
Model Mayhem #:
Last Activity:
Jan 28, 2024
Some Experience
Apr 08, 2014

About Me

I've always been interested in arts and crafts of all sorts, encouraged by my parents to pursue my own ideas, hobbies and interests. Photography always grabbed me particularly.Growing up in North London meant I was never far from inspiration, ideas and influences. I dropped out of things in my early twenties, got lead astray man. Lost who I was, forgot why I was.

Had a tough time and a rough ride for a couple of years... lost my home, financially took some blows but I learned that you have to be who you are in this life. Can't be anything else.

I found my mojo again around about five years ago and haven't really stopped since. Decided to try studio photography at around the same time and it just clicked with me. I love the control, the minutiae of detail, of trying, trying, trying until I get it right.

I'm very laid back in life and I think that's reflected in my photography. Easy, flowing. I try to work in harmony with models, trading ideas, rather than "this is my way, this is how I'm doing it" kind of approach. I think I'm beginning to develop my own style now. Have a look at my portfolio and see what you think.

So that's me. I'm joining up here for more contacts, more inspiration, guidance and to learn.

So show me. :)

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