
Model Mayhem #:
Last Activity:
Feb 21, 2018
Very Experienced
Paid Assignments Only
Shoot Nudes:
Aug 07, 2009
5' 8"
132 lbs
Skin Color:
See More Details
Eye Color:
Hair Length:
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Lists (9)

Born for Water

2 Photos


16 Photos

Funny or Just Plain Awesome

7 Photos

Great Portraits

1 Photos

Mila in other portfolios

49 Photos

Mila's Favorite Shots...A+++

79 Photos

Now THERE'S great color!!

4 Photos

OMG, look at that pose!!

9 Photos

Ropes to Remember

0 Photos
See Less

About Me

My newest work, and my full portfolio of nearly 100 images, are now featured on Model Society (click link above). I rarely check Model Mayhem, so Model Society is the best way to reach me. Thank you!


Thank you all very much for your kind comments, lists, and tags, but I am very busy and generally only respond to private messages that are relevant to work.
MALE MODELS: I'm flattered, but don't bother.

Hi, I'm Mila (MEE-lah). Thanks for stopping by! In a nutshell: I am a reliable, intense, creative, amicable, and humor-loving fine art model. My primary artistic interests are nudes in nature and unusual poses. My most recent and comprehensive portfolio can be found at (link above). I respond to work-related messages quickly and courteously and I appreciate the same in return. If you're interested in booking a shoot, you will find more detailed information below. If you have a moment, please check out the photographers' portfolios as well. Without their skill and dedication to art, none of these photos would exist!

~Apologies... Sadly, most of the information below will be common sense to real artists, but my experiences have taught me that they comprise less than 3% of the MM population. So take it with a grain of salt, and if you have a good attitude and a sincere desire to create beautiful artistic photographs, I would love to hear from you!~

Photographers: Serious inquires only, please. Read my profile before contacting me about booking - it's all pertinent. If you haven't bothered to read it, you'll just be wasting our time.

Male models: This is not a dating site. STOP HITTING ON ME!!! ...Still here? Hey, did I mention how much my husband loves guns? Yeah, bye.


Now that the bottom-feeders have (hopefully) gone scurrying: here's my philosophy and what you can expect from me.

I live and breathe for art. I've been modeling nude for over 8 years with over 60 artists, and I am still in love with the process of creating beautiful, intense, evocative fine art images. I put all of my creativity and energy into this pursuit. My passion is unusual and bendy poses that engage the viewer's interest. I much prefer shooting in natural locations, but I will gladly do studio work if you provide me with some interesting props or concepts. I also have some props I bring with me to every shoot.

Every moment of a shoot, I work very hard. I'm able to pose creatively without direction, but input from the photographer is always appreciated - in my experience, a truly collaborative effort results in better art. I prefer to build ongoing relationships with photographers, since the better we know each other, the more fantastic the images will be. My behavior reflects this goal at all times.

Communication, courtesy and honesty are very important to me, and I do not tolerate drama. When we schedule a shoot, you can count on me to be there on time and physically and mentally prepared. This includes having everything I need for demanding location shoots. I expect the same of you.

I don't mind cold, bugs, dirt, mud, sweat, rain, cold water, early mornings, uncomfortable poses, calculated risks, getting my hair nastified, hiking a looong way, bushwhacking, carrying your gear, or being spotted by other people (though preferably not kids or cops!) I will climb just about anything to get an unusual shot - trees, rocks, buildings, you name it. You do not need to ask me, "Can you get up there?" The answer is always yes.

...If you haven't figured it out yet, I love humor too. I always look for the humorous side of every situation, and I love making people laugh!

That said, there are a few things that really bother me: blatant disrespect, giant egos, chronic bad attitudes, drama, racism, sexism, homophobia, excessive whining, drama, creepy comments, crappy communication, and being called unprofessional names like "sweetie" (yes, this has happened). Did I mention drama? If you think any of these things might apply to you, consider working with someone else.


I'm a professional - I will NEVER cancel a shoot short of a genuine emergency. If I do need to cancel, I will contact you immediately by phone and all other available methods. If you have paid a deposit, I will refund the deposit plus a 5% inconvenience fee.

Once we book, please try to give me at least 3 days' notice if you need to cancel. I expect you to send me a $50 cancellation fee if you cancel less than 3 days before our shoot. Honor system, folks, like in New Zealand.

