Forums > General Industry > Craziest thing that have happened on a shoot


Southwest Photography

Posts: 288

Burlington, Vermont, US

These are real, in no particular order of craziness:

1. A tarantula crawled up the leg of a model in the desert in California. Scared me more than him.

2. A model pulled a revolver out of his backpack, en route to a shoot at El Mirage. (didn't aim it at me or anything, just showed it to me)

3. A model's brother showed up (in place of his brother) for the shoot. The guy I was expecting to see (his brother) was "hung over."

4. Probably shouldn't mention this one...

Jul 03 06 10:10 pm Link



Posts: 8756

Dallas, Texas, US

Oh, now you gotta.  But if you absolutely refuse, you can email me.

Jul 03 06 10:42 pm Link


Farenell Photography

Posts: 18832

Albany, New York, US

I routinely stick girls in dryers. Some would say that's pretty fruity.

Jul 03 06 11:45 pm Link


PK Digital Imaging

Posts: 3084

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Farenell Photography wrote:
I routinely stick girls in dryers. Some would say that's pretty fruity.

Don't they shrink?


Jul 03 06 11:47 pm Link



Posts: 275

Wichita, Kansas, US

I dont do shoots but I do hire models for my sculptures.  One time I was doing one and the model was in a standing postion.  I told her she would have to hold that position for about 30 minutes so to make SURE she didnt lock her knees because otherwise she would faint.  Of course she did lock them and 1/2 way through, she crumbled to the ground.  After realizing that it was a faint and she didnt just die on me, I woke her back up.  The whole time I was waking her back up, it was running through my mind that I might have to call 911 and explain to them there was a nude woman with gel all over her that had just passed out.  She was a trooper and after about 30 minutes to recover, she resumed the pose and we started again.  Needless to say, she didnt lock the knees this time

Jul 03 06 11:52 pm Link



Posts: 7024

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Plastercasting wrote:
I dont do shoots but I do hire models for my sculptures.  One time I was doing one and the model was in a standing postion.  I told her she would have to hold that position for about 30 minutes so to make SURE she didnt lock her knees because otherwise she would faint.  Of course she did lock them and 1/2 way through, she crumbled to the ground.  After realizing that it was a faint and she didnt just die on me, I woke her back up.  The whole time I was waking her back up, it was running through my mind that I might have to call 911 and explain to them there was a nude woman with gel all over her that had just passed out.  She was a trooper and after about 30 minutes to recover, she resumed the pose and we started again.  Needless to say, she didnt lock the knees this time

Ughh, I have so much respect for models who work with mediums like yours. I sang professionaly for a few years in a mass choir, and the first rule of thumb is DON'T lock your knees. I've only seen one person forget that rule, and let me tell you something, it's a bummer when you're giving a paid concert to a bunch of rich socialite people and you have to stop the concert because a tenor fell off the back

Jul 04 06 12:02 am Link



Posts: 1308

Portland, Oregon, US

I got nearly arrested and was put in the back of a police car once with hand cuffs on. 

Granted, I was shooting a nude in the middle of the night on the side of a church so I kind of figure I got off light on that one.

Jul 04 06 12:16 am Link



Posts: 1636

Salisbury, Maryland, US

Farenell Photography wrote:
I routinely stick girls in dryers. Some would say that's pretty fruity.

PK Digital Imaging wrote:
Don't they shrink?


Better than putting them in the washers!! LOL! Ok, yes, I'm a dork.

Jul 04 06 12:19 am Link



Posts: 9

New York, New York, US

the stylist and the creative director had it a verbal arguement which was very intertaining.

Jul 04 06 12:26 am Link


Goldblade Photos

Posts: 57

Knoxville, Tennessee, US

I had an interesting thing happen to me while I was doing a shoot a couple of months ago. The model and I were wandering around the old part of downtown Knoxville shooting here and there when we spotted a patrol car across the street from this pizza place. Both her and I have slightly devious minds, so we decided we wanted to see if we could use the car for a few shots. The cop was inside the restaurant grabbing a bite to eat so we went in and were able to get his permission. We got a few shots around the car before he finished eating and came out to unlock the doors for us.

