Forums > General Industry > Too much insincere tagging?



Posts: 332

Cleveland, Ohio, US

I see compliments in portfolios that are completely lacking, giving these models and photogs false hope.  Looking at cheese cakes poses that are overposed that I'd see a 14 year old girl doing is really doing more harm than good, isn't it?

I am no Scavullo, but, damn.  Too many people tagging just to be popular, just as they do in MySpace.  Too many are more concerned with adding Friends and Tagging so that they can feed their egos than to create great images.  How can the achieve more if they think that they are given thumbs up on junk that they post?

Aug 16 06 07:23 am Link


North Pole Photography

Posts: 1935

Agree:  a lot of unsincere tagging; however, MM has no shortage of sincere flaming!!

Aug 16 06 07:27 am Link


Click Hamilton

Posts: 36555

San Diego, California, US

Weather it's junk or not is your own point of view. And it's a very negative and condescending point of view at that. The work in your own portfolio doesn't qualify you to ridicule anyone.

Others may think the stuff you dislike is great. You are not the arbitrar of what's good or not, so this post is nonsense and nearly irrelevant except to point out that you are being bigoted and narrow minded. This post is no better than the photos you criticize as being unworthy.

Remove your ego and personal opinion from the judgement of what's good or not and let the market speak for itself. Everyone is at their own level as models, photographers and artists -- we all start somewhere and hopefully we are all growing with our experience. There's room for everyone.

Aug 16 06 07:34 am Link


Kristen Weaver

Posts: 1590

Orlando, Florida, US

Click Hamilton wrote:
You are not the arbitrar of what's good or not, so this post is nonsense and nearly irrelevant except to point out that you are being bigoted.

Oh, how true.

Aug 16 06 07:40 am Link


North Pole Photography

Posts: 1935

Click Hamilton wrote:
Weather it's junk or not is your own point of view, and it's a very negative and condescending point of view at that.

Others may think the stuff you ridicule is great. You are not the arbitrar of what's good or not, so this post is nonsense and nearly irrelevant except to point out that you are being bigoted. This post is no better than the photos you criticize as being unworthy.

Remove your ego and opinion from the judgement of what's good or not and let the market speak for itself. Everyone is at their own level as models, photographers and artists -- we all start somewhere and hopefully we are all growing with our experience. There's room for everyone.

Wow, almost instantenous confirmation!!

Aug 16 06 07:40 am Link


Hadyn Lassiter

Posts: 2898

New Haven, Connecticut, US

UnSeenYou wrote:
I see compliments in portfolios that are completely lacking, giving these models and photogs false hope.  Looking at cheese cakes poses that are overposed that I'd see a 14 year old girl doing is really doing more harm than good, isn't it?

I am no Scavullo, but, damn.  Too many people tagging just to be popular, just as they do in MySpace.  Too many are more concerned with adding Friends and Tagging so that they can feed their egos than to create great images.  How can the achieve more if they think that they are given thumbs up on junk that they post?

No not a Scavullo, the cream always rises to the top it does'nt need your help in doing so.
Look to your own work first.

Aug 16 06 07:45 am Link


Click Hamilton

Posts: 36555

San Diego, California, US

Stevens Photography wrote:
Wow, almost instantenous confirmation!!

Haha ... that wasn't a flame. It was a defense of everyone here who's doing what they love and trying to improve.

Should we all go to the OP's portfolio and leave some glowing tags of encouragement? Why not? He has as much right to express himself with his photos as the rest of us.

It's all relative. People who are better than we are, are awesome. In the Kingdom Of The Blind, we are all brilliant.

Aug 16 06 07:47 am Link


Worlds Of Water

Posts: 37732

Rancho Cucamonga, California, US

So far... NOT a recepient of 'insincere tags' here.  Everyone who's posted comments on my page and pics are pretty much right on... wink

Aug 16 06 07:49 am Link



Posts: 252

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, US

UnSeenYou wrote:
I see compliments in portfolios that are completely lacking, giving these models and photogs false hope.  Looking at cheese cakes poses that are overposed that I'd see a 14 year old girl doing is really doing more harm than good, isn't it?

