Forums > General Industry > When boobs go bad !


Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

3rd Floor Photography wrote:
Perhaps that is where we differ, which is fine. I guess I just see self-esteem tying in a lot with social influence. I never once thought about my nose until someone made a negative comment back in high school. Then I was self-conscious for years and it wasn't until I hit college that I realized everyone was different and there was no point in trying to change it because someone would like me for me. This only encouraged me to love my flaws rather than try to fix them.

I agree. I don't see how you can divorce self-esteem from social acceptance. We're social animals who require a certain amount acceptance in order to acheive self-esteem, assuming that Maslow cat was onto something.

Sep 01 06 07:27 pm Link


Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US


Sep 01 06 07:31 pm Link


Ana Paula

Posts: 61

theda wrote:

Is that a fact? A friend of mine got silicone gel implants and she was not a reconstruction case; she just wanted big knockers. Perhaps her doctor just BS'd so she could have them.  They tend to be more natural looking and feeling.  I'm pretty sure if you pay enough, you can get anything you want. 

As for reconstructive implants, that still does not qualify as a medical necessity.  Even if you have one radical mastectomy, there is no physical need to get an implant.  It still boils down to self-esteem and self-image issues. It's just that some of these issues are more severe or more apparent.

Silicone implants can only be obtain for reconstruction or breast lifts, first-time patients can only have saline. Maybe your friend went to a doctor that is doing illegally. No matter how much you pay if you don't qualify for it, you won't get it.

Sep 01 06 07:32 pm Link


Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Ana Paula wrote:
Silicone implants can only be obtain for reconstruction or breast lifts, first-time patients can only have saline. Maybe your friend went to a doctor that is doing illegally. No matter how much you pay if you don't qualify for it, you won't get it.

I won't reveal the name of the doctor, but he is considered the top surgeon in this area and one of the most expensive.  I don't doubt he attained both by deeming pretty much anyone a reconstructive case.

You can pretty much buy anything.

Sep 01 06 07:36 pm Link


Mz Machina

Posts: 1754

Chicago, Illinois, US

theda wrote:

Is that a fact? A friend of mine got silicone gel implants and she was not a reconstruction case; she just wanted big knockers. Perhaps her doctor just BS'd so she could have them.  They tend to be more natural looking and feeling.  I'm pretty sure if you pay enough, you can get anything you want. 

As for reconstructive implants, that still does not qualify as a medical necessity.  Even if you have one radical mastectomy, there is no physical need to get an implant.  It still boils down to self-esteem and self-image issues. It's just that some of these issues are more severe or more apparent.

Yes Theda, very true.... I actually met a surgeon in Fla. that would troll the clubs looking for patients , he tried to sell me , so i said "even if they were silicone it would take much consideration and thought before I even made a consultation" , he then informed me that altough it would cost more it is possible to get silicone still here in the u.s. and he could and did work out situations... although he was trying to sell me , i became aquainted to with this doctor and he had introduced me to some new silicone patients.... they also tried to approve a silicone gel in the u.s. ( it retains its own shape like jello)
I agree silicone looks and feels much more natural ... but I still insist at this time of my life , it is not for me , maybe when I am 63 or something.... LOL smile

Sep 01 06 07:38 pm Link



Posts: 175

Perth, Western Australia, Australia

Wes Hall wrote:
F#$% IT! I'm going to bash...

CUT this Shit out...I can't take it anymore. Are women so controlled my media and propoganda that they have lost all sense of self and self-worth. Hello...The size of your breasts should not determine the content of your character or life. I'm not just talking about breasts, no I'm going after all of it... Extreme Makeover to The Swan. This has gotten ridiculous...are all of you that needy for attention and love? Did daddy not tell you you were pretty enough? Did mommy compete with you for "the boys?" Did your last boyfriend leave you for a girl with a bigger chest?

Guess what? There will always be someone out there that has more than you. (Money, looks....etc.) People are idiots, ok? Most of us don't know what we want, and the rest of us wouldn't know what to do with it when we got it... So, If you allow external things to mitigate the existence of your happiness, then you are doomed to forever chase " the picture of a slice of cheese" as you run on your "little treadmill" that "they" gave you. 

