woman is beautiful at any age, unless she doesn't allow herself to be. 

Woman is the only female animal that comes with curves.  so i won't shoot cats. 

A strong location either inspires a model or defeats her.  i search for strong locations. 

WINNER, MM PIC OF THE DAY nude 10-09-09 - "Untamed". 

I work only outdoors by natural light, and only with the nude or implied.  I always respect the model.  I never want you to do anything which makes you feel uncomfortable; if you feel uncomfy, it will show and the picture will fail.  I never touch except your hands, feet or elbows, and only after asking your permission.  even experienced models often get the hands and feet wrong, or stick out their elbows too far.  Elbows too far spoils the vertical curves of the body.  spread fingers confuse the viewer's eye, so keep fingers together..  toes need to point in the direction of you body's energy. 

I make my prints with platinum and palladium metals, which are as durable as gold.  i use very finest acid-free paper. it's expensive and a lot of work, but i hope my prints, with care will last a thousand years. 

My work celebrates this fragile earth and its magnificent women.  I work only outdoors by natural light, and try to evoke a spell of a woman wild and free 10,000 years ago.  I believe in strong women.  I never hassle a model and always appreciate the effort a model makes.

my email:  [email protected]

my mom was a painter, so i grew up with art from earliest memory.  i had my first dinky camera at 10, trying to make great landscapes.  i just love to make pictures, especially of women.  I simply love to make fine images of great women, and i always am trying with every exposure  to do work that is world class.  Be kind to puppies, pick up litter in stores so people won't slip and fall, and eat more grits.  gNorm

MM models i've worked with and recommend:
  Lissa Jean, who travels - she's the greatest!, on MM
  Ashley in Fort Collins, CO - she's super to work with., MM
  SaraLiz - she gave me the image I asked  her for..  MM
  Penelope Strong, Florida - she's a true lady and she glows like light in water.  Alas, I think she's retired from modeling.. 
  Dominique in Florida and CO - splendid model, great attitude, work with her if you get the chance.  MM
  and dozens who were college students earning some extra money and having an art adventure; all not on MM.  The pictures in my port were made by 38 different models. 

  I've been lucky, very lucky, to work with so many splendid women.

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"Norm is a talented photographer and a gentle soul. I'm honored to call him a friend. If only we lived closer. (:" Read less

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