Forums > Newbie Forum > Remembering your settings and their relationships.



Posts: 201

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

(If this helps?)

You BEST FRIENDS EVER are shutter and aperture. These are the gals who you hang out with all the time. They will do anything for you and you always get together on Sundays to have a glass (bottle) of wine and laugh your asses off. Always good. Oh sure, you may forget about one or the other now and then, but they hold no grudges. They are always willing to hear from you and show up. Sometimes you go to the other city Mall for the weekend – just the girls. Fun, fun, fun.

Your “cousin Flash” sometimes comes into your life. This is because she’s ‘family’ and you may be obliged to pay attention to her – but she’s cool. It’s just that she’s really, really wealthy and although your best friends shutter and aperture get along with her, it changes the dynamic so you have to make sure they all get along. Sometimes you have to tell ‘cousin flash’ to tone it down a bit as she tends to want to buy dinner and go big time and over the top, other times you have to ask shutter and aperture to ‘pick it up a bit’ … she IS after all, family. But generally, you all have a good time when all is in balance.

Speaking of balance, White balance is that ‘nerdy’ friend who actually brings some home cooked food to set the tone (which you SO appreciate later) … but she really doesn’t fit in with the others. Again, it’s good if you can keep the balance, introduce her at the start, but then, she’s capable of taking care of herself. Just make sure you check in on her before you shut down for the night. Re-set her.

ISO is “THAT friend”. (“In search of” in the singles’ pages!) She’s funny, wild, and can add a lot to the party but as you are all fine with wine, she’s the one who wants to do tequila shots! ONLY invite her if you have to. She can brighten things up for sure, but if you forget about her, she takes over to the point that your best friends (shutter and aperture, even cousin flash (a former alcoholic) get completely blitzed and can’t do anything. You have to remember her hard core effect on the crowd. When the party is done, put her in a cab, re-set her to 100 and send her home. Don’t forget how influential she is, even the next time you gather – double check if you don’t re-set her!

ISO versus Cousin flash. This is tenuous, but can result in great times IF they work together, and that’s YOUR responsibility (as they are so naturally opposed. Kinda like an Aries and a Pisces). You CAN have a party outdoors and invite cousin flash, just as you can rent a quiet cabin and enjoy shutter, aperture, and ISO – (without inviting cousin flash), indoors and that’s OK (as flash maybe, would have been out of place). This is where ISO is at her best – under control, as long as you pay attention to your best friends, shutter and aperture first. She, ISO, can really lighten things up, (whereas cousin flash doesn’t like ‘rustic’ and may try to blast things up way too much. “Let’s do Vegas! I’m buying!!).

But before you get partying … remember the law.
Composure is your warning! Ooops!
Focus is the roadblock cop who busts you. All and everything was for not. Go directly to photog-jail. Do not pass go.

Nov 21 15 09:31 pm Link



Posts: 10604

Los Angeles, California, US


Nov 21 15 11:50 pm Link