I am no Scavullo, but, damn.  Too many people tagging just to be popular, just as they do in MySpace.  Too many are more concerned with adding Friends and Tagging so that they can feed their egos than to create great images.  How can the achieve more if they think that they are given thumbs up on junk that they post?

I agree completely. I see "Amazing!!!" when the image hardly rises to below average, much less amazing. But that's the nature of this site after all. Nothing's going to change. Now, if people want to have unrealistic expectations, that's their deal, they'll discover reality pretty soon.

Aug 16 06 07:50 am Link



Posts: 332

Cleveland, Ohio, US

Click Hamilton wrote:
Weather it's junk or not is your own point of view. And it's a very negative and condescending point of view at that. The work in your own portfolio doesn't qualify you to ridicule anyone.

Others may think the stuff you dislike is great. You are not the arbitrar of what's good or not, so this post is nonsense and nearly irrelevant except to point out that you are being bigoted and narrow minded. This post is no better than the photos you criticize as being unworthy.

Remove your ego and personal opinion from the judgement of what's good or not and let the market speak for itself. Everyone is at their own level as models, photographers and artists -- we all start somewhere and hopefully we are all growing with our experience. There's room for everyone.

I love the way that CA people are so much into calling people bigots and that we need to just 'be nice' and 'accept' mediocre.  Maybe that is why so many people can not achieve in the REAL WORLD because they are not told the truth about their efforts.  Your post was a good example that it is 'condescending' to have an open discussion that people need to stop stroking the egos of people for posting junk. 

BTW, I am not bringing my ego to the discussion.  My concern is that so many with their 'pop-culture - MySpace' mentality are in fact not facing the reality of what this site is all about. 

We can all make improvements and can all improve something ... but the constant telling people that they have great ports when they are posting junk is in fact lying to them.  Making them think that they are doing okay, is really postioning to fail.

Aug 16 06 07:51 am Link


Click Hamilton

Posts: 36555

San Diego, California, US

UnSeenYou wrote:
I love the way that CA people are so much into calling people bigots and that we need to just 'be nice' and 'accept' mediocre.  Maybe that is why so many people can not achieve in the REAL WORLD because they are not told the truth about their efforts.  Your post was a good example that it is 'condescending' to have an open discussion that people need to stop stroking the egos of people for posting junk. 

BTW, I am not bringing my ego to the discussion.  My concern is that so many with their 'pop-culture - MySpace' mentality are in fact not facing the reality of what this site is all about. 

We can all make improvements and can all improve something ... but the constant telling people that they have great ports when they are posting junk is in fact lying to them.  Making them think that they are doing okay, is really postioning to fail.

I believe most of the posts you are complaining about are given with sincerity.

Using the word "bigot" was not meant as an insult. It's an accurate word that describes the tone of your post:

bigot: a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (MM photographers and models, MySpace, etc.) with disdain and intolerance

In the REAL WORLD, your own portfolio is quite mediocre. I'm sure some people love it, but I don't want to give you false hopes. Looking at it and reading the tags doesn't bother me at all. I wish you the best.

It's nothing personal. I'm just enjoying my morning coffee and shoveling some of your own crap back at you as a sounding board.

Loosen up a little, and enjoy the work here for what it is. MM is a nice place, and there are lots of nice people here.

PS, MySpace is a booming success, even if you don't like it. This underscores my point too.

Aug 16 06 08:02 am Link



Posts: 2173

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

What YOU like maybe what another dislikes so another persons opinion differing from yours is just as valid as your own.

If you percieve it as false praise because YOU dont like the image it matters not a jot tbh.

Oh I would also point you the the blurb on the front page that does compare this place to myspace.

Aug 16 06 08:07 am Link


Mac Wolff

Posts: 3665

Litchfield Park, Arizona, US

Were not all the same, each person has their own perspective of what a photo is to them and them, and they have the freedome to make their opinion known to that respective Model, Phoographer or MUA !!  Im sure there are good and bad opinions to every person


Aug 16 06 08:16 am Link



Posts: 332

Cleveland, Ohio, US

Click Hamilton wrote:
Loosen up a little, and enjoy the work here for what it is. MM is a nice place, and there are lots of nice people here.

