Forums > General Industry > Magazined used my img without asking or informing!



Posts: 1076

Coram, New York, US

Hello there*waves* Im here to badger you for
some advice on a current situation ^_^

Recently i was scanning through my routeen
hunt down places to submit my imgs- links
and discovered a magazine was running a story
on corsets and my photo was being used in the
feature.It was a very old img and i was delighted
with the suprise.

Course once that feelign washed away i realized
no one ever contacted me to get permission to use
the photograph and no one ever even let me know
i was in the publication so i could add it to my port
or anything.

So i went hunting for thier contact info..the site
is currently under construction and doenst list a
email or anything of the sort and the only contact
method i could find was their mysapce- which they
hadnt logged into since the 27th

I was wondering if you guys had any advice on how
to deal with this situation?

I mean, to be honest i just want to make sure i
recieved credit and maybe get a free issue to keep
for my book but im not even sure how i can track the
people down!

PS: Im the photographer and model for the shot.

Jul 06 06 11:54 am Link

Clothing Designer

Venomiss LLC

Posts: 71

Louisville, Kentucky, US

Yeah, that's definitely bittersweet. If you're not comfortable posting the mag's name on here, shoot me a message and I'll see if I can help you track somebody down.

Oh, and have you checked the whois record for their site?

Jul 06 06 11:58 am Link


Diane Wallace

Posts: 100

Phoenix, Arizona, US

The photographer always owns the copyright to images. Check your release from that shoot- does it say that the photog has the rights to sell the images, or does it say they're for promotional purposes only? Check first, then contact the photographer.

If he does have rights to sell the image, you might ask if there's a way for you to get a copy of the tear. (This is not something he's responsible for, but if he has a contact at the mag he may be willing to share that.) No one is obligated to contact you about the image if he does have the rights stated in the release; that's just a nice thing to do, but he may be busy. If he didn't have rights to sell the image, your conversation should be about a fair payment. And make sure you get a new release for future use. And probably don't shoot with that photog again in the future if he(/she) is really that unethical.
I hope that helps!

Jul 06 06 12:00 pm Link



Posts: 1076

Coram, New York, US

SnapFactory wrote:
The photographer always owns the copyright to images. Check your release from that shoot- does it say that the photog has the rights to sell the images, or does it say they're for promotional purposes only? Check first, then contact the photographer. If he does have rights to sell the image, you might ask if there's a way for you to get a copy of the tear. (This is not something he's responsible for, but if he has a contact at the mag he may be willing to share that.) If he didn't have rights to sell the image, your conversation should be about a fair payment. And make sure you get a new release for future use. 
I hope that helps!

Im the photographer AND the model for the image

Jul 06 06 12:00 pm Link


Diane Wallace

Posts: 100

Phoenix, Arizona, US

ah! well in that case, you have a great big lawsuit if they don't come to a nice settlement with you. But try talking to them in good faith, first. good luck!

Jul 06 06 12:04 pm Link


Diane Wallace

Posts: 100

Phoenix, Arizona, US

ah! well in that case, you have a great big lawsuit if they don't come to a nice settlement with you. But try talking to them in good faith, first. good luck!

Jul 06 06 12:04 pm Link



Posts: 1076

Coram, New York, US

SnapFactory wrote:
ah! well in that case, you have a great big lawsuit if they don't come to a nice settlement with you. But try talking to them in good faith, first. good luck!

LoL!!! First i have to find out how the contact them!! *Death* I cant find an email, an adress-nuttin!

Jul 06 06 12:05 pm Link


QM Photography

Posts: 63

Manassas, Virginia, US

Have you tried looking up the whois info for the domain name?

Jul 06 06 12:06 pm Link



Posts: 1076

Coram, New York, US

QM Photography wrote:
Have you tried looking up the whois info for the domain name?

How do i go about doing that?Iv never realy had a reason untill now to learn how ^_^ Id appreciate ne help on that..thats a good idea!

Jul 06 06 12:07 pm Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

Was it a magazine or a website?  I am unclear about that.  I ask because it will have some bearing on whether they have any money to pay you if you were to sue them.

It sounds to me like this is a website that found your images online and simply stole them.   I would start with a letter demanding that they take them down (or pay you if that is what you want).

