
Model Mayhem #:
Last Activity:
Dec 27, 2020
Very Experienced
Depends on Assignment
Jun 07, 2007

Friends (24)

Lists (7)

Creative Usage Of Cliche

0 Photos

Everybody Has An Opinion

2 Photos

Knights, Princesses, Faeries, and other Fantacy Creatures

6 Photos

Nice Portraits I decided to list for no particular reason

17 Photos

Sungoddess Studios List of Classy Artistic Photos

28 Photos

Things you don't try in Manhattan

3 Photos

Urban Fashion

10 Photos
See Less

About Me

Then you can view my portfolio, website and apply to Castings

For All Castings and Photo Shoots;
Send a PM to apply for a casting. If you are chosen you will be notified via PM.
You must call the studio and speak with someone in the studio to make final confirmation for any photo shoots or you will not be booked, Someone else will!
Please have ALL your measurements filled out in your profile. I cannot wardrobe you without full stats.
You must be well groomed, dressed appropriately, have neutral color undergarments on if you are wearing any of my wardrobe. Spaghetti string tank tops are also helpful. Please have on minimal to no Make Up on, no or little product in your hair and washed 12+ hours before no earlier. If you have any favorite make-up or hair products. Feel free to bring them. Please let me know if you have any alergies to make-up, latex glue, or animals. 
Listen to, be polite & respect any crew member. Be creative, upbeat and happy.
Quality,Branded,Copyrighted,Portfolio use, Photoshopped Digital Images are payment for TFP modeling with me.

  I have been a semi-pro photographer for a long time now, well over 30 years. I have a home studio and professional equipment. I love Location photography also that is where I perform best in Natural Light Manipulation.
This is my Art Portfolio. I love photography, it gives me an artistic outlet I can find nowhere else. I have been interested in photography since I was very young. My father was an amateur cinematographer. I had a darkroom and I was doing my first pro photo shoots and later published at a very young age. I trained under Pro photographers and studied art in college. I have worked construction, recorded a major album as lead engineer. Followed the Grateful Dead and recorded well over 300 concerts including other major artists. Currently my art work hangs in local Galleries. I have a different approach to photography. I draw inspiration from the memorable artists from the past, not imitate them. True creativity comes from within.

Photographers Note
I don't have a "casting couch".  I don't want to get you naked. I am not interested in making you the next "big thing".  I am only interested in making artistic photographs.
Escorts Welcome and plan on being put to work.
All models are cast according to whatever their "Look" is.
If you have a good concept, run it by me.
If you are cast in one of my photoshoots. Please be on time, professional, well rested and NOT hungover or on drugs.

The almost old dude is me ---->

Like me on Facebook

**By the way, I am available for PAID assignments also.**

My blog:

*** ***
Other Important Links :

restarted Nov 8, 2010

I have been added as a 2nd list photography mentor.
      (I AM WILLING TO HELP, Write me)

"All we are saying is give peace a chance"
  John Lennon

"An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind."
  Mohandas Gandhi

"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. This is not a way of life at all in any true sense. Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron."
    Dwight D. Eisenhower

**Photographers note**
If I have blocked you it either means:
  1.You are a model flake. No Call, No Show, Costs People Money!!!!!
  2.You are rude, bother me in a bad way, or some other stupid reason.
My Block list is available upon request.

  Don't send a Friends Request, UNLESS you actually want to be my friend or you are one of my friends. PM me and accually be friends first.
Any unsolicited friends requests will be denied.

Verified Credits (1)

Worked with Sungoddess Studios? Share your experience and become verified!
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Credit Notes

Awards,Noteworthy Accomplishments
          are listed on my website

1979 to present ~ Freelance Photographer
2007 Time Life "Capture the Coast" 16th place
2008 Hasselblad Masters Semi-Finalist
2012 HD Make-Up Forever
2014 Dove Soap Living Ad
2015/2016 to be desided