PS, MySpace is a booming success, even if you don't like it. This underscores my point too.

Loosen up when you started the jabbing in the first place?   

MySpace is a success, but that does not make it appropriate for MM.  My point, that I need to clarify, is that people seem to be more into Tagging and building their Friends List than working on building the quality of their work.  And if they are busy giving affirmations to junk, then they will never learn to do better so that they can get the jobs that they say that they want.  It's sorta like the friends of Johnny dont tell Johnny that he stinks at singing and when he goes out for a real singing job that he faces the real world and gets slaughtered.  Then his eog is really shattered because he was never lead into singing better.  Time was wasted on protecting his ego now, and later he gets kicked in the nuts. 

Personally, I reject a lot of Friend requests, because a lot of the pics that I see are crap.  I dont get into adding friends with bondage shots and cheesy cam phone shots as their main pic.  If I wanted to add friends to be popular, I'd go to that vapid MySpace.

Aug 16 06 08:20 am Link



Posts: 1041

Matawan, New Jersey, US

I have to agree with click.  There are so many good camera phone images on here, they do deserve the tags.

Aug 16 06 08:24 am Link



Posts: 2173

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

UnSeenYou wrote:

MySpace is a success, but that does not make it appropriate for MM.

Again I urge you to read the blurb from the front page that reads thus

Welcome to Model Mayhem!
This is a website for models and photographers to post their pictures and network (read: talk smack) with each other. Kind of like a portfolio website with a Friendster/Myspace feel to it. It is completely free... so check it out now. Rock!

Aug 16 06 08:24 am Link



Posts: 213

Arlington, Georgia, US

*yawn* many times has this issue been discussed?
Honestly, im not impressed with your work either.....never would have told ya, but here you are opening it up for discussion when you criticize the masses.....

Aug 16 06 08:26 am Link


Click Hamilton

Posts: 36555

San Diego, California, US

UnSeenYou wrote:
Loosen up when you started the jabbing in the first place?

Haha .. scroll up to your opening post.


Aug 16 06 08:26 am Link


OKC Photography

Posts: 27

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, US

As a comment to the OP, I see this as a place to give constructive criticism to those who are honestly trying.  And sometimes that can amount to point out what they did right - even if it amounts to something pretty small.  I try not to be too blunt so as to hurt people's feelings because I feel everyone here is sincere unless proved otherwise.  I DON'T give high praise where I don't feel it is warranted but still I often sometimes feel moved by the tog's or model's efforts to make some sort of positive comment.

And to the other readers of this thread, I consider MOST of the photographer's here as magnitudes of order above my own skill level.  But ModelMayhem is a great learning tool for me to see what the great photographers are doing and that hopefully helps spur my own creativitiy so I can climb out of that "mediocre" category!  LOL

Aug 16 06 08:31 am Link


Gems of Nature in N Atl

Posts: 1334

North Atlanta, Georgia, US

most the images, posts and comments should be taken purely as a free source of comic relief.

Aug 16 06 08:34 am Link


Chris Macan

Posts: 13020

HAVERTOWN, Pennsylvania, US

Everyone needs a little love,
It's all good,
No harm done by a little Ego Fluffing.

It's like telling unstylish Aunt Marge how nice her dress looks
Just a harmless little white lie.

Aug 16 06 08:49 am Link



Posts: 467

Miami, Florida, US

I will tell you one thing, yesterday a "model" on here got in her new pics, asked me if I liked them. I said "nope, I  think they overdid the airbrushing on your face alot and you look fake" She got Mad at me for telling her the truth and hardly even acknowledges me now, when a day before she was all buddy buddy. I told her look if you want me to lie to you like alot of other people probably do, you might as well stop dealing with me.Has she been lied to so much that she cant handle it when someone tells her the Truth? But I still agree its all subjective, I dont like alot of stuff on here that people like and I DO like alot of stuff people dont. its the way life goes.