EDIT:  Ya know, since you are under 18, you would need your parents to sign a release for them anyhow, even if you wanted them to post your images.  You might want to have your parents write them.

Jul 06 06 12:08 pm Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

Kassandra wrote:

LoL!!! First i have to find out how the contact them!! *Death* I cant find an email, an adress-nuttin!

You might do a WhoIS search on the site name and see who the owner of the URL is..  They're required to have contact info of some sort in there.. Although it's fairly easy to fudge.. (There is/was someone in Europe using my name and contact info to setup hacking sites.. Which is why I'll never own another URL in my name again..)

Jul 06 06 12:08 pm Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Happy birthday, Kassandra.  See your PMs.

Jul 06 06 12:10 pm Link


Jim Ball

Posts: 17632

Frontenac, Kansas, US

Kassandra wrote:
How do i go about doing that?Iv never realy had a reason untill now to learn how ^_^ Id appreciate ne help on that..thats a good idea!

don't enter the http;// or the www.

just enter the domain name. 

example: (my domain)

Jul 06 06 12:10 pm Link



Posts: 1076

Coram, New York, US

Alan from Aavian Prod wrote:
Was it a magazine or a website?  I am unclear about that.  I ask because it will have some bearing on whether they have any money to pay you if you were to sue them.

It sounds to me like this is a website that found your images online and simply stole them.   I would start with a letter demanding that they take them down (or pay you if that is what you want).

EDIT:  Ya know, since you are under 18, you would need your parents to sign a release for them anyhow, even if you wanted them to post your images.  You might want to have your parents write them.

Im actualy 18 LoL

I think i may know how to find thier phone number so i may just call them today

Jul 06 06 12:10 pm Link


David Strange

Posts: 32

Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Any idea how they would have gotten the photo? As an editor myself I would likely have contacted the photographer to get the high res image as something pulled from the net would be too low resolution to print well. The photographer would also be the only person I would have been in contact with to purchase a photo that was already shot(his job to notify the model.) Maybe try contacting the photographer and ask if they sent them the photo. If not you'll likely have someone else with a desire to help you get creds and copies. Many sites while under construction still have a way to contact the webmaster who could also be able to send you in the right direction.

Jul 06 06 12:10 pm Link



Posts: 6142

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Sue em'.

Jul 06 06 12:11 pm Link

Clothing Designer

Venomiss LLC

Posts: 71

Louisville, Kentucky, US

Just sent the whois to ya... the guy's mailing address + phone number are on there, so hopefully you'll be able to get ahold of him.

Jul 06 06 12:11 pm Link



Posts: 1076

Coram, New York, US

David Strange wrote:
Any idea how they would have gotten the photo? As an editor myself I would likely have contacted the photographer to get the high res image as something pulled from the net would be too low resolution to print well. The photographer would also be the only person I would have been in contact with to purchase a photo that was already shot(his job to notify the model.) Maybe try contacting the photographer and ask if they sent them the photo. If not you'll likely have someone else with a desire to help you get creds and copies. Many sites while under construction still have a way to contact the webmaster who could also be able to send you in the right direction.

*points* if you read hte post youd of seen that i am the ****photographer**** as well as the model

Jul 06 06 12:13 pm Link


David Strange

Posts: 32

Montreal, Quebec, Canada

People post quick and put that up before I finished typing.

Jul 06 06 12:16 pm Link


Stan The Man

Posts: 733

Brooklyn, Indiana, US


Jul 06 06 12:17 pm Link


House of Indulgence

Posts: 585

New York, New York, US

Happy B-day Kassandra!

Sorry to hear about this. If you want I can go and help you talk to them. I will be in the background with the baseball bat and black leather trench coat along with your other friends to make sure the "negotiations" go well. And yes I am being seriouse. ^_^

Can you e-mail me the name of the place that used your image? No I will not hunt them down. I just want to be on the look out for others by these people.


Jul 06 06 12:17 pm Link


Brian Morris Photography

Posts: 20901

Los Angeles, California, US

How did they get the shot in  the first place? get the facts straight. If you are the photog/model then you should know some of the answers.. Did you post image on myspace.. read contracts of anyblog machine or photoalbum you load to.. I have heard that myspace owns all images posted to there site. this can be a mess!

