Forums > General Industry > My rant..When models don't reply..



Posts: 4582

Brooklyn, New York, US

creagency wrote:
My own rant:

But then again, I've also been guilty of not getting back to people - just not when it's mid conversation.

That's the most annoying. I had a model send me an email (before she joined here) asking if I was interested. She included about 8 pics. I asked her a few questions, she responded and sent more pics (more explicit than she posted here when she joined a few days later, on her own, I might add). I asked her to define her limits and that's the last I heard of her. She responded to my Friend Request here, but not to the personal emails nor the SEND A MESSAGE. Oh well.

Apr 10 06 07:39 am Link



Posts: 4582

Brooklyn, New York, US

Double Post - Damn 41

Apr 10 06 07:44 am Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

Nerlande wrote:
post #5000 on this topic


Hmmmmm, I've been out of town for a week.  It is only 5000?  It must have slowed down while I was gone.

Apr 10 06 08:03 am Link


Art Schotz

Posts: 2879

Lima, Ohio, US

nudeartproject wrote:
9/10 models I contact never respond either. Just learn to live with it.

Like he says....

Ya just gotta depend on volume!  Some of the good ones do respond.  Most don't.

Apr 10 06 08:06 am Link



Posts: 17

Brooklyn, New York, US

Tikeya wrote:

Yes, exactly what iceblueeyedgirl said. 

I'm a very friendly person and not a snob at all, but I feel like even I kindly tell a photographer that I'm not interested, he'll get all offended, think I'm a snob, and maybe even cop an attitude with me.  And then that's only gonna p!$$ me off, and then I'll cop an attitude right back.  LOL.

Or...I feel like if I kindly tell them I'm not interested, they might just keep nagging me by saying "May I ask why not?"  and then start bragging about their work and about how they can create great new images for my portfolio and yada, yada, yada...sometimes even showing their cockiness. 

Not every model will reply to your request about shooting, and I know that it sucks having to accept it.  It irritates me too when I e-mail a photog. and don't get a response, but I've learned to live with it.  I figure they're either not interested, they haven't had time to contact me yet, or they are interested but just don't know when it can happen. 

As far as a model not e-mailing you back, just remind yourself that the time slot you had available for her could just be used for a different model who WILL e-mail you back with an interest...and there you have an upcoming shoot to look forward to.  smile

I totally agree with what the models are saying, its ridiculous to keep ranting and raving about this subject. I guess for a model this is a lose/lose situation! You can't possibly shoot with everyone that sends you a request and you won't like everyone's work that sends you a request.  If you reply with you are not interested you offend the photographer, then get called stuck up or asked a million and one questions why? However, if you don't reply at all everyone gets all bitchy. I'm probably one of the sweetest and  easiest person to get along with, but by saying no thanks, or not replying all of that is thrown down the drain. The next time either of these happen don't think the model is not professional, think that maybe they're very professional and knows what he/she wants in their portfolio. Why work with someone that you don't value there work, if all there other work is not what your looking for then what makes you think that the situation will be different for you! Maybe its ok to shoot millions of tfp with any and everybody for someone modeling for fun but a model thats serious has goals and knows how she wants to be represented. If  the model feels a photographer can't provide the work they want to achieve then I think they're doing you a fav by not working with you!! Besides it leaves you time to work with someone who does value your work. So stop being so pessimistic and look at the whole picture. Some people are going to love your work and someone people are not, that is just the way this industry is!

Apr 10 06 08:13 am Link


Anderson Artwork

Posts: 493

Kansas City, Missouri, US

iceblueeyedgirl wrote:
Because when we do respond with thanks, but no thanks, you get all pissy and tear us a new one for being stuck up.

I have never...not once ever...done that.

I have asked around to other photographers and they haven't either.

And how does that explain the "no replies" from a brand new model? She couldn't have had enough bad replies to have have that jaundiced an attitude in so short a time.

If you send a two second "Thanks for the offer, but No Thanks. Respectfully, [whatever the name]" and then they come back with something rude...then it might be ok to just be silent, no reply....but NOT before.

It's not professional...and if you put up your profile saying that you are trying to be a pro...the "no reply" proves you are not.

Bear in mind this is not saying you, personally, are not....just that the practice of "no reply" is not.