Free your mind!!! Love you for who you are, not what you look like!!! If you were in a basd accident that disfigured your looks you would want people to love you for who you are not how you look, so why wait for tragedy to present a beauty that already exists?

P.S. And I hate the answer:" I just wanted them..."

love the attitide
I agree , problem is msot of the 'individuals with this problem' are too busy watching Mtv, shopping and consuming to hear/read/comprehend this concept.....where has my daddy gone? Is that mommy with Juonny from school over there, is my life messed up , naw nothing out of the ordinary here i think i'll go shopping....

Sep 01 06 07:40 pm Link


Jay Edwards

Posts: 18616

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

SolKat Photography wrote:
right now im looking at a ton of pics of a girl i took shots of that had fake boobs. i have real ones. they frikin suck. they are too big. so i look at this tiny girl and yes i guess alot of people come to me to be photoshopped, but dude, her boobs are so not right and this ugly scar on them, my boyfriend says remove the scar, i say leave the scar its a part of her, either way im gonna offend her when she sees them, shell either see how they look to others with a big scar, or see that i had to remove part of her, without the scar and be self conscious

i guess a self esteem boost is one thing but thats not going from a b to DDD cup. it looks bad. and yes it does draw sexual attention. the first thing unft people see on me is my boobs, i hate boobs.

thanks smile

Huh? I had to read your post twice to figure out what you're trying to say.  Are these pics for her portfolio?  Then ask her if she wants the scars retouched.  If the pics are for you then why did you shoot her if you don't like her appearance? Do you think she doesn't know she has scars?  Sheesh.

Sep 01 06 07:44 pm Link


Jay Edwards

Posts: 18616

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

Yes, official rules for silicone use restrict them to reconstructive purposes or replacement for women who already have silicone.  Yes, there are doctors who are bending the rules and using silicone against the rules.  The ''gummy bear'' silicone implant is currently undergoing testing in the US.

Sep 01 06 07:56 pm Link


Mz Machina

Posts: 1754

Chicago, Illinois, US

jayedwards wrote:
Yes, official rules for silicone use restrict them to reconstructive purposes or replacement for women who already have silicone.  Yes, there are doctors who are bending the rules and using silicone against the rules.  The ''gummy bear'' silicone implant is currently undergoing testing in the US.

The particuler surgeon i know said it had been tested and not approved by the FDA but knew of docs in Brazil (?) Mexico and somewhere in Europe who were performing the operations with the silicone gel...
I haven't talked to him in about a year ... guess I was a dead lead for the boob doc... he sure tried though!!!
On another note , some women I know who have them appear to have good self esteem , but crave attention or think it is some golden ticket to a dream, a man, a layout in Playboy, money or all of the above...for some it is for attention ( almost like a hypochondriac) and they keep going in for repairs adjustments and tune ups ...and then come back to civilisation saying "Look I got my boobs done ....again" every one looks or pokes or is invited to the bathroom to's like a bad re run...they talk about how great it is and then when they are over the excitement there they are getting their lips done or finding a problem with the last surgery...
This is somewhat of a mental illness (I forget the nameof it) and I feel for them.

Sep 01 06 08:11 pm Link


Far West Imaging

Posts: 436

Laguna Hills, California, US

I thought a "boob job" was work for someone like me.

Sep 01 06 08:15 pm Link



Posts: 1523

Pike Road, Alabama, US

Far West Imaging wrote:
I thought a "boob job" was work for someone like me.

Kinda almost leaves me speechless.  But then,  What Can I Say

Sep 01 06 08:21 pm Link


Mz Machina

Posts: 1754

Chicago, Illinois, US

Far West Imaging wrote:
I thought a "boob job" was work for someone like me.

Or anyone really  I mean we are all boobs at some point aren't we... I am just a little boob though... LOL so i dont often seek boob jobs, I am just not big enough...  LOL
Does this mean I have low self esteem ???

