Forums > General Industry > Did I just get scammed!?



Posts: 344

I got contacted by a company to do a high paying job...he sends me a list of questions & requests my info. I reply..and he answers back with an attitude saying that I must not really want the job since I didn't give everything requested.. but I DID because I always just copy & paste to make sure that doesn't happen!...I give all the new stuff he wants ..inlcuding pics of myself because thats usually what casting ask for....and as soon as I send my pics he says "we've already filled the position" I know he couldn't have decided not to use me after seeing my pics because he saw them in the 1st place! thats why he contacted me..& why keep asking me for things and then "fill the postion" the next day?

Jun 26 06 12:32 pm Link


Dark Star Photography

Posts: 254

Portland, Maine, US

Sounds like a scam of some sort to me, although I'm not sure what exactly this guy was hoping for.  Strange lot of people out there, though, aren't there?

Jun 26 06 12:38 pm Link


Kinga LB

Posts: 95

Brooklyn, New York, US

Jerk Alert!
You didnt really get scammed because you didnt give him any moeny or anything of worth. BUT there's obviously something wrong with him...dont give it much though, I dont think anyone can figure out why he acted that way.

Jun 26 06 12:39 pm Link


Vector 38

Posts: 8296

Austin, Texas, US

where'd the person find your contact info in the first place? would a legit company not be going with mainstream agency talent for a commercial job?

just wondering ...

Jun 26 06 12:40 pm Link



Posts: 344

Kinga Lewicka wrote:
Jerk Alert!
You didnt really get scammed because you didnt give him any moeny or anything of worth. BUT there's obviously something wrong with him...dont give it much though, I dont think anyone can figure out why he acted that way.

I didn't give money ..but he has my info & my pics.. he might be using these things to get money..which makes it a scam right?

Jun 26 06 12:41 pm Link


aesthetix photo

Posts: 10558

Macon, Georgia, US

At any point, were nude photos sent to this person?  Sounds like the typical "I want boobies" scam but with a different twist.

A model I've worked with recently received a similar email.  She sent a reply that basically said "I'm interested but need more information before sending you my personal contact info.  Please send me your company information and a website or list of clients you've placed for."

The guy went ballistic on her and said she obviously couldn't follow simple directions and no one would ever want to work with her in this industry.

Sounds like these two guys are probably related heh...

Jun 26 06 12:42 pm Link



Posts: 344

no I don't have any nude pics...

Jun 26 06 12:45 pm Link



Posts: 30064

Ocala, Florida, US

Sounds like a typical "hook"....give me this info....then more info....then more personal and so on...until he can hook you into a meeting......hate to say it but child predators use the same technique....

Jun 26 06 01:09 pm Link



Posts: 648

Lawrence, Indiana, US

I can't answer for your particular circumstances. 

But when I have a paying client who wants a model for a shoot then I must often locate candidate models to present on the following day.  Paying work goes fast.  I don't ask models for more information than I need.  Sometimes a model will fail to include something I've requested, most often it is her telephone number or the specifics of her availability, and any omission knocks her out of consideration for the particular job on hand.  That is not due to meanness on my part, it is simply a matter of business needs.

Jun 26 06 01:15 pm Link



Posts: 24376

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

"Did I just get scammed!?"


Jun 26 06 01:17 pm Link


C R Photography

Posts: 3594

Pleasanton, California, US

Tiara LeAnne wrote:
no I don't have any nude pics...

Ya' wanna buy some wink.. jk

Jun 26 06 01:22 pm Link



Posts: 619

Lawrence, Kansas, US

Tiara LeAnne wrote:
I got contacted by a company to do a high paying job...he sends me a list of questions & requests my info. I reply..and he answers back with an attitude saying that I must not really want the job since I didn't give everything requested.. but I DID because I always just copy & paste to make sure that doesn't happen!...I give all the new stuff he wants ..inlcuding pics of myself because thats usually what casting ask for....and as soon as I send my pics he says "we've already filled the position" I know he couldn't have decided not to use me after seeing my pics because he saw them in the 1st place! thats why he contacted me..& why keep asking me for things and then "fill the postion" the next day?

Do you mind if I ask who this was?  I had a similar thing happen recently and want to see if it's the same person.  You can PM me with the info if you want so it's not in the forums.

Jun 26 06 01:27 pm Link



Posts: 20647

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

There are many fake 'agents','managers', and 'publishers' out there that will attempt to get your personal information by requesting it (as the person you've mentioned has done).  Some of 'em also will set up a fake website or attempt to get personal information via e-mail regarding job offers or modeling contests.

I always tell people never to give personal information (such as real name, phone number, address) over the internet.  Give stage name, alias, and pager number instead.