Aug 16 06 08:51 am Link


OKC Photography

Posts: 27

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, US

TrueHorror wrote:
I will tell you one thing, yesterday a "model" on here got in her new pics, asked me if I liked them. I said "nope, I  think they overdid the airbrushing on your face alot and you look fake" She got Mad at me for telling her the truth and hardly even acknowledges me now, when a day before she was all buddy buddy...

LOL.... I did the exact same thing with a photographer.  Despite my classifying myself as an amateur, I am really picky about people over-Photoshopping to the point that there is no natural skin tone left (and yeah, my early work was just like that too).

Aug 16 06 08:59 am Link


Vision Studios

Posts: 9

Monument, Colorado, US

Were all bozo's on this bus

Aug 16 06 09:10 am Link



Posts: 467

Miami, Florida, US

OKC Photography wrote:

LOL.... I did the exact same thing with a photographer.  Despite my classifying myself as an amateur, I am really picky about people over-Photoshopping to the point that there is no natural skin tone left (and yeah, my early work was just like that too).

yeah it just looked weird ya know? I use photoshop in creating SOME of my images but its used to create the actual look I want which is generally "UN-Natural" But this girls face looked like a drawing and her body did not.

Aug 16 06 09:15 am Link


Mary Needham

Posts: 34

Sunnyvale, California, US

in regards to the initial post...I get what you're saying.  I have noticed people tag me some elaborate compliment but then I see they posted the exact same thing verbatum on other people's profiles too, like cut and paste. So I don't get too confident off those posts. Oh well, to each his/her own.

Aug 16 06 09:19 am Link



Posts: 545

Sterling, Virginia, US

The truth hurts.. but I still want to hear it...

Falsely kissing my ass does nothing for me but make my head big and makes my work suffer... You start to think you cant improve and that you can become contempt with the skill level your at...

It doenst matter what level you are, you can always get better do it different , GROW...

We can only grow with the negative AND the positive...

like i alwyas say: ANY feedback is good feedback... we have to learn how to give it and take it...


Aug 16 06 09:30 am Link



Posts: 43

New York, New York, US

I agree. i have seen tons of corny/cheesy poses and pics of models
and wannabe photographers complimenting them and giving them false hope.

And its the same for photographers with bad images,
where models are complimenting there work and style.

I have seen models with images taken with a cellphone get compliments.

It's out of control.

Aug 16 06 09:36 am Link


Steven Abel

Posts: 89

Dallas, Texas, US

Why does it bother you that they have 'false hope'?  There is a niche for everyone in thise.  Does it get you off to see people get discouraged and quit?  Besides, when someone blindly you, you keep in mind their relative inexperience and/or lack or artistry and take it with a grain of salt if they have no idea what they are talking about.  ...and in the case of the inverse, you sit up and pay attention when someone who knows what they are talking about gives you a critique.  Maybe you should spend a little more time paying attention to your own work instead of worrying that someone that doesn't match your template is your sacred elitist domain.

Aug 16 06 09:45 am Link



Posts: 435

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?

I seen you 'round for a long long time
I really 'membered you when you drink my wine

Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?

I seen you walkin' down in Chinatown
I called you but you could not look around

Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends................

Aug 16 06 09:48 am Link


Al of Avalon

Posts: 413

San Antonio, Texas, US

I understand what the OP is talking about; I've noticed the same thing.

In some respects, it does seem that people just want to be nice and encouraging. Which is OK, but does have its drawbacks as noted.

On the other hand, when I first started tagging, I would get pretty involved in my critiques and one model privately messaged me and pointed out that I should message in the future when getting a little too critical (regarding a photo I thought that was very unflattering - for a model that's everything, I think). That made sense, and I have ajusted accordingly.

On the other hand, the other one, one photog had only been shooting I think for less than a year and he get on and started a thread about how great his port was/is. So many of us went to see his work. It was very amatuerish, and we mostly tried to point out some things, and he was so indignant and shocked that he wasn't hailed as the best new thing since photoshop. Even when you tried to reason with him, with kid gloves and everything, he still stuck to his, er um, lofty view of his own work.

So, your damn if you do, and your damned if you don't. But like I pointed out to him (in a message), that art is like sports in that 1) it takes constant practice and honing of your skills, and that 2) it is risky. Your exposing yourself to glory as well as injury.