Sep 01 06 08:25 pm Link


Lexi Williams

Posts: 428

Covington, Washington, US

Sep 01 06 08:34 pm Link


Lexi Williams

Posts: 428

Covington, Washington, US

Damn ! I think I have the most beautitful natural boobs in the world !!!!!!!!!

perfect round 34 c cups (with lovely nipples) lol
that are are proportionate to my body

Now Im acauly scared to have kids  : 0

Sep 01 06 08:34 pm Link


Lexi Williams

Posts: 428

Covington, Washington, US

Damn ! I think I have the most beautitful natural boobs in the world !!!!!!!!!

perfect round 34 c cups (with lovely nipples) lol
that are are proportionate to my body

Now Im acauly scared to have kids  : 0

Sep 01 06 08:34 pm Link


Lexi Williams

Posts: 428

Covington, Washington, US

Damn ! I think I have the most beautitful natural boobs in the world !!!!!!!!!

perfect round 34 c cups (with lovely nipples) lol
that are are proportionate to my body

Now Im acauly scared to have kids  : 0

Sep 01 06 08:34 pm Link


Lexi Williams

Posts: 428

Covington, Washington, US

DAMN IT !!!!!!!!!!



Sep 01 06 08:36 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

CareLyn Anita wrote:
If you ever see me there introduce yourself .... will be FLA agian come winter ..-Carelyn, Snowbird, Nude Beach Investgator...

We MUST shoot!
Let me know when you'll be here, please!

Sep 01 06 10:28 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

Lexi Williams wrote:
Damn ! I think I have the most beautitful natural boobs in the world !!!!!!!!!

perfect round 34 c cups (with lovely nipples) lol
that are are proportionate to my body

Now Im acauly scared to have kids  : 0

You SHOULD be scared, they ruin your life!
And anyway, you're 5, if not 10, years too young to be thinking abaout kids.  Have at least a few more years of life.

And, uh, how about posting some pics so we can see how perfect they are?  wink

Sep 01 06 10:31 pm Link



Posts: 58134

Gainesville, Florida, US

Wes Hall wrote:
F#$% IT! I'm going to bash...

CUT this Shit out...I can't take it anymore. Are women so controlled my media and propoganda that they have lost all sense of self and self-worth. Hello...The size of your breasts should not determine the content of your character or life. I'm not just talking about breasts, no I'm going after all of it... Extreme Makeover to The Swan. This has gotten ridiculous...are all of you that needy for attention and love? Did daddy not tell you you were pretty enough? Did mommy compete with you for "the boys?" Did your last boyfriend leave you for a girl with a bigger chest?

Guess what? There will always be someone out there that has more than you. (Money, looks....etc.) People are idiots, ok? Most of us don't know what we want, and the rest of us wouldn't know what to do with it when we got it... So, If you allow external things to mitigate the existence of your happiness, then you are doomed to forever chase " the picture of a slice of cheese" as you run on your "little treadmill" that "they" gave you. 

Free your mind!!! Love you for who you are, not what you look like!!! If you were in a basd accident that disfigured your looks you would want people to love you for who you are not how you look, so why wait for tragedy to present a beauty that already exists?

P.S. And I hate the answer:" I just wanted them..."

Ok, and how many hours a day do you spend working out? I highly doubt you came into that body naturally.

Sep 01 06 11:18 pm Link


Jay Edwards

Posts: 18616

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

Lexi Williams wrote:
Damn ! I think I have the most beautitful natural boobs in the world !!!!!!!!!

perfect round 34 c cups (with lovely nipples) lol
that are are proportionate to my body

Now Im acauly scared to have kids  : 0

Oh sheesh...

Sep 01 06 11:28 pm Link



Posts: 21678

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

I've photographed big breasts, little breasts, perky breasts, torpedo tits, natural and man-made and they're all fine by me.

Sep 01 06 11:30 pm Link


Aurora Natrix

Posts: 458

Miami, Florida, US

SLE Photography wrote:

SLE Photography wrote:
As a matter of fact, Teri's are less than spectacular
Those'd look better wrapped in a nice bra LOL

That pic was from "Heaven's Prisoners" in 1996, 3 years after "Seinfeld" and pre-kids.