Jun 26 06 07:28 pm Link


Rebecca Tran

Posts: 7

Baltimore, Maryland, US

I got contacted on another model site from a supposed UK firm who wanted me to come to the UK for some big hoopla and would pay $2000 a day as well as flight as long as I sent 4 of my best photos.

Ok maybe this does happen but mind you, I've had ONE photo shoot which is what you see in my profile and I'm not "runway" model height, etc.  I guarantee I'm not THAT fantastic...

Something about it is very odd...I'm just not sure what....

Jun 26 06 08:16 pm Link



Posts: 20647

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Rebecca Tran wrote:
I got contacted on another model site from a supposed UK firm who wanted me to come to the UK for some big hoopla and would pay $2000 a day as well as flight as long as I sent 4 of my best photos.

Ok maybe this does happen but mind you, I've had ONE photo shoot which is what you see in my profile and I'm not "runway" model height, etc.  I guarantee I'm not THAT fantastic...

Something about it is very odd...I'm just not sure what....

The scenario that you've depicted is one of many variations of the classic "Nigerian 419 scam".   Google those words for details.

Currently, the most popular version of the particular scam that you've began to describe is an offer for a large sum of money to do a modeling job overseas.  The 'agent' will claim to pay all expenses, however the model is required to pay a deposit to insure that she won't 'flake out'.

The deposit is placed, no tickets or job ever actually arrives... and the 'deposit' has been cashed out by the 'agency', causing the model to not only lose her confidence, but to also lose a few grand along the way.

Jun 27 06 11:30 am Link


Dave Scott

Posts: 70

Vancouver, Washington, US

Rebecca Tran wrote:
I got contacted on another model site from a supposed UK firm who wanted me to come to the UK for some big hoopla and would pay $2000 a day as well as flight as long as I sent 4 of my best photos.

Ok maybe this does happen but mind you, I've had ONE photo shoot which is what you see in my profile and I'm not "runway" model height, etc.  I guarantee I'm not THAT fantastic...

Something about it is very odd...I'm just not sure what....

Not really the same situation as you describe and the gals I know are not on the web but interesting work for gals that have the looks to model:

A few female friends that I shoot are extremely hot bartenders and waitresses. They work at the "happening" clubs and at a gentleman's club in the area. I shoot them for images that they send to their friend in NY who is a promoter. They actually get flown cross country to work the private parties of the promoter's clients and get paid very well. I have no doubt that there are gals in NY that can handle the job so it just goes to show that who you know is important.

-- Dave

Jun 27 06 11:55 am Link


Soren McCarty

Posts: 151

Boulder, Colorado, US

You should ask if there is a website or company profile you can view. Or put a watermark on your photos , so they can see them but not use them without your name all over the photos!

Jun 27 06 12:09 pm Link


Soren McCarty

Posts: 151

Boulder, Colorado, US

You should ask if there is a website or company profile you can view. Or put a watermark on your photos , so they can see them but not use them without your name all over the photos!

Jun 27 06 12:10 pm Link



Posts: 666

Palatine, Illinois, US

There are easier ways to get pics and info. hell it's web. It's really easy.

But there is the possibility that you were not the only person for the job, and you just didn't get this one. It happens. Really.

Jun 27 06 12:13 pm Link



Posts: 1407

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Tiara LeAnne wrote:
no I don't have any nude pics...

Maybe that's why U didn't get his "job"??!

I got lots of times I want to get free p0rn but can't afford $19 for entry to one of the pay sites so I email a model and ask her to send me samples. It works gr8!


Jun 27 06 12:13 pm Link



Posts: 1407

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Rebecca Tran wrote:
I got contacted on another model site from a supposed UK firm who wanted me to come to the UK for some big hoopla and would pay $2000 a day as well as flight as long as I sent 4 of my best photos.

If they were gonna pay U $2000/day they would have already seen your "4 best photos" -- that smells fishier than janet jackson, to me!!


Jun 27 06 12:16 pm Link



Posts: 177

Lawrenceville, Georgia, US

Tiara LeAnne wrote:

I didn't give money ..but he has my info & my pics.. he might be using these things to get money..which makes it a scam right?

A scam is a scheme for making money by dishonest means (used as a noun) or a scheme to obtain money or other goods from somebody by dishonest means (used as a verb).  ( See MSN's Encarta Dictionary

If there was never any job, then perhaps you were scammed. 

If there was a job which became unavailable, then you were not scammed.  Remember that no prospective employer is required to give you a detailed explanation for not hiring you.

Jun 27 06 12:27 pm Link



Posts: 344

GWC wrote:

Maybe that's why U didn't get his "job"??!

I got lots of times I want to get free p0rn but can't afford $19 for entry to one of the pay sites so I email a model and ask her to send me samples. It works gr8!


lol...they didn't ask for nude pics..