As we were there, however, all of a sudden all of these other squad cars started showing up. Turned out the pizza place was the standard meeting spot for the patrols before they headed out on their shifts. They never said anything to us, but we were definitely getting looks. Sure enough, as the one cop was standing with us, his chief calls him on the phone to asking what the heck was going on.

Everything turned out great, and we made sure he got copies of what we shot as a thank you.

Jul 04 06 12:30 am Link


Garry k

Posts: 30131

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Thomas Watkin wrote:
These are real, in no particular order of craziness:

1. A tarantula crawled up the leg of a model in the desert in California. Scared me more than him.

2. A model pulled a revolver out of his backpack, en route to a shoot at El Mirage. (didn't aim it at me or anything, just showed it to me)

3. A model's brother showed up (in place of his brother) for the shoot. The guy I was expecting to see (his brother) was "hung over."

4. Probably shouldn't mention this one...

I seem to have this thing where animals show up at my shoots ...Seals at couple of beach shoots ( I think they liked my bikini model ) ducks usually congregate when  I shoot at my favorite park ( which has a pond ) ,rats once at dusk during a downtown outdoor shoot - which ended really quickly as a result ......

Oh then there was the model who told me she could manipulate energy , adn asked me to stick out my hand -which I did .So she held her own had 3-4 inches above mine and slowly moved her hadn back and forth for approx a minute .. After about 30 seconds my own hand started warming like I was say 2 feet from an oven or something ( maybe a 5 - 7 degree temp shift ) So convinced that the models hand was really hot and was just transferring the heat to mine -  I grabbed her hand .It was ice cold . ( Good thing our photo shoot went well  LOL )

Jul 04 06 12:34 am Link



Posts: 1076

Coram, New York, US

Garry k wrote:
I seem to have this thing where animals show up at my shoots ...Seals at couple of beach shoots ( I think they liked my bikini model ) ducks usually congregate when  I shoot at my favorite park ( which has a pond ) ,rats once at dusk during a downtown outdoor shoot - which ended really quickly as a result ......

I want to shoot with you now! Sept.. id probly get all distracted and run off to try and pose with the animals*giant soft hearted vegetarian who wears leather.Ow. I know.* LOL

Jul 04 06 12:40 am Link



Posts: 627

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

Farenell Photography wrote:

I routinely stick girls in dryers. Some would say that's pretty fruity.

Great shot!

Jul 04 06 12:41 am Link



Posts: 1636

Salisbury, Maryland, US

So, nothing for my voyeuristic fantasies? Happily married for 16 years, but I figured SOMEONE had a model get all excited about being shot and came on to the photographer.

The animals are entertaining,

Jul 04 06 12:43 am Link


Garry k

Posts: 30131

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Kassandra wrote:

I want to shoot with you now! Sept.. id probly get all distracted and run off to try and pose with the animals*giant soft hearted vegetarian who wears leather.Ow. I know.* LOL

The ducks are really funny . The Male leads the flock as they strut over from  the pond  to check us out ( Mothers and   little ones take  up the rear ) . The baby ducks are very very cute ...

Jul 04 06 12:44 am Link



Posts: 88

Calhoun, Georgia, US

1. I was shooting an airshow in titusville Fla in 89, when this poor guy in an old T-28 trainer got into a high speed stall and dug a fiery hole with his aircraft. I photographed the whole thing with my motor drive in my T-90. Two of those were the only shots ive ever had published in a national magazine(as credited in my profile).

2. Shooting a really hot friend (the girl in the flight suit in my port) at an outback location near an old RR bridge and a creek. As soon as she pulled her top off to change, Several guys who looked like extras from the movie "deliverance" show up. While leering at her, they get naked and make like their gonna go swimming (in one foot deep water). The remarks were getting a bit crude (which says alot, because Im pretty crude myself) and they were a bit obvious in what they had in mind. I didnt worry because I had Mr. Glock in my camera bag (sorta like the model above-not a bad idea in the real world). We changed location.