UMP - "Play ball!"

Aug 16 06 10:28 am Link


Mark J. Sebastian

Posts: 1530

San Jose, California, US

UnSeenYou wrote:
I see compliments in portfolios that are completely lacking, giving these models and photogs false hope.  Looking at cheese cakes poses that are overposed that I'd see a 14 year old girl doing is really doing more harm than good, isn't it?

I am no Scavullo, but, damn.  Too many people tagging just to be popular, just as they do in MySpace.  Too many are more concerned with adding Friends and Tagging so that they can feed their egos than to create great images.  How can the achieve more if they think that they are given thumbs up on junk that they post?

I've noticed many instances where one person would tag a dosen people with the exact same message, if thats what you're asking.

Aug 16 06 10:34 am Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

I agree, but I have been lucky enough to have 90% of my tags and comments to be meaningful. Doesn't mean I don't erase some or change shots even if i have some great comments, but I think you get back what you put out.

Aug 16 06 10:36 am Link



Posts: 467

Miami, Florida, US

Its all a matter of opinion, unfortunately most photogs on here are males, and many whether they like to admit or not are horny and like looking at the lovely models and cant seem to help and say "OMG your so HAWT" and so forth. Hell I have even done it a couple of times. Its the way the world works.

Aug 16 06 10:42 am Link

Makeup Artist

Glamourpuss Make-UpHair

Posts: 475

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

I don't like when people only tag me back to say thanks when I leave them a complimentary tag...I'd prefer to be sent a message instead, that's what I do.  I feel like sending a tag that only says thanks has nothing to offer about my work, if the poster even looked at my port at all.

I also feel like quite a few people tag just to get more exposure on MM...any opportunity to get their name and AV out there.

While I don't do it, I don't mind that, to each his's a dog eat dog industry and it's all about getting your name out.

Aug 16 06 10:44 am Link



Posts: 51

Los Angeles, California, US

Glamourpuss Make-UpHair wrote:
I don't like when people only tag me back to say thanks when I leave them a complimentary tag...I'd prefer to be sent a message instead, that's what I do.  I feel like sending a tag that only says thanks has nothing to offer about my work, if the poster even looked at my port at all.

I also feel like quite a few people tag just to get more exposure on MM...any opportunity to get their name and AV out there.

While I don't do it, I don't mind that, to each his's a dog eat dog industry and it's all about getting your name out.

I'm going to post on this thread JUST to get more exposure. No need to tag me or post false compliments on my port. Take a look at it though...and if you feel the need to compliment or add constructive criticism, please do so. I'm a big girl...I can take it. No cell phone pics. I promise!

Aug 16 06 10:51 am Link


Angela Benedict

Posts: 331

Norwich, England, United Kingdom

Uh, do I EVER agree. Please see this thread to see how much.

Aug 16 06 10:55 am Link



Posts: 558

OP - Does it really matter one way or the other.

So some model gets a "wonderful work" tag for her webcam shot from some photographer with using his Canon A3. So she goes back and says "awesome" to his cruddy over shopped image of his dog. Neither are pros, both are sucking up.

Why does it matter to you. Are you jealous. Do you feel left out.
If so, just post a thread asking for meaningless comments cos you feel lonely.

OR you could rise above it like a dove and leave them to it.

Aug 16 06 10:56 am Link


A Traveler

Posts: 5506

San Francisco, California, US

UnSeenYou wrote:
Making them think that they are doing okay, is really postioning to fail.

yes! that's why little league coaches tell their players they are doing a great job! they are really just setting the kids up to fail! NOT.

positive comments make people work harder.

Aug 16 06 11:01 am Link



Posts: 1087

Dallas, Texas, US

I think the original poster was correct.  He wasn't making a comment of how much better he was, just the fact that people comment far too easily on images that are obviously bad.  As confirmed already in this post, people will start a flame war no matter the thread and no matter the point, as long as they get to be irritating. 

Maybe its the internet's way of hazing?  Just silly.

Either good or bad.  The quality of my images doesn't influence my point or the OP.  I do not need comments that make me feel that my images are better than they are.


Aug 16 06 11:09 am Link