Apr 10 06 08:20 am Link


pamela mars

Posts: 1719

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

BryanJ wrote:
I know I am new and not the greatest...yet, but why is it that the decency is not there to at least reply that the interest is not there instead of leaving the topic of a potential shoot out there to dry?  One day I will be like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman going back and saying..Big Mistake...Very big mistake. Thanks for letting me put in my 2 cents of ranting...

the truth is-WE GET BUSY.
sometimes it is impossible to respong to everything due to the volume of mail we recieve.
if we had to respond to every photographer we weren't interested in working with-we'd have no time to live away from the computer.

Apr 10 06 10:29 am Link



Posts: 54

Atlanta, Georgia, US

pamela mars wrote:

the truth is-WE GET BUSY.
sometimes it is impossible to respong to everything due to the volume of mail we recieve.
if we had to respond to every photographer we weren't interested in working with-we'd have no time to live away from the computer.

Thats the problem right there.  Too many emails going to the models.  But, you can respond with a one sentence answer.  Being left out to dry isnt a good feeling for anyone, even if they are a bad shooter.

Apr 10 06 12:47 pm Link


pamela mars

Posts: 1719

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Photos2amaze wrote:

Thats the problem right there.  Too many emails going to the models.  But, you can respond with a one sentence answer.  Being left out to dry isnt a good feeling for anyone, even if they are a bad shooter.

take into consideration how slow this site is.
a no thank you message can take you long to reply cuz the site's slow.
i don't get upset when people don't respond to me.

Apr 10 06 01:52 pm Link



Posts: 54

Atlanta, Georgia, US

pamela mars wrote:

take into consideration how slow this site is.
a no thank you message can take you long to reply cuz the site's slow.
i don't get upset when people don't respond to me.

The site is free so its hard to complain about the speed on the site.  You must have a heck of a lot of emails not to be able to say no thanks even if it does take a minute.  Looks like it would be a sense of pride taken when people want to work with you.  At least enough to respond.  It was the same speed for the photographer that emailed.  I have a hard time believing anyone wouldnt be bothered by no response.

Apr 10 06 02:10 pm Link


ELITE Model Shots

Posts: 319

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Alright photogs....let's just ignore the camera phone models and "NO CHANCE IN HELL" models that TFP request us. Many models are flakes.

Apr 11 06 05:31 am Link


bobby sargent

Posts: 4159

Deming, New Mexico, US

If they do not reply.  SO WHAT.  Just move on.  I send out mail all the time for paying jobs on my trip shoots.  Some reply back no thanks, some never repy back and some ask for more info and never reply back to that.   

BFD.  If they are interested then I have found a model who is interested and wants to work.  If these other models do not want to make any money that is fine with me.

Something you just have to learn to live with.  I have for about 15 years.  bs

Apr 11 06 09:38 am Link



Posts: 221

Largo, Florida, US

Keep your chin up. Your not the only one who has this problem. I dont understand it either. I ALWAYS send a reply, even if Im not interested. Perhaps I was just raised different. Anyway, good luck and keep plugging away. They will come;-)

Apr 11 06 09:49 am Link


Anna Michelle

Posts: 196

Pensacola, Florida, US

I try to answer most requests, but I do have to admit that I'm coming from the hobbiest side. This is my hobby; other things in life take priority. When dealing with a photographer that I have agreed to work with, I treat modeling as if it were my job. I understand that a lot of times, this is the photographer's job, so I sure as hell am not going to screw things up by being the "typical" flakey model. Photographers do need to understand however that a lot of us are busy with school or work or whatever it is we do. We also receive a lot of emails from photographers who are asking us for things we are not all comfortable with. Example...I get a ton of pornography offers, and I have stated in my profile that I will not even consider such a shoot. With the piles and piles of emails that I receive from photographers wanting porn, some of the legit inquiries are sometimes forgotten. It is not intentional, and I hope that the photographers who have contacted me understand that I am not trying to blow them off if I haven't responded. I'm working 3 jobs, and trying to get back into school, so I don't always have time to worry about my hobby. I hope that the theory of some models are intelligent and are trying to better themselves is not lost to the idea that models are all flakey and fake and unable to conduct themselves in a professional manner.

Apr 11 06 09:51 am Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Tony Lawrence wrote:
See I don't believe this at all.  Now you, know I love you girl but don't tell people that
8 out of 10 of the photographers you contact don't write back because  its
not true.  Maybe 2 out of 10 is closer to the number and while you are serious
and professional most and yes thats most of the models here aren't.
Not intrested in working with someone. say something.  No response is bullsh%^.

I bet it is true.  That's about my number, too, and I'm probably not contacting photographers as often as she is.

Apr 11 06 10:02 am Link



Posts: 33

Madison, Alabama, US

Not just models!!