3. In the same location a few mos later, a girl who hired me to do some basic candids for her didnt listen to me when i warned her not to step anywhere barefoot she couldnt see. She wound up impaling her foot on a large rusty peice of metal. Im glad one of her friends was a nurse.

4. Ok, this is gonna push it a bit....I was staking out Gulf Breeze Fla back in 92 waiting (along with many others ) for the near nightly UFOs to show up. This stuff was all over the news, unsolved mysteries etc for yrs, but i had to see it for myself. So the bloody things show up...odd lights moving about and doing stuff (I know military aircraft and these were not). As soon as I start to fire my Cannon T-70 which had worked well for yrs, it jammed with the shutter open. I quickly changed my 100-500 lens over to my T-90, loaded it with ektar 1000, and fired away. What i got on film was nowhere near as dramatic or bright as what i saw, but i did get some odd lights on film. The circutry was apparently affected somehow on the T-70, whether thru coincidence or something else. My pix werent that great, but were odd.

5. never had too many models come on to me (cept for a couple of girlfriends-doesnt count) but I did shoot a girl out on a rocky river bed while her boyfriend helped and gave some pretty good ideas (very rare). While i was changing rolls of film, they just got frisky and started doing the wild thing there on the rocks (ouch) in front of me, god, and everyone else (just one more couple). I waited till they were done, asked "you guys feel better?" then went back to work. I think I was about to have a heart attack though.

Jul 04 06 12:47 am Link



Posts: 1076

Coram, New York, US

So maybe there werent any gathering throng of animals or aracnids crawling up my legs lol but its stil pretty amusing.

The fallowing requires good imagination skills.

So im shooting at a Puppet theater, for this img here
Here is an exuse to look at our bums--look how TINY those freakin chairs are.
Got a good look?


Now imagine this guy: minus zombie makeup  and ripped shit - sitting on a chair that tiny n colorfull trying not to look out of place trying to occupy himself for a few hours while us girls shove food in our faces and look damned cute doing it LoL

My escort never imagined his day would be spent sitting in the tecknocolored puppet palace / world of hte migit i have to say..Im sad i didnt bring my own cam and snap a photo while no one was looking LoL

Jul 04 06 12:49 am Link


PK Digital Imaging

Posts: 3084

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Garry k wrote:
The ducks are really funny . The Male leads the flock as they strut over from  the pond  to check us out ( Mothers and   little ones take  up the rear ) . The baby ducks are very very cute ...

Garry, must not be the ducks in Queen Elizabeth Park.. cause those little bastards are such diva's that they never face you when you want them to.


note:  carry on... odd things that happend during a shoot...

C02 powered gas BB gun.  Airsoft.  Exact replica of a .45 cal automatic handgun.  I asked the model to point it at the camera and pretend to shoot it....

yeah.. you can see where this is going...

Apparently my ex-roommate thought it was a good idea to leave it loaded...

The model pulls the trigger.  BANG!!!!  Now keep in mind.. a gas blowback airsoft gun has full action and the slide kicks back and quite a bit of a bang.

Model screams and drops the gun.  I make sure she's okay... look at the camera.. there's a little green mark right beside the on-camera flash where the plastic BB hit.  Damn good thing I use a remote shutter release and wasn't standing behind the camera.... could'a lost an eye!


Jul 04 06 12:53 am Link


Done and Gone

Posts: 7650

Chiredzi, Masvingo, Zimbabwe

The one I still can't figure out went like this. First of all, I am not a "Pro" photographer. I've shot for pay many times but this was not one of them. Anyway, an ex wanted pictures of her and a couple of her buddies from Cosmetology College. All Asian, all pretty, I of course said Yes!. The shoot arrives and pretty soon there are 6 of them!! And they brought their hotttie outfits! And my ex led the way to removal of clothing, instigating and challenging the other ladies. This was good!! One of the models wanted to do "Playboy style" but her husband would not allow it. So she borrowed her cousin's (exotic dancer) black latex bikini and platform stripper shoes. The ladies were just taking turns, getting ready, posing, egging each other on. The Playboy model was over to my left, fixing her hair and makeup in the mirror on the wall. I am sitting in the middle of the floor at my friend's studio and turn for a moment to the left. She's got her bottoms pulled down mid-thigh, for no reason, they just are and her pretty little butt is a wonder to behold. I didn't have lights set up there and it was only a foot and a half from my eyes so would have to put on a macro. So no pix. She kept it out like that for about 4-5 minutes. I was shooting but I had to have a peek every now and then, which cracked the other girls up. I guess she just felt her ass needed the attention!! She never did take anything off for the camera.