Wow..then I guess they're real...and not very spectacular..heh. I feel like a politician recanting my words. Well mine are real at least. And they definetly defy gravity for hopefully the next few years at least!

Sep 02 06 05:44 am Link


Jasmine Jove

Posts: 8


fake boobs are nice because they are perky.
but they're also over rated and played out.. i mean kids get them as graduation gifts.. and your boobs dont even stop maturing till your twenties.

small boobs are also a great sense of insecurity because if you have nothing to make up for your lack of boobs (ie good looks, an ass, etc.) .. then getting a boob job done and have guys stare at your tits is an ego boost ( i can imagine ) . you atleast get some kind of attention.

but boob jobs are so poorly done these days because of its demand, everyone wants to supply it without caring for the patient.

i almost wanted a boob job, but then my boobs started growing into a C. they're not perky as fake C's, but they look just as good in clothes. haha.

i've seen good boob jobs, and i've seen crappy ones. i hear it all depends on the womans body. i really dislike the boobs with the big gap in the middle. ;x

Sep 02 06 05:51 am Link


Mz Machina

Posts: 1754

Chicago, Illinois, US

AurorA NatriX wrote:
Wow..then I guess they're real...and not very spectacular..heh. I feel like a politician recanting my words. Well mine are real at least. And they definetly defy gravity for hopefully the next few years at least!

Noo offense meant but it sounds like they would make a great circus act smile

Sep 02 06 05:52 am Link


Richard Piscitello

Posts: 67

Burbank, California, US

Okay.... I feel the need to contribute.

First... I love small boobs...  Too many women are obsessed with big boobs.

On the flip side... It's clear that men stare at boobs... especially big ones.  Certain dresses just work with bigger boobs.

Pretty much every guy on this site would get his dick enlarged... thicker and/or longer if it were something that science could offer.  I like my cock... it's a good size and it works very well... but if I could get it just a bit larger... HELL YEAH!

Now boobs don't make sex better... but they do get attention.  Who can blame a woman for wanting more attention.  They have to compete for attention... so unless they're planning on actually whipping them out in front of everyone.. then bigger ones in something skimpy works.  I can't blame them for that.

Just my two cents!  but I do love those cute perky small ones that stick out!  A's and B's!  LUV THEM!

Sep 02 06 06:00 am Link



Posts: 175

Brighton, Alabama, US

Wes Hall wrote:
F#$% IT! I'm going to bash...

CUT this Shit out...I can't take it anymore. Are women so controlled my media and propoganda that they have lost all sense of self and self-worth. Hello...The size of your breasts should not determine the content of your character or life. I'm not just talking about breasts, no I'm going after all of it... Extreme Makeover to The Swan. This has gotten ridiculous...are all of you that needy for attention and love? Did daddy not tell you you were pretty enough? Did mommy compete with you for "the boys?" Did your last boyfriend leave you for a girl with a bigger chest?

Guess what? There will always be someone out there that has more than you. (Money, looks....etc.) People are idiots, ok? Most of us don't know what we want, and the rest of us wouldn't know what to do with it when we got it... So, If you allow external things to mitigate the existence of your happiness, then you are doomed to forever chase " the picture of a slice of cheese" as you run on your "little treadmill" that "they" gave you. 

Free your mind!!! Love you for who you are, not what you look like!!! If you were in a basd accident that disfigured your looks you would want people to love you for who you are not how you look, so why wait for tragedy to present a beauty that already exists?

P.S. And I hate the answer:" I just wanted them..."

Couldnt more agree! However, we all do things to make ourselves feel better, weather its natrual or not, Really....its up to the person, why let it bother you?

Sep 02 06 07:24 am Link


Danica Lee

Posts: 881

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

I'm not a fan of fake breasts, but a womans (or a mans) body is theirs to do with as they please. As adults we're permitted to make choices, even if they are bad ones (in some peoples opinions).

I have been considering off and on for the last year or so having mine reduced. Proportionally they work, but in practice.... Most clothes dont fit me over the bust properly and more often than not I feel like I'm falling out of the top or dress I am wearing. Girls with big breasts can feel just as self concious and unattractive as girls with small breasts.