I have -no- problem with the no response. Because I often get messages that are form letters or obviously mass market letters. I do make an effort to respond to all letters that are individual letters. But when I respond to a post or an ad for a model, I usually EXPECT no reply, because they probably get a ton and if there is no response to the first inquiry I know there is no interest.

What annoys me is when there is an EXCHANGE of emails, and then they drop you unexpectedly. I mean, come on, if there has been contact made, initial interest expressed, then I -DO- expect the courtesy of a "thanks no thanks" response to finish it off.

And as for sour grapes to the "thanks no thanks," I did get one once, from somebody offering management. For your amusement, I am posting the entire exchange intact, spelling is original.

-----Original Message-----

Hi Debbie,

Looking for a manager to represent you by any chance?

-----On 9/11/05, debbie wrote:-----
Hi Matthew,

Thank you for your interest. At the moment I'm not looking for a manager
or representation, but I appreciate the offer.


-----Original Message-----

Thats to bad, Id have that experiance level changed from no expierance to t he next level and from amature to semi profeshional in a matter of weeks

Jul 08 06 04:27 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

photofashion wrote:

That's partly because a lot of them can't actually read.

lol. harsh.

and you wonder why those models never showed up in LA to meet you!

Jul 08 06 04:34 pm Link


oddproof photography

Posts: 155

Garwood, New Jersey, US

I can empathize with most models on this because it goes both ways as well. I try to respond to all emails even if they're not what I'm looking for in my portfolio but I don't put myself out there too much so my response is low. So when I get a request to do a TFCD/TFP for a 4 year old it is an automatic no and I respond back with a standard rejection email.

The only time when it is unacceptable is if you have something scheduled and never to be heard from again. That would be rude.

But you shouldn't be offended if a model does not respond to your initial requests here. If you expect a response, that's why agencies exists, who has people adequate enough to properly respond to you. Otherwise you just live with it.

Jul 08 06 04:45 pm Link


Halina Anilah

Posts: 77

Victorville, California, US

Im sorry i think its rude not to reply back, even if it’s a no thanks!, if your not interested then say so! if you have to cancel call as early as possible! i keep in touch with my photographers almost on a daily basis, even if they are out of state because if they come to my area I WANT TO WORK!!! i want them to know that im interested! Think about it if you dont show an interest why should they show one back!

Jul 08 06 05:00 pm Link



Posts: 6142

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

BryanJ wrote:
I know I am new and not the greatest...yet, but why is it that the decency is not there to at least reply that the interest is not there instead of leaving the topic of a potential shoot out there to dry?  One day I will be like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman going back and saying..Big Mistake...Very big mistake. Thanks for letting me put in my 2 cents of ranting...

OMG, I just put that note up on my profile smile

Jul 08 06 05:02 pm Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

While this subject is repeated over and over again I think this is a good thing to
keep out there.  If you are not intrested in shooting. Say something.  keep it
short and simple but say something.  If you are going to keep a active profile
photographers will offer TFP and sometimes paid shoots.  Write back or call but
say something.  That TFP offer may lead to payment.  That TFP offer may lead
to another photographer who will pay you.  Its not just rude to not say something
but may even hurt you.  Quite frankly I'm amazed at the talent photographers who
offer TFP'S only to not hear any reponses.  It begs the question of why post
photos and a profile if you have no plans to go further.  If you are very busy
put that in your profile.  If you will be unable to shoot for a while say that too but
no reponse to polite inquries is rude and unprofessional.

Jul 08 06 05:34 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

If I contact a model I like to hear a response.  Even if negative.  I'm a big girl.  I can handle rejection, and not being a commercial photographer, I understand that improving one's books with artistic concept shots isn't going to help land a model with her dream agency.  I understand that my style and the type of work I do doesn't really fit into categories, and as such, isn't really needed for a number of portfolios. So,   I don't need a lengthy explanation.  But a simple "no " "I only do commercial" or even "I think you suck" takes just a few seconds and is really helpful to those of us that are looking for art models.

Jul 08 06 08:38 pm Link


Image K

Posts: 23400

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

BryanJ wrote:
I know I am new and not the greatest...yet, but why is it that the decency is not there to at least reply that the interest is not there instead of leaving the topic of a potential shoot out there to dry?  One day I will be like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman going back and saying..Big Mistake...Very big mistake. Thanks for letting me put in my 2 cents of ranting...

When Jehovah's Witness people knock on my door, I never answer.

Does that mean I'm indecent?

No, it just means that I'm not interested.

