
Model Mayhem #:
Last Activity:
Feb 05, 2016
Some Experience
Depends on Assignment
Jun 21, 2010

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About Me

I haven't done a ton of published, public projects, but I do have a few under my belt in each arena, as well as good deal of experience from personal & educational endeavors. (Which includes all of my favorite mediums; including fine art, makeup art and beyond.) So, I guess you could say at this point I'm definitely open to any prospective opportunities where any-and-or-all of my creative outlets are concerned. :)

My most instinctual medium will always be drawing. I work with ballpoint pens, graphite/pencils, colored pencils, conté, charcoal, pen & ink.. pretty much any and every mark-making tool. I've also done a bit of makeup work in my time. You can find my MM MUA profile here: For now, I'm just having fun exploring MM, getting inspired, and meeting new, fascinating people. :)

I've done everything from movie effects makeup to fashion design, and love the effect costume and makeup can have on someone- beit in an artistic piece, or real life. One of my ultimate goals is art outreach for people w/disabilities and the elderly. As a person with a visual impairment, I've experienced first-hand how art can have an impact on one's life, as well as the impact the art from a unique point of view can have on others. I'd like to share that empowerment and freedom w/as many people as I can- but especially those it might not necessarily reach easily without a little help. ;)

Regardless of the form a pursuit takes, I love it when a piece can have a real, palpable effect on a person's life. Whether that be a feeling inspired by a certain bit of sculpture, a new attitude derived from a fabulous piece of clothing (cool 'do or new element in a person's makeup), or the neat idea, emotion or resolve someone carries with them after seeing a certain piece of art. To me, that's how art makes a difference. :)

I work with a lot of fantasy elements; such as faeries, vampires and other mythological pieces- things that might seem 'idle" to some. But there's a distinct meaning in each of my works, regardless of the media through which that idea might be expressed; and I think that's the case w/most artists. (Or, should be. ;D) Sometimes there's a moral, sometimes there's a story or fable, and sometimes a piece's purpose is just to make you laugh. Either way, I hope you enjoy what I do.

If you'd like to see more of what I've done, you can find me in a bevy of places- such as:

(I'm not quite sure how others have made HTML work here- yet. But as soon as I do, I assure you this place'll be jazzed up. 'Til then, sorry for the text overload!)

My work has been likened to that of artists such as Amy Brown, Nene Thomas & Jessica Galbreth- all wonderful people and amazingly talented ladies. But I tend to shy away from such comparisons, as I've been developing my own repertoire and individual style since childhood, and only in recent years discovered these artists' work. Each artist brings their own something special to their work, and contributes their own styles and flavors to the field, so I tend not to compare myself to any one particular artist or sub-genre. To me, it's far more interesting to play beyond peoples' normal conventions. :)

When I have a model present (I haven't worked from photographs often- as w/the way I was brought up in the Arts to me it's been considered kind of cheating), my work can be incredibly naturalistic- as opposed to my more frequently used straight-from-the-cerebrum style. When I work straight from imagination however, I guess you could say my style is almost always very curvilinear, can often be quite whimsical, and more often than not feature themes of fantasy, dark art, various modern subcultures, and occasionally fetish/erotic styles. (But I strive for -artistic nudity- and -suggested- eroticism. (As hinting and teasing can be far more effective, sensual, captivating, provocative and visceral.) So I tend to have one motto when it comes to touchy subjects: "I like my erotic art like I like my dark art, horror (in movies, stories, and other media) as well as even my fantasy: It's always better when you leave something up to the imagination. :)

Although I prefer to have models to work from, if I don't I just play from the images in my head, and let the emotion or the point of a piece take over. Sometimes I know what I'm going to draw beforehand, and sometimes I just the the piece flow, starting out with one single mark and seeing where a piece evolves from there. :) Of course I'd like to make these more spontaneous, non-model-dependent images more photo-realistic, but it's my hope that all the years of careful human physiognomy observation and the simple study of peoples' characters help each work and its purpose shine through.

