
Model Mayhem #:
Last Activity:
Jan 31, 2017
Jan 29, 2017

About Me

Croatian freelance photographer based in Croatia.
Born in Rijeka in 1977. In 1991 receives a diploma from the University of Technology in Rijeka where he lives and works. Seriously involved with photography since 2004 although he was interested in taking pictures from childhood. The magic of the unrepeatable frozen moment fascinates him as does the feel for light, composition and the split second, although he personally prefers street photography and seaside motifs, and likes to experiment with abstractions.
In year 2010 became Artist FIAP (AFIAP) and Excellence FIAP (EFIAP) in 2012. He is an active member of Fotoklub Pag.
He had ten one-man shows, participated in over 330 group shows and received over 140 awards and was included by the Croatian Photo Association seven times in the national selection for FIAP Biennale.
He has had photographs published on book covers and catalogues as well as in photo magazines and calendars. Since 2013 he has worked also as an instructor in photography and giving classes and workshops.

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