Compensation and Travel:

I understand that our work together is an effort to which we both bring valuable skills. However, I can't eat pictures and they don't pay the mortgage, so I generally only accept paid assignments. I have an affordable hourly rate with a two-hour minimum, and reduced rates for day-long or multi-day shoots. Rates available on request.
I am not currently available to travel due to my busy schedule.

At least 5% of my shoot fees are donated to my local animal shelter - usually more.


I'm a BIG fan of it. I am accessible by e-mail, text, or phone nearly all the time. I will always reply to work-related messages (and most others) within 24 hours. If I'll be out of communication range, a notice will be posted on my profile. After the initial contact, I prefer to conduct business by e-mail, so that I have a record of our conversation. I also like to confirm things via the phone. What's a phone, says you? It's the little thingy that goes "ring ring" and lets you TALK to someone without them being right next to you. Best invention ever. Please provide me with a phone number and e-mail address when you contact me and I'll do the same.

A brief tirade on current trends in typed communication... **OMFG** 4 the last time if Your 1 of those ppl,, who type like this plz dont be Pissed when i dont tae u srsly or rtrn ur Mssgs THX BAI. And on that note, consider: a comma is the difference between "let's eat grandma" and "let's eat, grandma." Furthermore, capitalization is the difference between "I helped my Uncle Jack off his horse" and "I helped my uncle jack off his horse." If you just went 'WTF???,' please go back to elementary school and contact me again when you've graduated.
P.S. To the people who write like adults: I'm really not going to freak out if you make a few typos. I promise. Calm down. :)

Body and Modifications:

My body is 100% natural, except for two small tattoos on my upper back, a tattoo on my left ankle, and a tattoo on my right foot. My complexion is very good but not perfect, and my hair is a bit wispy. I can straighten it, curl it, or leave it in its natural semi-wavy state. There are several short, translucent stretch marks on my hips and a few small surgical scars. I keep my pubic hair nicely trimmed and I plan to keep it that way. I am a very fit rock climber, but I do have womanly curves - I've never cared for the stick-figure look. I keep my stats up to date. Most of the photos in my portfolio have minimal editing, if any, so they are a good representation of what I actually look like. I prefer that my body not be altered in post-processing - I do not post these photos in my portfolio. I would rather be credible.

Use of photos received:

While I always appreciate it when photographers share the photos with me, I do not expect this for paid shoots. When you share photos with me, I will use them for my electronic portfolio only and credit you at all times. If I would like a print, I'll let you know and we can work out an arrangement.

ARTISTS/PAINTERS: The photographers I work with rarely mind if you use their photos as a reference for paintings/drawings, provided you credit the photographer when appropriate. Just tell me which photo interests you and I will ask for the photographer's permission.

RANDOM RETOUCHERS AND PHOTOGRAPHERS: Stop asking me if I would like to sell "my" photos or let you edit them. The photos do not belong to me - it's called COPYRIGHT. Please get this concept straight.

Model releases and my shoot agreement form:

Please provide me with a copy of any release forms at least one (1) week in advance of our shoot. I also ask for your signature on a short Photo Shoot Agreement as well, which I am happy to provide via e-mail upon request. The Agreement is not a release; it simply puts the agreed-upon terms of our shoot in writing. I ask that photos of me will not be sold to websites or otherwise posted in sleazy internet locations. Other commercial and artistic uses are welcomed (e.g. fine art galleries, reputable publications including art calendars, sales, self-promotion, artistic websites, etc...). If you're in this to sell nekkid pictures to porn websites, I don't want to work with you. See, I told you reading this would be pertinent!


I check references for every photographer before I work with him/her for the first time, so please be prepared to provide some if there aren't at least five models credited in your portfolio. We'll also need to talk on the phone before we set something up - I like to get a sense of who you are before we decide to work together.


Thanks again for visiting! Feel free to contact me at any time. Take care,


Random stuff:

"I swear, the only thing that would make you more awesome is if you were made out of rum raisin ice cream." - Billy Monday

"You just might be the coolest person I know." - StromePhoto

"Wow, you clean up nice!" - Scott Miron (translation: you look really different with clothes on)

Ceiling Cat vs. Basement Cat: THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE.