I don't think implants are getting bigger or 'nastier'. I just think they are become more common. Here in AU you can get it done through the public healthcare system. You just have to go on a nine month waiting list as opposed to having it done as a private patient, paying the big dollars, and getting it done right away.

Sep 02 06 07:58 am Link



Posts: 3591

Dayton, Ohio, US

theda wrote:
As for reconstructive implants, that still does not qualify as a medical necessity.  Even if you have one radical mastectomy, there is no physical need to get an implant.  It still boils down to self-esteem and self-image issues. It's just that some of these issues are more severe or more apparent.

Theda, you beat me to that punch..

I was reading thru the thread and thinking NOOOOO, it is ALL for cosmetic reasons.. if you lost 500lbs and had all the excess skin removed for medical reasons, there is no reason to get implants other than the fact that you want to have SOME boobs..

A friend of mine had breast cancer, lost her left breast.. they did lipo to reconstruct it but didnt build her a nipple.. She asked her doctor to remove the other nipple so she wouldnt have to wear a bra at all.. LOL

She chose not to get implants.. accepted her body they way it NOW is..

So Theda, i agree.. you hit it right on the head..

Sep 02 06 08:13 am Link


Yasmin Al Tellawy

Posts: 179

Tonbridge, England, United Kingdom

I don't know how well this is going to go down, but what the hell, Im throwing in my opinion..
I disagree with all sorts of surgery, Unless it is for some sort of medical reasoning.
We are all blessed to look different from one another, and you should respect what you are given. I dislike breast implants a lot.. They all look the smae and it is so easy to tell that they are fake in my eyes.
Be happy with yourself and respect yourself. Only do things to make yourself happy, not because of Media pressure or industry pressure. If you are determined enough you will succeed in whatever you choose to do.
Not only do I disagree with Breast implants because of how they look, but there are so many complications to deal with later on in life..
I can only agree with surgery in some cases, for medical reasons as I said, as I do believe surgeons can do, and have done some amazing things to help people through surgery..
Please, no-one take this as Im trying to insult anyone, as I am not, purely just giving my opinion.
Im all natural and would never in my life consider getting anything done to myself. How I think is take it or leave it with me. I do not want to change my body to look like everyone else, I like being me and different, and I do hope there are many other people out there with this sort of opinion.

                                              Yasmin xx

Sep 02 06 08:29 am Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

SLE Photography wrote:

That pic was from "Heaven's Prisoners" in 1996, 3 years after "Seinfeld" and pre-kids.

AurorA NatriX wrote:
Wow..then I guess they're real...and not very spectacular..heh. I feel like a politician recanting my words. Well mine are real at least. And they definetly defy gravity for hopefully the next few years at least!

Well HECK, you oughta show 'em off if they're that great!
I live in Fl, i'll be happy tp shoot them for you so you have memories of them for later!

Sep 02 06 08:44 am Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

Jasmine Jove wrote:
fake boobs are nice because they are perky.
but they're also over rated and played out.. i mean kids get them as graduation gifts.. and your boobs dont even stop maturing till your twenties.

i almost wanted a boob job, but then my boobs started growing into a C. they're not perky as fake C's, but they look just as good in clothes. haha.

Hence my commentary about people ruining them by having kids too young.  Wait till you're at least 25 ladies!!

Sep 02 06 08:47 am Link



Posts: 332

Bowie, Maryland, US

Another situation where a woman is "damn if she does and damn if she doesn't."

Sep 02 06 01:56 pm Link


Aurora Natrix

Posts: 458

Miami, Florida, US

CareLyn Anita wrote:

Noo offense meant but it sounds like they would make a great circus act smile

Hmm....that gives me an idea for a shoot!

Sep 02 06 03:13 pm Link



Posts: 1271

Colorado Springs, Colorado, US

UnoMundo Photography wrote:

thank you...for the people who pump iron   why?

you want a certain look ! marathon runners are healthier so dont start.

people have nose jobs to boob jobs. let them satisfy their own ego.
It is none of your business how the woman got her boobs !