Jul 06 06 12:17 pm Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Now that you have the contact information for them, the next question is what you want to do about it.  As others have said, you have a pretty strong legal position - you can sue them both for invation of privacy and for copyright infringement, you can get their websites shut down, all sorts of nasty things.  Or, you can just get them to give you credit and send you a copy of the magazine.  But certainly at this point you have the upper hand.


On second thought, you may not have a cause of action as a model, if the use was entirely editorial.  But you certainly do have as the photographer and copyright owner.  Today would be a very good day to make a CD of all your pictures and send them off to the copyright office.

Jul 06 06 12:19 pm Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Digital Soup wrote:
I have heard that myspace owns all images posted to there site. this can be a mess!

Not true: wrote: does not claim any ownership rights in the text, files, images, photos, video, sounds, musical works, works of authorship, or any other materials (collectively, "Content") that you post to the MySpace Services. After posting your Content to the MySpace Services, you continue to retain all ownership rights in such Content, and you continue to have the right to use your Content in any way you choose. By displaying or publishing ("posting") any Content on or through the MySpace Services, you hereby grant to a limited license to use, modify, publicly perform, publicly display, reproduce, and distribute such Content solely on and through the MySpace Services.

Without this license, would be unable to provide the MySpace Services. For example, without the right to modify Member Content, would not be able to digitally compress music files that Members submit or otherwise format Content to satisfy technical requirements, and without the right to publicly perform Member Content, could not allow Users to listen to music posted by Members. The license you grant to is non-exclusive (meaning you are free to license your Content to anyone else in addition to, fully-paid and royalty-free (meaning that is not required to pay you for the use on the MySpace Services of the Content that you post), sublicensable (so that is able to use its affiliates and subcontractors such as Internet content delivery networks to provide the MySpace Services), and worldwide (because the Internet and the MySpace Services are global in reach). This license will terminate at the time you remove your Content from the MySpace Services. The license does not grant the right to sell your Content, nor does the license grant the right to distribute your Content outside of the MySpace Services.

Seems to me that putting pictures on myspace does not give anyone else any rights to them.

Jul 06 06 12:23 pm Link



Posts: 1076

Coram, New York, US

Well thanks to you guys i got all thier contact information and i left them a message on thier answer machine--got thier email off googling them and finding thier member profile on Suicide girlso_0 and i sent them an email as well.

Hopfuly it can simply be negociated over and things will be fine..if it turns out messy or even a scam ill definitly be telling you guys all about it

Jul 06 06 12:25 pm Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

Kassandra wrote:

Im actualy 18 LoL

I think i may know how to find thier phone number so i may just call them today

Actually, I just remembered that your birthday was coming up.  I looked at your profile the other day because I wanted to fly you in when you turned 18 so I should have remembered your birthday coming up.  Congratulations.

In my opinion, this hinges a lot on what you want to do and whether they have any money.   The latter also has some bearing on whether an attorney would even do this on a contingency basis.

There seem to be no legal issues here.  They stole the image and now you have to decide what you want to do about it.  Just be rational and don't let it get out of proportion.  Being right and collecting money is sometimes two different things.

On the other hand, I would do something rather than nothing.

Jul 06 06 12:29 pm Link



Posts: 1076

Coram, New York, US

Alan from Aavian Prod wrote:

Actually, I just remembered that your birthday was coming up.  I looked at your profile the other day because I wanted to fly you in when you turned 18 so I should have remembered your birthday coming up.  Congratulations.

In my opinion, this hinges a lot on what you want to do and whether they have any money.   The latter also has some bearing on whether an attorney would even do this on a contingency basis.

There seem to be no legal issues here.  They stole the image and now you have to decide what you want to do about it.  Just be rational and don't let it get out of proportion.  Being right and collecting money is sometimes two different things.

On the other hand, I would do something rather than nothing.

To be honest, if i can eviod any legal show downs , id be happy. However if they are uncorroporative a friend of the family is aviable to help me out.