Jun 28 06 08:04 pm Link



Posts: 344

vanWingo wrote:

A scam is a scheme for making money by dishonest means (used as a noun) or a scheme to obtain money or other goods from somebody by dishonest means (used as a verb).  ( See MSN's Encarta Dictionary

If there was never any job, then perhaps you were scammed. 

If there was a job which became unavailable, then you were not scammed.  Remember that no prospective employer is required to give you a detailed explanation for not hiring you.

that is the point honey..I don't think there was a job now.. & I'm not new at so I know when someone doesn't want to work with me because they are professional about it & since I am professional about modeling (like I would be with any other job).. I understand that I won't always be what people are looking for.

BUT do you understand that I didn't contact them asking for a job?.. they saw my port. & contacted me. Would you do that to someone you did not want to work with?

Jun 28 06 08:08 pm Link



Posts: 20647

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

The definition of scam simply means 'deceit' and doesn't have to involve money.

There are scams designed to obtain personal and confidential information about other people.  There are plenty of scams where the con-artist is trying to get sexual favors. Some people are scammed into marriage by someone seeking a 'green card'.

If the victim ends up doing something in order to obtain something (or attempt to obtain something) that was offered to them... but the offer was never real to begin with... it's a scam.

Jun 28 06 08:29 pm Link



Posts: 20647

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Jun 28 06 08:30 pm Link



Posts: 344

SayCheeZ! wrote:
The definition of scam simply means 'deceit' and doesn't have to involve money.

There are scams designed to obtain personal and confidential information about other people.  There are plenty of scams where the con-artist is trying to get sexual favors. Some people are scammed into marriage by someone seeking a 'green card'.

If the victim ends up doing something in order to obtain something (or attempt to obtain something) that was offered to them... but the offer was never real to begin with... it's a scam.

T h a n k   Y o u!

Jun 28 06 08:35 pm Link



Posts: 110

Glendale, Arizona, US

KatieK wrote:

Do you mind if I ask who this was?  I had a similar thing happen recently and want to see if it's the same person.  You can PM me with the info if you want so it's not in the forums.

Happened to me too...

Jun 29 06 04:31 am Link


Jane Weiss

Posts: 2027

Nottingham, England, United Kingdom

th UK thing defo false. Its not that small a country - we don't need to fly in models unless theyre you know Giselle or Tyra Banks or whatever... there are a million CWP and stuff in this country. I think it sounds more promising to girls if theyre given the chance to 'see the world' wink

Jun 29 06 04:49 am Link



Posts: 344

Sian Louise wrote:
th UK thing defo false. Its not that small a country - we don't need to fly in models unless theyre you know Giselle or Tyra Banks or whatever... there are a million CWP and stuff in this country. I think it sounds more promising to girls if theyre given the chance to 'see the world' wink

they never offerd to have me 'see the world'
just to fly a few states over to

Jun 30 06 12:57 am Link



Posts: 344

OMG!  I just got another email from them! saying:

"We are interested but because of the long work involved, 6 shoots, and
high pay- it is important that we have a complete

Please do supply all photos and information requested.

Thank you"

are they trying to make me think I STILL have a chance for a job that has been "filled"?

whoever is sending me these mails deserves to be hit in the balls everyday at 3:00pm!

Jun 30 06 12:39 pm Link



Posts: 619

Lawrence, Kansas, US

Wow...some people.  I'll sign up to be the "ball-kicker", 3pm you say....that's about when I take a break from "work". 

BTW...after I sent an email to the sketchy people I was talking about asking for all the details (location, photographer, date, wardrobe..and so on) I never heard back.

Jun 30 06 12:59 pm Link


Tryingreallyhard Delete

Posts: 122

Dallas, Texas, US

Go on-line and find several of the most repulsive female fotos u can find and attach those with a note saying this is the model u deserve to work with!!!

Seriously,  Internet offers shud ALL be viewed with skepticism.  I can't track what goes on here, but on the other site where they have a managed model feature and copies of all referrals are forwarded, about 98% of the offers coming in to the models I'm linked to are either outright scams, or some weirdo trying to worm out some form of uncompensated porn or sexual favors.  The only legit deals I've seen come through were for promotional stuff.   So again...tongue in cheek...expect the best but brace for the worst...


Jun 30 06 02:25 pm Link



Posts: 344

male-portfolios wrote:
Go on-line and find several of the most repulsive female fotos u can find and attach those with a note saying this is the model u deserve to work with!!!


lol... thats awesome ; )

Jun 30 06 04:24 pm Link


Sean Abel Photography

Posts: 318

Newburgh, New York, US

when you say info do you mean date of birth or ssn ?

Jun 30 06 04:25 pm Link


Boris Pale

Posts: 28

Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland

Tiara LeAnne wrote:
whoever is sending me these mails deserves to be hit in the balls everyday at 3:00pm!

Why exactly at 3:00pm? An hour before or later would (NOT) hurt too(either)

Jul 02 06 02:23 pm Link