"I just don't like feet." - John Hacht

"I only shoot nudes. That's it. That's all I'm interested in. If you see photos I've taken that involve clothing, it just means there was some kind of horrible head-on clothing collision, and the model didn't get out of the way in time. If you write to me, I'll assume you're light on your feet, and won't suffer the same terrible fate." - Sita Mae

"I have faith in all mankind. Well, not faith really, more like hopeful suspicion. And not "all" but 5 people. Mankind meaning computers." - Dane Cook

" need more of it." - SNL

"Erotica is using a feather, pornography is using the whole chicken." - Isabel Allende

"Find the woman. They are behind all sinister plots." - Leon Uris, Mila 18 (no relation)

"Very funny, Scotty. Now beam down my clothes."

"Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could; some blunders and absurdities have no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; you shall begin it serenely, with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your own nonsense." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the judgment that something is more important than fear." - Ambrose Redmoon

Verified Credits (1)

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"When you work with Mila, you'll get a true professional. She takes a strong interest in collaborating to get the best image. Mila is both bold and athletic as well, allowing you to work on images in situations where most models wouldn't dare. One of the most fun models with whom I've worked." Read less

... Read more

Credit Notes (main portfolio)

Myriad galleries, books, magazines, art centers, etc. etc.

"Nude Closeup," a collection compiled by EG Irwin. Preview of the book:

Article on 'Mila! Adventure, Nude Photography, and Art Modeling.'

Article by CulturedWoman: "Nature Nude Art Model Mila of Marquette, MI."

"Venus Resplendent" by Risen Phoenix Photo:

POTD 18+ winner for June 29, 2010:

POTD 18+ winner for July 13th, 2010:

A still video of the work of Mila and Billy Monday on the shore of Lake Superior:

A still video of Mila and PixelPerfect Photography in the good ol' drain pipe:


13th Floor Photo MM# 747904
A Click Photography MM# 1274901
ABanksPhotography MM# 724816
Ahrens Photography MM# 1016603
AJ Kahn MM# 110909 (
Artsy Images MM# 770121
Atmospherik Photography MM# 2000052
AWS Photography MM# 87654
Bear Claw Photography 2 MM# 1962297
Billy Monday MM# 7980 (
Blake Fisher Photo MM# 1542788
Caronsco Photo Services MM# 806983
Cassandra Tiensivu (not on MM)
CC Images MM# 616365
Chris Maher MM# 49126
Classic Reflections MM# 1446984
Craig Blacklock MM# 2184017 (
CreativeSpiritUnleashed MM# 2122728
Crystal Blue Persuasion MM# 1439478
Dave Jacobs Photography MM# 714123
dsnorthern MM# 1756804
Edward Holland MM# 820331 (
Essence for Art MM# 1495509
Flores Imaging MM# 357094
Gary Rich Photography MM# 1054866
GETTY Studio MM# 658821
Gordon Runkle MM# 1150493
Hope's Creations MM# 1635352
Howard Feltman (not on MM)
Image Quest Photos MM# 2433771
J Downey Richer MM# 186340
J. Kline (not on MM)
Jim Young Photography MM# 20630
JKL Images II MM# 789538
John Hacht MM# 280504
JRawk Photography MM# 445560
Kelly Walkotten (not on MM)
Kim Heibel (not on MM)
KRB Photography MM# 126652
Lawrence Heibel MM# 212763
LightBrushedImages MM# 856262
M. Rangel (not on MM)
Marcus Priestly (not on MM)
Mark C Haskins MM# 783969
PixelPerfect Photography MM# 528999 (
Placid Light MM# 433383
Risen Phoenix Photo MM# 1729590
Robert Stewart Photography MM# 817255
Ryan L Photo MM# 64943
Sandy Rich Photography MM# 1886010
Scott Miron MM# 322475
SPstudio MM# 355337
Stephan of Boreal Light MM# 400382
Steve A. Brown MM# 1430929
Steven Scherbinski MM# 1737653
StromePhoto MM# 805351
Studio-B (no longer on MM)
UP Image MM# 32318
Vapor Trail Photo MM# 2123416
Water Watts MM# 1018475
Whitson - Photographer MM# 2015477

Rara Avis Studios (Kalamazoo, MI) MM# 2128006


Iris MM# 122520, 638646
Ladybug Alive MM# 1901206
Lucky MM# 2102425
Luzia MM# 1260976
Mandi Chu MM# 477239
Krysti M. MM# 690138

**Body Painters**

Seamless Body Art MM# 1961982
Jest Paint MM# 1313906
ArtandBodyStudios MM# 1668093


Feel free to contact me as a reference on any of the above artists. I recommend most of them highly.