Jul 08 06 08:41 pm Link



Posts: 3619

Aberdeen, Washington, US

creagency wrote:
My own rant:

when models reply but only with a "is this a paid shoot" and then after I take the time to explain a scenario that can even include possibilities for PAID shooting and then they don't even have the decency to get back and say a polite "no thank you" or "piss off" or anything.

I would be thrilled for you to be interested.

You have a great portfolio.


Jul 08 06 09:00 pm Link


PK Digital Imaging

Posts: 3084

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Anilah wrote:
Im sorry i think its rude not to reply back, even if it’s a no thanks!, if your not interested then say so! if you have to cancel call as early as possible!

This is because you take the work seriously.  Others (the ones who don't reply etc) don't take it seriously.

No response = bad form in my books.  If a model doesn't want to work with me, then just say so and I'm more than happy to give the time and money to someone else.


Jul 08 06 09:05 pm Link


Ye Olde Photographer

Posts: 547

San Juan, San Juan-Laventville, Trinidad and Tobago

Models cannot accept all the offers that they get for various reasons. I hope that those who are serious will take the time to respond to photographers.

You can make a simple text file that you can copy and paste. It wont take you long to think of two or three standard polite responses that you can copy and paste even if you have to borrow a computer to do so.

Nobody likes rejection: Models, consider the fact  that photographers may have  have invested thousands of dollars in equipment and sometimes years of time to hone their skills. Some "models" have invested just a few minutes on a friend's computer or an internet cafe.

I know I get killed for saying this but models (especially new ones) , please take  some time to understand what a good picture really looks like before you refuse the next Stephen Meisel.

Jul 08 06 09:54 pm Link


Chris Le

Posts: 33

San Diego, California, US

With all the replies, they really cover almost all. One thing I can assure through my experience is: althought they don't reply, you'll see some of the models pop up from nowhere and msg you something like ".....go here....and vote for me..." sounds familiar? :-)

Jul 08 06 10:01 pm Link



Posts: 166

Panglao, Central Visayas, Philippines

start with I pay $500. per hr...............see what happens then")

Jul 08 06 10:09 pm Link



Posts: 166

Panglao, Central Visayas, Philippines

Image K wrote:

When Jehovah's Witness people knock on my door, I never answer.

Does that mean I'm indecent?

No, it just means that I'm not interested.


it means your a coward!

Jul 08 06 10:12 pm Link


Wynd Mulysa

Posts: 8619

Berkeley, California, US

My Kollection wrote:
Just because everyone does it doesn't make it right...

I beg to differ!

Jul 08 06 10:20 pm Link


Jon Tiffin

Posts: 1041

San Antonio, Texas, US

Can't take it personal. Schedules, locations, vibe,...whatever else that constitutes a comfort level for that perticlar model to be driven enough to want to shoot w/that 'tog.

But throw in the $$$ factor and see how fast they send a reply...

"It's just business"

Karma is a vicious, evil vehicle...Be kind, reply

...even if it's a 'no thanks'

Jul 08 06 10:26 pm Link


Wynd Mulysa

Posts: 8619

Berkeley, California, US

San Francisco Nudes wrote:
I've also had models reply weeks later (after finals are over or some life change) asking me if I was still interested.  I'm pretty much always doing shoots so sometimes the answer's "yes".  I don't get offended by no reply or I'd spent way too much energy being offended.


Vito wrote:
That's the most annoying. I had a model send me an email (before she joined here) asking if I was interested. She included about 8 pics. I asked her a few questions, she responded and sent more pics (more explicit than she posted here when she joined a few days later, on her own, I might add). I asked her to define her limits and that's the last I heard of her. She responded to my Friend Request here, but not to the personal emails nor the SEND A MESSAGE. Oh well.

My MM inbox gets kind of crazy sometimes.  Once, I had set up a shoot with a photographer that was about two or three weeks away from the last time we exchanged messages.  I thought I had written to him another time, but I guess not.  Anyway, a week later he wrote to me saying that he would have to find someone else.  I replied ASAP [and this was still, I'm pretty sure,  at least a week before the shoot was scheduled] apologizing and explaining that I had forgotten to send another confirmation because I was very busy and that I was still planning on being there.  He didn't write back to that one.

Jul 08 06 10:28 pm Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

Image K wrote:

When Jehovah's Witness people knock on my door, I never answer.

Does that mean I'm indecent?

No, it just means that I'm not interested.

