
Model Mayhem #:
Last Activity:
Jul 22, 2024
Very Experienced
Jan 16, 2008

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modelally's list of killer photos

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About Me

I started in photography during my teens and began a professional career in my early twenties.  I shoot both film and digital.  I do my own digital and negative development to control the visual integrity of my work.  I know photoshop is a powerfully interpretive platform yet I try to maintain a level of realism in my images, limiting post production lighting corrections and gimmicky filters.  This has the drawback of making my images less trendy and experimental but it makes it more interesting, challenging and fun for me, which is why I shoot photography in the first place.  I love what I do, Im easy to work with so no project is off the table.  Don't be shy i'm not out of your price range or too busy for you.

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