But if we an just figure out where the miscommunication occured and amend it--Pfh,id just be happy with one or 2 free issues of the magazine my pic is used in and PRAY TO LORD FOAMY GOODNESS, that they gave me credit.Because if they didnt, okay,that would upset me. LoL

Jul 06 06 12:32 pm Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

Lord Foamy Goodness:

Jul 06 06 12:34 pm Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

See your PMs again.  There's more to the website . . . .

Jul 06 06 12:35 pm Link



Posts: 1076

Coram, New York, US

WG Rowland wrote:
Lord Foamy Goodness:


Jul 06 06 12:35 pm Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Alan from Aavian Prod wrote:
In my opinion, this hinges a lot on what you want to do and whether they have any money.   The latter also has some bearing on whether an attorney would even do this on a contingency basis.

They don't.  This is only their third issue, and that has taken nearly four years.  I just read the history of the magazine on their website; if they have enough money for a good lunch I'll be surprised.

Jul 06 06 12:41 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Kassandra wrote:

LoL!!! First i have to find out how the contact them!! *Death* I cant find an email, an adress-nuttin!

The magazine doesn't have a masthead?  A page listing the editor in chief and publication information???

Jul 06 06 12:42 pm Link



Posts: 1076

Coram, New York, US

TXPhotog wrote:

They don't.  This is only their third issue, and that has taken nearly four years.  I just read the history of the magazine on their website; if they have enough money for a good lunch I'll be surprised.

Yah,well on thier site they also say that

"If your photos are used for P.M., both you and the photgrapher will be contacted to secure the permission to publish them. "


Jul 06 06 12:43 pm Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

More on their use of the image:  The use apparently was in an article which sounds like it would be "editorial".  However, they describe the article as follows:

Fashion: The Anatomy of the Corset
Linda Sparks gives a step by step look into corset making and shows us why Farthingales is the best custom corset company in the world!

That sounds more like an Infomercial, which, if true, would make it of the nature of commercial use - which gives Kassandra a much stronger hammer.

Farthingales is listed as one of their advertisers - which further makes this look like commercial use, even though possibly cloaked as "editorial".

Jul 06 06 12:44 pm Link



Posts: 519

Tavares, Florida, US

David Strange wrote:
People post quick and put that up before I finished typing.

So your a mind reader and posted a response to her original post b4 she was done posting it? WOW! Share the talent! Hehe

Jul 06 06 12:45 pm Link



Posts: 1076

Coram, New York, US

Alrighty, so i have:

Left thier answer machine a message.
Left them an email.
Left them a message on myspace.

*twidels figners* im going to lose my mind if i dont get a responce soon. I hate people who contradict thier own statments, dont have any sence of good busines practice and ..GRNESS .Just GRRNESS, i have the worst luck when it comes to getting ANY exposure for my work!*huffs*

Jul 06 06 12:45 pm Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

You are 18 now, so much more powerful.  While you are waiting for a response, go put that CD of your pictures together (the ones for which you are the photographer) and send it off with a Form VA to the Copyright Office so you have even more power.

(A hint when putting the CD together:  group the pictures into categories of some kind.  That makes it much more likely that the Copyright Office will accept them as a collection.)

Jul 06 06 12:49 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Kassandra wrote:
Alrighty, so i have:

Left thier answer machine a message.
Left them an email.
Left them a message on myspace.

*twidels figners* im going to lose my mind if i dont get a responce soon. I hate people who contradict thier own statments, dont have any sence of good busines practice and ..GRNESS .Just GRRNESS, i have the worst luck when it comes to getting ANY exposure for my work!*huffs*

Also if you're twiddling your fingers for long write an actual letter, and send it certified mail.  This will give you a post card of proof that your letter was delivered and signed for.

Jul 06 06 12:52 pm Link



Posts: 1076

Coram, New York, US

James Jackson wrote:

Also if you're twiddling your fingers for long write an actual letter, and send it certified mail.  This will give you a post card of proof that your letter was delivered and signed for.

Oh very good idea! thing im a lil worried about,sine letters take longer to get to thier you think i should wait a day to see if i get a responce from the people before sending out a letter ?I can imagine me sendin hte letter out today and then getting a phone call that night LOL

Jul 06 06 12:54 pm Link



Posts: 6142

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Fine, don't take my advice. sad

Jul 06 06 12:55 pm Link