Forums > General Industry > Stretchmarks


Chris Von Teen

Posts: 16

Pennsburg, Pennsylvania, US

I just had a baby less then 3 months ago and I developed light stretch marks on my upper thighs, and I have shoots coming up, not to mention I've been asked to do a few pin up shoots, what do you think?

I can't and wont do anything with nudity. However,  do you think Photographers would care?

Aug 24 06 03:06 pm Link



Posts: 1565

Brooklyn, New York, US

I'm aware of people who swear by cocoa butter's ability to deal with stretch marks.

Aug 24 06 03:18 pm Link


Chris Von Teen

Posts: 16

Pennsburg, Pennsylvania, US

A Twisted Mind wrote:
I'm aware of people who swear by cocoa butter's ability to deal with stretch marks.

Thats what I've been using since I was 6 months pregnant.   And thats why their light now compared to how deep they used to be.

I also have them on my boobs which restrics me from wearing certain things =\

Aug 24 06 03:20 pm Link



Posts: 1565

Brooklyn, New York, US

The Fabulous Teeny,

Well, if the cocoa butter worked so well on your thighs, I would think that you'd be using it on the stretchmarks on your breasts as

Aug 24 06 03:31 pm Link


FlirtynFun Photography

Posts: 13926

Houston, Texas, US

Keep in mind that Photoshop can edit most stretch marks fairly easily if they're not too bad.

Aug 24 06 03:35 pm Link


alyssa jamison

Posts: 204

Tampa, Florida, US

AND.....a lot of people have them. Don't sweat it. They don't even show up in photshoots.

Aug 24 06 03:38 pm Link


Beth R

Posts: 4

Murphysboro, Illinois, US

I have some stretchmarks also...damn genetics. But they arent that noticable. Im sure they probably wont show up on film, and if they do, photoshop could edit most of them out. Just keep using the cocoa butter.

Aug 24 06 03:38 pm Link


Chris Von Teen

Posts: 16

Pennsburg, Pennsylvania, US

FlirtynFun Photography wrote:
Keep in mind that Photoshop can edit most stretch marks fairly easily if they're not too bad.

Very true, good point, but will some be photographers willing to do that.

Aug 24 06 03:39 pm Link


Chris Von Teen

Posts: 16

Pennsburg, Pennsylvania, US

A Twisted Mind wrote:
The Fabulous Teeny,

Well, if the cocoa butter worked so well on your thighs, I would think that you'd be using it on the stretchmarks on your breasts as

I can't because I'm breastfeeding and the doctors say not to use any lotion on them.
But they are getting better little by little by themselves.

Aug 24 06 03:40 pm Link


Chris Von Teen

Posts: 16

Pennsburg, Pennsylvania, US

Oh good, I thought I was the only model out there with stretchmarks.
The Last shoot I tried to hide them so hard, it turned out so bad lol

Aug 24 06 03:42 pm Link



Posts: 73

Utica, Michigan, US

The Fabulous Teeny wrote:

Very true, good point, but will some be photographers willing to do that.

Just another point to cover with a photographer BEFORE the shoot. Most of them I think will appreciate it. I'm sure I'm not alone in having models ask in the middle of a shoot - "can you fix (insert flaw here) in Photoshop for me?" Also, it may be possible with a talented photographer that they can shoot in ways that are flattering and will hide the marks.

Aug 24 06 03:50 pm Link


Kelly OConnor

Posts: 86

Orlando, Florida, US

It's not so much the coco butter that reduces the stretch marks, as it is the massaging the butter onto the marks.  The massage promotes blood flow, which in turn promotes healing and the fading of stretch marks.  So just keep massaging the marks, coco butter or not, and that should help them fade.

Aug 24 06 04:02 pm Link



Posts: 55

New Jersey, New Brunswick, Canada

Cocoa Butter is great to use on stretch marks. Just make sure that it is really pure cocoa butter and not the diluted kind. Shea Butter is also one of the best skin healers out there. Its natural and can fade any kind of scar on the body. Vitamin E will also help. It gives the skin the elasticity it needs to heal the marks. Lastly, when you come out the shower and your skin is still damp, apply baby oil (or any of the above lotions). Believe me, it works wonders!

Aug 24 06 04:14 pm Link


Chris Von Teen

Posts: 16

Pennsburg, Pennsylvania, US

xJenellex wrote:
Cocoa Butter is great to use on stretch marks. Just make sure that it is really pure cocoa butter and not the diluted kind. Shea Butter is also one of the best skin healers out there. Its natural and can fade any kind of scar on the body. Vitamin E will also help. It gives the skin the elasticity it needs to heal the marks. Lastly, when you come out the shower and your skin is still damp, apply baby oil (or any of the above lotions). Believe me, it works wonders!

Thats exactly what I do!!  Thanks a lot

Aug 24 06 04:23 pm Link



Posts: 27

London, Ontario, Canada

Very few models are perfect. There is usually someone that is airbrushed or photoshopped out at some point in their career.. and stretchmarks are one of the most common things. Unless they are still red, new marks, they don't often show up much and are easily removed.

Aug 24 06 04:30 pm Link


Chris Von Teen

Posts: 16

Pennsburg, Pennsylvania, US

BrokenAngel wrote:
Very few models are perfect. There is usually someone that is airbrushed or photoshopped out at some point in their career.. and stretchmarks are one of the most common things. Unless they are still red, new marks, they don't often show up much and are easily removed.

