
Model Mayhem #:
Last Activity:
Apr 06, 2022
Some Experience
Depends on Assignment
Feb 17, 2011

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23 Photos
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About Me

Hello, my name is Taylor Kime. I am a "wanna-be" artist that has just recently gotten into the digital art world. I have a new found love for drawing portraits of people and that's the main reason I am here today. I am looking for models to draw. I am not sure if my work is good enough yet to be paid for it, but I would love to see what everyone thinks. I also do some photo touch-up work which I will hopefully display soon. Thank You!

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photo figure model · Photographer

You are getting there keep up the good work.

Sarah Strawberries · Model

Free enterance and Hempfest NH Tickets for preformance artists and creative souls to partake in NE's largest body paint show. Featuring two story geodesic domes, murals, uv forest , Jam bands all weekend, drum circle every night, yoga and reiki. The weekend of Aug 27th , models and painters are incoraged to come to workshop pre festival, held every Sunday. Contact me with any interest. Cheers

Hempfest Show Director
Ginger Rogers (fb)
[email protected]

cyscys · Model

Hi there! I'm a figure, portrait, photography and costume model. Are there any positions available? Thank you.

Sarah Strawberries · Model

I would like to offer you a unique opportunity:

I'm asking you if you could donate your time and your talent to Freedom. Body paint is the ultimate way to express freedom over your body. If you have the time for this experience you will be compensated with a unique portfolio piece. Head to toe body paint, with a finished head dress, and some of the best photographers from the area will be there. You will be painting your model into, or as part of a Hemp space mural complete with an Rastafarian Octopus.

The average recreational Marijuana user in Nh is not in much danger, but for the sake of people suffering we need to have access to the technology to extract the full potential from this sacred plant. This is a small step in letting people own their Bodies and space.

The rehearsal is july 12, 2pm in Canaan NH. Hempfest is aug 27-30. there will be bands and awesomeness, you will get in free, and models and artists are provided with a tub, sleeping space if necessary, access to camp stoves, and please, if you need anything out camping, we'll be here for you.

Thank you,

[email protected]
603 660 7466 (text is best)

MARIO GILES · Photographer

Hello there! Im in town! Lets collaborate! Looking to update my portfolio! Best of luck and success!

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