
Model Mayhem #:
Last Activity:
Aug 31, 2024
Very Experienced
Depends on Assignment
Oct 12, 2009

Lists (3)

GREAT IDEA ~ Let's try this together

110 Photos

SPREADS ~ Nothing to see here folks, Move Along

24 Photos


59 Photos
See Less

About Me

“You don't make a photograph just with a camera. You bring to the act of photography all the pictures you have seen, the books you have read, the music you have heard, the people you have loved.” - Ansel Adams
(For those of you who are under 30, Ansel was probably the single most important photographer of the early 20th century)

"The living model, the naked body of a woman, is the privileged seat of feeling, but also of questioning... The model must mark you, awaken in you an emotion which you seek in turn to express." - Henri Matisse
(for those of you who have been living under a rock, Henri was a pretty good painter)

I steal ideas without shame, I look at the work of others and devise a concept, then shoot my own interpretation. If a famous Orchestra plays Beethoven's Consecration Overture #124, you'd never complain that someone else played that last year.
I never set out to shoot a specific shot or idea, the synergy between model and photographer has to remain fluid and flexible, and we may find something totally different than what I envisioned.
I WILL SHARE with Newbies! I'll do a shoot with any female model (I am not so good at shooting men) who requests it, if you have been in MM less than a year or have less than 10 shots in your port. I pay even newbies because your time, energy and creativity is worth something. Many, MANY years ago, I was just starting out, and people helped me out - it's payback time.

** I work with models who shoot nude, but you'll never see any work that I wouldn't show my wife or my daughter. I do not allow boyfriends or husbands as escorts. If you must bring an escort after checking my references, you may bring a girlfriend, sister, MUA, etc... Escorts are not always within eyesight of the actual shoot, and do not get to make suggestions or become an art director. **

From me, you will get aesthetically pleasing images and some that are designed to stimulate thought. I have an interest in exploring taboos that most people believe no longer exist. If you are also open to new thought and not inhibited by conventional thought, I love to collaborate.

I am looking for models willing to be sexy, sensual, and flirty with the camera. I am here to create art, not relationships. I am friends with models I have shot, but if I were looking for relationships, there are a hundred other sites I'd go to.

I'm very reliable, that means I show up on time and ready to start and I only call to cancel last minute if I am dead. I work hard when I work, but not for extended periods, most shoots are an hour or less. I ask that you be reliable and work hard also.

I always PAY models, always in CASH plus all photos on a thumb drive and I always give VERIFIED CREDIT. I'll NEVER charge even the newest and most inexperienced model. You, your time, your skills, and your energy are valuable. I no longer accept paid assignments, and I am not seeking them. You can’t hire me, only collaborate with me.


Jim at Daniel NorthWest is a joy to work with! He is professional, interesting, patient (a blessing for new models) and always comes out with a great shot. He never stops amazing me with all his new ideas for locations, lighting, props, and clothing, all of which are always a blast to dive into. I've got to say, if you get a chance to work with him, jump on it. You definitely won't regret the time you spent, or the shoots you get.
- SHELBY WEATHERFORD Mayhem #1735337 -

I have known Jim since 1974. His regular job shows him to be a man of integrity and responsibility, so having him return to Photography is good for everyone. He remains one of the few people I have loaned cameras and cars too, a patient and caring guy.
I have helped him on photo shoots and he has helped me, and he's always been an asset. He taught Photographic modeling at 2 bay area schools in the late 1970s into the 1980s. He always gives 100% on his shoots and in my experience gets images back to his clients on time. I have watched him raise his kids and become a caring grandfather.
- LORIN EDMONDS Mayhem #233250 -

Jim Daniel is very professional, easy going, and fun to work with. He has amazing thoughts and ideas that push the envelope and truly show off his creative talents. The setting was completely comfortable and I was able to push past my boundaries and in turn get some amazing shots. He has a lot of innovative ideas but is also very open to what you would like to capture as the model. It was a pleasure working with him and I would highly recommend him to others, especially to newcomers.
- Chera Lenise - Mayhem #766227 -

Working with Daniel Northwest was honestly one of my favorite shooting experiences. Not only is he easy going he is easy to work with. I remember standing in a walk in dumpster wearing less than next to nothing with construction workers all over the place and Jim made me feel at ease. He has this magical way of making you feel like it's just the two of you even with onlookers standing just outside the shot. The pictures came out so beautifully and had that certain something that makes you just say 'Wow'. He can really bring the inside out, that passion that burns inside of you is something Jim brings out and captures. A truly great photographer to say the least.
- Katerina Purrington - Mayhem #1812401

Jim Daniel is one of the better photogs I've worked with. He defiantly made me feel very comfortable, even in our very short amount of time during the shoot. As a result of this, I feel I got wonderful pictures that really captured something a lot of other photogs cant quiet capture with their lens. I'm anxious to work with him again, and I know I'll have a great time and get great pictures!
- Mayghen - Mayhem #1610474

Jim is very kind and understanding and he makes me very comfortable from my very first time being naked in front of a real camera. I've shot with him several times and he's a guy I really can trust. He talks to me and helps me understand what he's doing and makes me look better than I ever thought I could look. I showed my mom and she was excited for me, it was fun to work with him.
- XX Alie XX Mayhem #2242099

Credit Notes

1735337 ****
1610474 **
766227 **
2242099 **
2766366 **