Yeah, but I can break a marathon runner in two during fisticuffs.
Hey, but to get back on topic, I have no problem with a good boob job. I would be pissed if some dude put plastic inserts under his skin (don't laugh they are available) to make his muscles look bigger. I don't even want people using steroids.

Sep 02 06 03:19 pm Link


Scott Evans

Posts: 385

Cypress, California, US

Ok,,,let me try to clear this up again.  It is not a matter of weather or not I think a woman has the right to chose breat implants or not.  For me,,,and from my perspective, this model was perfect, perfect natural breasts, and now they are obviously implants.

It is like this.  You already have a 2007 LS400, black, loaded.  Now your take the same LS400 and have it painted bright pink with black polk-a-dots.  You have the choice to do this, no argument from me, but you lessen the number of people who would be willing to buy it because of the new paint job.

Sep 02 06 03:21 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Susan Verdugo

Posts: 904

Los Angeles, California, US

Scott Evans wrote:
Ok,,,let me try to clear this up again.  It is not a matter of weather or not I think a woman has the right to chose breat implants or not.  For me,,,and from my perspective, this model was perfect, perfect natural breasts, and now they are obviously implants.

It is like this.  You already have a 2007 LS400, black, loaded.  Now your take the same LS400 and have it painted bright pink with black polk-a-dots.  You have the choice to do this, no argument from me, but you lessen the number of people who would be willing to buy it because of the new paint job.

Key word being "obvious(ly)"

Prime example:  Tori Spelling 
For ALL the money she's got (stands to lose [thanks, mom.]), it amazes me at what a bad job she got.

THE telltale sign:  4 fingers to a whole hand's worth of distance between tit A and tit B.   and it's still WORSE when you can see the washboard "xylophone" bony chest that otherwise existed prior/still.

the 2ND worst telltale sign:  when girls have giant ones...wear a spaghetti strapped tank / go braless and it's apparent nothing is holding them so oddly up.

fantastic plastic.   (yuck)

Sep 02 06 03:33 pm Link


Jay Edwards

Posts: 18616

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

Scott Evans wrote:
Ok,,,let me try to clear this up again.  It is not a matter of weather or not I think a woman has the right to chose breat implants or not.  For me,,,and from my perspective, this model was perfect, perfect natural breasts, and now they are obviously implants.

It is like this.  You already have a 2007 LS400, black, loaded.  Now your take the same LS400 and have it painted bright pink with black polk-a-dots.  You have the choice to do this, no argument from me, but you lessen the number of people who would be willing to buy it because of the new paint job.

Yes, well she obviously didn't feel she was ''perfect'' even though you did.  So, you're saying that your opinion of her body is more important than her own opinion?  Think about that before you answer.  Your car analogy is silly -- a better comparison would be if you put a hood scoop on the LS400, not an entire paint job.  Anyway, the owner of the car can do whatever they want to the car if they don't have to worry about the resale value.  In other words, those who do not need the approval of others are free to do whatever they want to please only themselves.  Besides, who wants an LS400 anyway -- it's not a ''perfect'' car.  Admit it, it is about you thinking whether or not a woman has the right to choose implants.  You wouldn't be complaining otherwise...

Sep 03 06 03:03 am Link


Bill Bates

Posts: 3850

Payson, Utah, US

I hate the term "fake breast/boobs"

If you can see them, touch them ...

they exist, therefore they are real!

Come on ... Guys with cameras can't be picky about the boobs they get to peak at. Being a GWC is about quantity not quality. lol

Sep 03 06 07:31 am Link


Miles Chandler

Posts: 647

Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Implants- hate them all. Ugly, immobile, unnatural. I won't shoot a model with implants, ever. They're somebody else's problem. My camera and time, so I don't have to be open-minded about this particular issue:-)
Real breasts move and fall in beautiful ways that plastic and water can't do:
And as for the "mine are TOO small" excuse, it's absurd. My best model has practically no breasts, and she's lovely. To put implants in the same category as working out to be fit shows a pretty twisted mindset.

Sep 03 06 09:14 am Link