Forums > General Industry > So it's my fault?


Crystal Collins

Posts: 390

Seattle, Washington, US

I had set up a shoot with a designer on here for today. I live 2 1/2 hours away from where the shoot was supposed to take place, and had planned on going up there Friday since my husband and I have a house an hour north of the shoot (just waiting for it to sell). So we drive up and I call the designer when we're about an hour and a half away and get her voicemail, so I leave a message. We get to the area where she lives, and I call her again, but get her voicemail again. We were hungry so we stopped to eat, still hadn't heard anything from her, so we go up to the house we have.

The internet was just cancelled at the house, so I wasn't going to be able to get online. I call Saturday and again, just a voicemail. So, I wasn't going to wait around since we had things to do down where we live now, and my full time job had called to see if I wanted to get some training in since they aren't open yet. So, I call one more time, voicemail.. and we leave and come down here. I get online to check my messages and all I have from the designer is a rude message on my port, but no personal messages. I sent her one explaining what had happened, and I see she read it but no reply as of yet.

She had my number and could have easily called me at anytime during the weekend to talk or go over stuff, but I didn't get one phone call. But I get a rude message saying thanks for not calling or showing up. But we never even set up a place to meet at!

Jul 02 06 04:28 pm Link



Posts: 1176

West Hollywood, California, US

She's wiggin. Next thread.

Jul 02 06 04:31 pm Link


Harry Young

Posts: 744

Los Angeles, California, US

from what you say, sounds to me that you are in the clear.
1) you had discussed with designer to do a shoot. but had not set the details.
2) you tried calling the designer several times. no answer, exept for voicemail.
.... best you could do, except you do not say if you had designers internet address/msg-place.(?)
note: her voice-mail -could- have been defective. I.E. seeming to accept messages, but not actually recording them.
this scenario would have the designer as having the problem: it is the person with the phone who has the charge to make sure "all is working ok".
explain to the designer that you had left several voicemail messages on her phone. at x-time, and at y-time, and at z-time. then it is in -her- court.

good luck!

Jul 02 06 04:39 pm Link



Posts: 1739

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Been in a similar situation with a model I was supposed to start working with. Emailed Thursday before a Monday shoot to confirm. No response. Called Sunday evening, direct to voice mail. Called Monday morning again to find out why she wasn't there, direct to voice mail again.

Sent her an email on Tuesday. Her reason for now showing? "we never confirmed"

It happens. Bummer though when it does sad

Jul 03 06 09:08 am Link


Marcus J. Ranum

Posts: 3247

MORRISDALE, Pennsylvania, US

NC17 wrote:
Her reason for now showing? "we never confirmed"

...and the fact that she made it impossible for you to confirm was purely a coincidence! smile

Better off not working with people like that, anyhow; they just waste life's energy.


Jul 03 06 09:15 am Link