It means that you didn't answer the door.  They don't know if your home.  They
don't know if you are intrested.  I answer my door with a polite no thank you.
It means they leave and I go back to what I was doing.  Several models have
posted that they are too busy to respond to all the requests for shoots.  Intresting
because based on what I see many models aren't being paid.  The ideal is to
be considerate and respond.  Take a few hours a week if needed to say even
a friendly no thank you.  Doing that may mean that if a paying job comes up
that same photographer may offer it to you.  If someone becomes a pest then
ignore him or report him to the mods.  By the way were all busy people but when
you choose to place a photo and profile with your information and things like seeking paid work and or TFP shoots or shoots that will provide tear sheets don't
be shocked when people write you.

Jul 08 06 10:31 pm Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

Your expectatons are too high.

Internet models : 10% completion rate. that is only one out of every request will end up in a shoot.

You expect promptness and courtesy; dream on.

But just put together a "never contact  again in life list".
I have one.

Jul 08 06 10:31 pm Link


Fantasy On Film

Posts: 667

Detroit, Michigan, US

Think of speaking to everyone that you meet in a day..some will reply with a hello, some won't.

People that do not repy to your e-mail, message, post..ARE NOT INTERESTED IN YOU.


Jul 08 06 10:36 pm Link



Posts: 39

Charleston, Arkansas, US

I just want to work. I'm dedicated, driven and I only care about one thing. . .
That is getting to my job, doing what I'm told, doing it well. That is it!

No If's ands or butt's about it!

Models have a point and so do the photogs, So what!! Let's all just play nice
stop the crabbin and get to Work!


Jul 08 06 10:47 pm Link


Dave Krueger

Posts: 2851

Huntsville, Alabama, US

Oliver Cole wrote:
Think of speaking to everyone that you meet in a day..some will reply with a hello, some won't.

Yeah, but I smack the ones that don't.  lol

Oliver Cole wrote:
People that do not repy to your e-mail, message, post..ARE NOT INTERESTED IN YOU.

That hits the nail on the head.  No reply is a reply and I usually don't lose any sleep over it.  But, when I'm trying to line a up a model for a shoot, how long do I give them to reply before I solicit someone else for the job?  One day?  Two days?   

And then, when I finally line up a model, then I have to repeat the process for an MUA. 

The only people whom I don't have trouble getting are unpaid assistants.

Jul 08 06 10:52 pm Link


MedicineWolf Studios

Posts: 199

Fleetwood, Pennsylvania, US

The Models that don't respond I simply forget about...Those that book a shoot and don't show without a word are the ones that bother me. That said there are legitimate reasons models often do not respond. Sometimes as a photographer I don't get back to models as swiftly as I should. The sword swings both ways I suppose. If I am doing my job to the best of my ability then I have more responses. Females in general, models or otherwise are often inundated with emails. It's all about our craft as models, photographers, artists... I have business if I'm working my craft the best I can.                                                             Just my two cents! John. MedicineWolf Studios

Jul 08 06 11:03 pm Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21528

Chicago, Illinois, US

Models that aren't with agencies and many are not are independant contractors.
They are or should be in the bussiness of either trying to build their portfolios
or making money by shooting.  I'm not seeing where high paying clients are
seeking out MM models.  So when a photographer comes knocking it just makes
good bussiness sense not to piss off someone WHO might pay you.  No reply may
mean you didn't get my e-mail.  It was lost of deleted some how or maybe you
aren't intrested but still take a moment to think about why you are here.  If its
to make money or add to your book then it just makes common sense to respond.
Part of what I see is that many models have little to no respect for photographers.
Most attractive models are getting asked to shoot all the time and guess what?
It comes with placing a profile on-line.  It means that you respond to serious offers.  Does it mean take a few extra minutes to do it, sure.  When models contact me I respond.  Thats because I value them, don't you as a photographer feel you should also be valued?  Some people feel no response is a response.
I learned something in one of more useless college classes.  If you are asked a
question and you don't respond is that in itself a response?

Jul 09 06 01:01 am Link


J Schumacher

Posts: 1220

Gustine, California, US

iceblueeyedgirl wrote:
Because when we do respond with thanks, but no thanks, you get all pissy and tear us a new one for being stuck up.

Anderson Artwork wrote:
I have never...not once ever...done that.

Actually, though not frequent, a few of my friends on here (models) have had that experience, almost exactly word for word.

But back to the subject, I'll send one email, wait a bit, and send a follow up in case the first got lost or whatever. After the 2nd mail, I'll call it a day and leave the poor girl alone, assuming that there's no interest on her end.

(so if I do send you mail, and you're interested, 2 is all you get, better respond)

Jul 09 06 06:44 pm Link