I've made a few etchings in my time, tried my hand at printmaking, love to work in ceramic sculpture (specifically life-casting, whimsical vessel creation and raku), but I enjoy dabbling in other mediums as well, such as beading, designing clothing & costumes, general crafting, and dabbling in interior design, when I can get it, too. For the last decade or so I've been learning the art of photography, exploring makeup artistry, and becoming more acclimated with more theatrical-use makeup elements, such as prosthetics, full-body painting and beyond.

Where photography is concerned, I have a lot of fantastical & theatrical pieces planned which I'd LOVE to execute. But as I don't often have a model present or available, my passion as of late has been placed greatly into the realm of bellydance. I love attending and photographing events featuring Middle Eastern dance, and am absolutely enamored w/the genre, its participants, its music and its culture. My personal & professional preferences are the same with the dancers and models as they are with the varying genres of the dance: I enjoy all types, shapes, colors and sizes; be they Tribal, Cabaret, Egyptian, Traditional Folk, Romani, Fusion, Indian, or otherwise. I'd love to do fashion, beauty/glamour, lifestyle and runway photography as well. (I've got some experience w/some of these, as well as a bevy of drawings I did not feature here, as they're not directly model-related. But if you'd like to see more of my work, please feel free to check out the web site listed here. The site is under serious reconstruction, but the front page should at least give you an idea of my work. :))

I'd done some film work as a makeup artist, a few acting and modeling gigs in the past, and personally as well as professionally enjoy it all. My hope with this site is to find kindred spirits of both the modeling and artist persuasion, and to potentially find others to create for and with. It would be grand to find models in the area who'd be willing to sit for me (for drawings or photographs), but knowing I'm in a pretty remote area, I'm not gonna hold my breath. ;) That being the case, I'm willing to give working from photos a try, as a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do, and sometimes put her high-highfalutin' ideals aside to get her work done- and hopefully to improve over the years. ;)

I'm up for models of all shapes and sizes, but currently I find myself looking for beautiful, unusual-looking, curvy girls and gorgeous, long or spikey-haired, whip-chord gents for a few different pieces I have in mind. Tattoos and (photographic) 'tudes are perfectly okay, as are the more demure, naturalistic styles, as I can always embellish an image, or play w/makeup, light, and temporary extras. :) Alt. models work well, and as I can think up almost any kind of piece to fit around any particular model, idea or setting that inspires me, I'm not afraid of dramatic 'dos, colorful locks, or punky demeanors. Who knows? You might end up a SteamPunk goddess, or a swashbuckling, post-apocalyptic pirate, a wood nymph from the wilderness, or a denizen of the Fae, appearing as a modern-day, bedraggled street-rat. ;)

Hope you like my work, and if you're a kindred spirit, feel free to give me a holler!

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MARIO GILES · Photographer

Hello there! I'll be in your town soon! Lets collaborate! Looking to update my portfolio! Best of luck and success!

Faster reply

Korpong Studio · Photographer

Thank you so much for your compliment and add me on your list. Keep your portfolio going, I'm looking forward to see more of you work in the future.

Jeff Koromi · Artist/Painter

Thanks for all the great comments, I enjoyed some of the comparisons and more in depth comments. I wasn't actually too aware of a lot of Ralph Bakshi's work, but I'm looking it up and there definitely are come line weight similarities.


Against Thy Will · Photographer

hey there! thanks so much for the comments and very kind words :) and as a matter of fact i am in the middle of filming a horror movie ;) and yeah, most of the time before shooting i let a model know ahead of time that stuff is gunna get sick lol. horror and gore is what i do best. lol. but anyway, thanks again! really appreciate it :) and love ur work as well. incredible stuff

love and hatred,
-M1K3 of

Laura Dark Photography · Photographer

Thank you so much for all the wonderful comments and the tag! You have some fabulous work here yourself and I'm honored that you took so much time to go through my portfolio and view and comment on so many of my images. I will be sure to keep an eye on your portfolio and see what new and wonderful artworks you put in here!