Jul 04 06 01:36 am Link


Garry k

Posts: 30131

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

PK Digital Imaging wrote:

Garry k wrote:
The ducks are really funny . The Male leads the flock as they strut over from  the pond  to check us out ( Mothers and   little ones take  up the rear ) . The baby ducks are very very cute ...

Garry, must not be the ducks in Queen Elizabeth Park.. cause those little bastards are such diva's that they never face you when you want them to.


Jericho and they can be a little camera shy .....

Jul 04 06 01:38 am Link



Posts: 9594

San Francisco, California, US

Electrocuted my first model (horse fence), walked through wet concrete, fell in a hole, model almost fell out of a tree, froze a few. Every shoot's an adventure.

Jul 04 06 02:23 am Link


PK Digital Imaging

Posts: 3084

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

VirtuaMike wrote:
Electrocuted my first model (horse fence), walked through wet concrete, fell in a hole, model almost fell out of a tree, froze a few. Every shoot's an adventure.

Holy crap dude!   You shooting models or training Navy Seals???!


Jul 04 06 02:24 am Link


J Andrescavage Photo

Posts: 3339

San Francisco, California, US

I was on one of my first shoots with an MM'er last fall.  It was just before dusk and we were shooting on a stretch of beach that required navigating over low rocks to get to it.  Well the sun went down and the TIDE came in, sealing off our exit.  We ended up climbing about 300 feet up a nearly vertical beach cliff in pitch darkness.  Thankfully no one fell to their death and she was a good sport about it.  We even shot again two more times after that, so I'm pretty sure she didn't think I was trying to kill her...

Jul 04 06 02:29 am Link


Pintor Figurativo

Posts: 419

South Bend, Indiana, US

How about something weir happening prior to a session?

I am a figure painter, and I used to print ads in the newspaper for people interested in posing for "figure painting sessions."

I get a call from a guy who asks me, "so you paint with fingers?" 

"No, no" I explained. "FIGURE painting...I paint human bodies."  He replies, " Oh, that is so cool! You paint the body with your fingers; I always wanted to do body painting!"  I nearly hung up.

Jul 04 06 05:35 am Link



Posts: 24376

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

elvis showed up, but i was out of film....

Jul 04 06 07:25 am Link


Anderson Artwork

Posts: 493

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Tweny year old model...shows up for a swimsuit shoot...unfortunately on her period...walked out of the dressing room with a pad on...I informed her that a pad was not acceptable for this particular shoot...that the swimwear would not be able to cover it... and that she would need to use a tampon or go home...she told me she didn't know how to use a tampon....her Mom had never shown her how....I went and got one from my daughter's bathroom...gave it to her...and then had to stand outside the bathroom to talk her through using it! Even after having her read the instructions off the box.

That is, officially, my weirdest shoot ever.

Jul 04 06 07:42 am Link



Posts: 1076

Coram, New York, US

Anderson Artwork wrote:
Tweny year old model...shows up for a swimsuit shoot...unfortunately on her period...walked out of the dressing room with a pad on...I informed her that a pad was not acceptable for this particular shoot...that the swimwear would not be able to cover it... and that she would need to use a tampon or go home...she told me she didn't know how to use a tampon....her Mom had never shown her how....I went and got one from my daughter's bathroom...gave it to her...and then had to stand outside the bathroom to talk her through using it! Even after having her read the instructions off the box.