Mine are quite red....
I wish they where white =\

Aug 24 06 04:39 pm Link


Wynd Mulysa

Posts: 8619

Berkeley, California, US

The Fabulous Teeny wrote:

I also have them on my boobs which restrics me from wearing certain things =\

How can stretch marks restrict you from wearing things?  Are they some sort of buttons that any exposure will push and make your head fall off?  I don't get it.  It's your skin. 

Anyway, they can be photoshopped out easily, if they even need to be, and you should not stop modeling because of them.

Aug 24 06 04:59 pm Link


Christopher Lewis

Posts: 220

Farmington Hills, Michigan, US

A Photographer's Solutions -

    First tell the photographer so that the lighting selected avoids highlighting the stretchmarks.  For example, stong sidelighting would bring them out.  Second, to the extent they are visable at all, the easiest, and also highly effective, method of removing them in Photoshops CS2 is the spot healing brush tool.  That is a very quick fix. Even if the photographer's Photoshop skills are at a basic level, this is extremely easy to do.  There are also several other Photoshop solutions including the old, dependable healing brush tool and clone stamping.  These likewise are quick and easy.

   The OP should not worry about stretchmarks, but rather, enjoy her baby, and the return to shooting.

Aug 24 06 05:47 pm Link



Posts: 3256

Madison, Alabama, US

Get a good scrub or use sugar, you need to "resurface" the sceen for the new skin to show up... sort of like a snake )))

Aug 24 06 05:53 pm Link



Posts: 95

Raleigh, Illinois, US

tanning sometimes helps blend the two skin tones in

Aug 24 06 05:58 pm Link


ImageStar Portraits

Posts: 3

Jeffersonville, Indiana, US

A Twisted Mind wrote:
I'm aware of people who swear by cocoa butter's ability to deal with stretch marks.

It can help to an extent, but unfortunately genetics play a big part when it comes to strech marks:(  I have worked with a few models who used body coverup by MAC that worked well in concealing them. That and photoshop does wonders. wink

Aug 24 06 06:03 pm Link



Posts: 3256

Madison, Alabama, US

Jordyn wrote:
tanning sometimes helps blend the two skin tones in

Actually tanning would get it worse, because:
a) it irritates the streched skin and therefore those marks get even more red
b) the strechmarks would usually be a different tan color then the rest of the skin.

Aug 24 06 06:28 pm Link



Posts: 18

Ross-on-Wye, England, United Kingdom

Madcitychel wrote:

Actually tanning would get it worse, because:
a) it irritates the streched skin and therefore those marks get even more red
b) the strechmarks would usually be a different tan color then the rest of the skin.

Yeah i had that problem i was told that tanning helped, but it just made them stand out more, but coco butter does work definately, i still have them but they are nowhere near as bad as they were.  I wouldnt worry about them they wont show up and like its been said here they are easily enough edited out.

Aug 25 06 07:05 am Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

A Twisted Mind wrote:
I'm aware of people who swear by cocoa butter's ability to deal with stretch marks.

It helps, but for it to really work you have to start applying it before the weight gain starts to PREVENT the marks.  it only does so much after the fact.

Aug 25 06 08:35 am Link



Posts: 91

Los Angeles, California, US

The Fabulous Teeny wrote:
I just had a baby less then 3 months ago and I developed light stretch marks on my upper thighs, and I have shoots coming up, not to mention I've been asked to do a few pin up shoots, what do you think?

I can't and wont do anything with nudity. However,  do you think Photographers would care?

Cow utter cream is good or while pregnant Olive Oil... most pics are retouched any ways... many mods have stretch marks...

Aug 25 06 08:38 am Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

'course the marks should fade to white in time, yours are fresh
Best way to prevent them, of course, is not to irresponsibly have babies before you're old enough & your body's fully developed, but hey what do I know  smile

Aug 25 06 04:22 pm Link


i c e c o l d

Posts: 8610

Fort Myers, Florida, US

SLE Photography wrote:
Best way to prevent them, of course, is not to irresponsibly have babies before you're old enough & your body's fully developed, but hey what do I know  smile

Best advice so far!!

But back to the question at hand. Yes, always be honest and upfront with the photographer and let him know that you have them. So plans can be made to address them. Nothing like saying you only have a few small lite ones, then show up with a ton of deep red ones. A few lite ones are easy to PS out, but I'm not going to go thru a few dozen images to PS out a ton of stretch marks.

Don't get me wrong about them, because its a natural occurance that can't be helped, but don't fool yourself or the photographer when it comes to shooting with them.

Aug 25 06 04:40 pm Link


Electra T

Posts: 15462

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

Brigitte_BM wrote:

.. many mods have stretch marks...

fatties! tongue

i keed i keed

Aug 25 06 05:07 pm Link


Electra T

Posts: 15462

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

SLE Photography wrote:
'course the marks should fade to white in time, yours are fresh
Best way to prevent them, of course, is not to irresponsibly have babies before you're old enough & your body's fully developed, but hey what do I know  smile


You can put that where?

Back there.

Aug 25 06 05:08 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist

Michael Hall- For Style

Posts: 21

Seattle, Washington, US

SLE Photography wrote:
'course the marks should fade to white in time, yours are fresh
Best way to prevent them, of course, is not to irresponsibly have babies before you're old enough & your body's fully developed, but hey what do I know  smile

that's the most stupid'est thing i ever heard.  Good joke though.

Aug 25 06 05:11 pm Link