Forums > General Industry > Thats it folks


Southern Girl

Posts: 3

Nottingham, New Hampshire, US

i have uploaded what i think (!) is my best work from over the last 11 years. some old, some very old and some new stuff including my last ever image as Southern Girl Photographic named 'And she cried out in a loud voice saying.....'
(the green of the City lights in the bottom left hand corner is L.A. - sorry - nothing personal)

Its a pity i never knew about this place before but this will serve as a brief glimpse of what i have done and closed.

For those that still hanker to work with me......I have a HEAVY SOUL

Jul 01 06 03:06 pm Link


Dean Solo

Posts: 1064

Miami, Arizona, US

Nice work, gorgeous....but why give up now? Your here make the best of your time. Me I am in my 40s and just getting started. Good luck whatever avenue you choose.

Jul 01 06 03:55 pm Link


Southern Girl

Posts: 3

Nottingham, New Hampshire, US

it has everything to do with my health.

i have a weak heart and it is one they cannot fix without a blood group B and a cronic diabetic as well they have already told me my chances are slim.

but hay ho that is the hand the fate deals you and i am dealing with it.

i still shoot about once a week if i can but nolonger under the name of Southern Girl Photographic. I felt like a hershey bar....go into any candy store or shop buy it and you know what to expect. that is what 'Southern Girl' had become

time for a change then.....

i will be back....but different....or until the curtain drops for the last time.

Jul 01 06 04:04 pm Link