That is, officially, my weirdest shoot ever. my brain i think blood is gushing(haha, sensitive topic oh no!)out of my ear. LoL Im actualy not too suprised though... i kinda expected to hear the model was older. My fathers 30yr old girlfriend freaked when i asked her to pick me up my box once she responced"what are those?" so i tellher slowly,because if i didnt, id scream lol, and she responces"Oh my god! Is that how your SUPOSTA use that?! Peole go to hospitals for putting things up there dear!"

Jul 04 06 08:57 am Link


Jim Ball

Posts: 17632

Frontenac, Kansas, US

Kassandra wrote:
My fathers 30yr old girlfriend freaked when i asked her to pick me up my box once she responced"what are those?" so i tellher slowly,because if i didnt, id scream lol, and she responces"Oh my god! Is that how your SUPOSTA use that?! Peole go to hospitals for putting things up there dear!"

Well, that is true.  Sometimes it's nine months later that they have to go though..........

Jul 04 06 09:06 am Link



Posts: 1126

Hollywood, Alabama, US

no comment.

Jul 04 06 09:07 am Link


Anderson Artwork

Posts: 493

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Kassandra wrote:
My fathers 30yr old girlfriend freaked when i asked her to pick me up my box once she responced"what are those?" so i tellher slowly,because if i didnt, id scream lol, and she responces"Oh my god! Is that how your SUPOSTA use that?! Peole go to hospitals for putting things up there dear!"

Jim Ball wrote:
Well, that is true.  Sometimes it's nine months later that they have to go though..........

LOL... to both of these...I think that she had been so sheltered...that she was actually...much more...likely to have problems... than if they had not sheltered her at about naive....she would have been EASY prey for even an incompetent scamer...I spent a lot of time teaching her how to critically review any deals that got offered....she dropped out eventually....too bad...she had a great look but...not the heart and attitude nessicary to make it.

Jul 04 06 09:13 am Link


Chris Oakley

Posts: 127

Cocoa, Florida, US

Anderson Artwork wrote:
Tweny year old model...shows up for a swimsuit shoot...unfortunately on her period...walked out of the dressing room with a pad on...I informed her that a pad was not acceptable for this particular shoot...that the swimwear would not be able to cover it... and that she would need to use a tampon or go home...she told me she didn't know how to use a tampon....her Mom had never shown her how....I went and got one from my daughter's bathroom...gave it to her...and then had to stand outside the bathroom to talk her through using it! Even after having her read the instructions off the box.

That is, officially, my weirdest shoot ever.

Thats wanting a shot pretty bad.. lol..


Jul 04 06 09:20 am Link



Posts: 1739

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Kassandra wrote:
I want to shoot with you now! Sept.. id probly get all distracted and run off to try and pose with the animals*giant soft hearted vegetarian who wears leather.Ow. I know.* LOL

Actually, leather is better for the environment than all of that man made junk... it will actually decompose in a landfill where as all the synthetics won't. And when the synthetics do start decomposing, they leach chemicals into the environment. So natural is better smile Besides, I LOVE the smell of leather!! YUM.

To actually say something strange that happened... Um... I was doing this crazy thing where I was tied to the bottom of a boxspring that was leaned up against the wall. It wasn't actually tight, because I could slide my wrists out easily, but my feet were pretty secure. I ended up having a blood sugar crash, which was so not cool. The photographer got me out quite easily, and I went and sat down, but then I proceeded to get sick sad I was SO embarassed (and I don't embarass easily!) We ended the shoot then (we were almost done anyway) I'll probably be forever apologizing to him about it sad

I suppose if thats the worst thing that happened on a shoot then I'm ok smile

Jul 04 06 09:37 am Link


Veteres Vitri

Posts: 1994

MAYLENE, Alabama, US

I guess i'm the only one that ever got shot at when doing a photoshoot.  Years before i enlisted i was photographing the wife of a man who had just gotten out of the navy.
At the time i liked sharp pointy objects and guns in my images.   The shots with the m-1 were nice.   We then switched to a 9mm pistol.   Did the whole thing with framing the face with the pistol, pointing the business end at the lens etc.

While loading film into a m645 i hear a loud bam and see a pile of smoke 8 feet from me.
After that i allways made sure that a weapon is cleared and no rounds are in the chamber.

