
Model Mayhem #:
Last Activity:
Jul 02, 2011
Some Experience
Depends on Assignment
Shoot Nudes:
Mar 18, 2009
5' 8"
145 lbs
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Lists (7)

Killer photos

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Paintings that inspire me

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Beautiful Couples

3 Photos

List for Simon

10 Photos

Gods and Godesses

20 Photos

If Obama was a sexy bastard

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Photos that inspire me

87 Photos
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About Me


Thanks for checking out my profile. I've been pursuing modeling as a hobby for a little more than a year now and so far its been very rewarding. I love being creative and artistic, and modeling allows me to do just that with other awesome, creative people. Cash and free clothes rock too wink

I've done a range of interesting projects, but lately I've been focusing on erotic art. I like bluring the lines between porn and art and I'd like to inspire everyone to question where that line lies. I totally detest the politically correct ideals that often demonize pornography and eroticism or, at the very least, attempt to sweep it all under the rug. I see a lot of hypocrisy in our politically correct world and I want challenge that hypocrisy by challenging perceptions surrounding porn, eroticism, sensuality and art.

Erotic art isn't my only interest though; what I want most of all is the opportunity to work with talented, professional artists, so if you have an interesting project that you'd like me to be a part of, by all means, let me know. It certainly doesn't have to erotic; as long as the final product is something we can both be proud of, I'd love to participate.


A note on art and porn,

I don’t think there’s a simple checklist we can use to judge whether or not something’s artistic. Art is a process, and that process can go very differently for different artists. It can start out with a simple idea – maybe a feeling or an emotion – that grows into something much bigger or, conversely, the artist may want to express something complex that, through the artistic process, becomes distilled, clearer and simplified. In either of these cases, as with any example of artistic creation, there is a deeply personal force that motivates the artist, motivation that has nothing to do profit or recognition. That doesn’t mean profit and recognition can’t come out of our artistic endeavours, just means that those things aren’t at the heart of real artistic work, at least not in my opinion.

My personal artistic process – whether I’m modeling, writing, playing with legos, or doing anything else artistic – is a way for me to create and be expressive in a way that engages others. I like to challenge perceptions, I also like to entertain. I want my art to make people think. I don’t think every single artistic endeavour has to totally challenge your world view – sometimes it’s nice to be a little more humble than that – but I do think any serious, ambitious artist aims, at least some of the time, to engage his peers on a significant level.

So this is my definition of art; art is anything creative born out of a need to engage others in a significant way. Significant engagement can mean a lot of different things – the artist may aim to communicate a powerful emotion, a unique moment, or an ideal of beauty. Significant engagement could mean challenging a commonly held point of view. It’s quite the broad definition, I know. That’s me; I’m all about inclusion and keeping an open mind. Not coincidentally, I believe these are very useful qualities for anyone who wants to be creative, expressive and engaging.

And how does all of this pertain to pornography? Well the gallery on my profile here features photos that contain varying degrees of eroticism, I’ve actually devoted this profile to ‘erotic art,’ while on my original profile (there’s a link to it up top) I state that I’m not remotely interested in making anything pornographic. That may seem a little contradictory to some people, but I don’t see it that way.

Art, for me, is about engaging people in a significant way through a creative process. Porn, while certainly aiming to ‘engage,’ doesn’t affect us on a significant level. Unlike the artist, the pornographer doesn’t set out to inspire us deeply, to alter our perceptions, or to offer us clues to life’s big questions. This is the different between pornography and erotic art; for me it is a question of motivation.

I’ve done artistic erotic shoots where lots of the pictures came out looking indistinguishable from porn, and that doesn’t bother me in the slightest. What matters to me is that, at the end of the creative process, I have photos that have the ability to challenge and inspire in a way that leaves the viewer with something more than a hardon. Arousal is a fine, even expected side effect, but it isn’t my primary motivation to create.

Having said all this, I want to make it very clear that I’m not anti-porn. As long as all the people involved are consenting, fully aware adults I have no objection moral or otherwise. All I’m saying is I want to stay a part of the viewing audience only. On the other hand, any free thinking, professional photographers looking to make kick-ass, ground-breaking photos drop me a line.

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Credit Notes

Fugues Magazine - cover, February 2009
"Night Visions," Bruno Gmunder, 2008