Jul 04 06 09:54 am Link


Westview Photographics

Posts: 80

Downers Grove, Illinois, US

I don't know about "crazy," but I did have an "amazing" thing happen on 3 occasions - a TFP model showed up...early.

Jul 04 06 10:07 am Link



Posts: 3664

Newport News, Virginia, US

I only have a few  that qualify maybe for this thread.

1. I had the Model doing a fetish shoot with fiance in tow, get a bit too frisky during the shoot, I sent them to the back room while I downloaded what I had so far and then continued the shoot after they came back out. Up until they started losing it, I was starting to get some really great pictures.

2. One of my favorite lines from a model was when we were in the process of doing a fetish shoot and I was in the pre-bondage part of the shoot doing the Amazon warrior thing with her and was getting near the end of the set before going on when she blurted out, "I'm tired of playing with weapons, just tie me up already!".Needsless to say we moved on to the next set of the session.

3. In the lesson learned department; a few years back during my first outdoors location shoot at a beach in Ocho Rios, Jamaica. Just me and the model. Nice rocky beach. The waves were high (pre-hurricane tropical storm off shore), the model had her back to the ocean and although I had been trying my best to watch the waves, I had a touch of focus problem so kept my eye to the camera a bit too long apparently and watched in potential horror as a larger then normal wave knocked the model over. I was starting for her when she started getting up. Luckily she fell on one of the few sandy areas on the beach. I took a few more quick pictures with her soaking wet and then moved her a bit inland. needless to say the leather cuff and collar set she was wearing at the time were ruined by the salt water.

So the lesson learned is have an assistant if at all possible when on location.

Before shot (this was not the wave that hit her, a bigger one actually did that snuck up behind another smaller wave) … 01-web.jpg

The immeadiate after shots are sitting on a CD somewhere in archive mode.

Jul 04 06 10:13 am Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

Doug Swinskey wrote:
elvis showed up, but i was out of film....

which Elvis, we have 325 here

Jul 04 06 10:16 am Link


Southwest Photography

Posts: 288

Burlington, Vermont, US

Oh, I forgot.

Almost got arrested at a "workshop" in San Diego by California state park rangers. I was with 7 other photographers at a state park. The workshop organizer said he had shot at that location dozens of times. Turns out the three nude models posing on rocks were not to the liking of the local Boy Scout troop leader...our workshop leader had picked the site of a boy scout jamboree to set up his shoot.

I asked for my money back, but didn't get it.

Jul 04 06 01:05 pm Link



Posts: 1739

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Longwatcher wrote:
3. In the lesson learned department; a few years back during my first outdoors location shoot at a beach in Ocho Rios, Jamaica. Just me and the model. Nice rocky beach. The waves were high (pre-hurricane tropical storm off shore), the model had her back to the ocean and although I had been trying my best to watch the waves, I had a touch of focus problem so kept my eye to the camera a bit too long apparently and watched in potential horror as a larger then normal wave knocked the model over. I was starting for her when she started getting up. Luckily she fell on one of the few sandy areas on the beach. I took a few more quick pictures with her soaking wet and then moved her a bit inland. needless to say the leather cuff and collar set she was wearing at the time were ruined by the salt water.

So the lesson learned is have an assistant if at all possible when on location.

This is also why I insist on having someone else present at outdoor location shoots. Granted, its probably not going to be a big wave... but the number of things that can happen outdoors while trying to work are infinate, and the photographer just can't focus well enough to keep an eye out all the time.

Jul 04 06 01:11 pm Link



Posts: 42711

Houston, Texas, US

Farenell Photography wrote:
I routinely stick girls in dryers. Some would say that's pretty fruity.

Have you tried different "spins" on this one?

Jul 04 06 01:36 pm Link



Posts: 42711

Houston, Texas, US

PK Digital Imaging wrote:
Damn good thing I use a remote shutter release and wasn't standing behind the camera.... could'a lost an eye!


Didn't you learn anything from Ralphie?

Jul 04 06 01:45 pm Link