
Model Mayhem #:
Last Activity:
Jun 15, 2024
Feb 18, 2009

About Me

I dont have much explanation for WHY i love photography as much as i do, but i can speak for just HOW big a part of my life it has become.  Since the first shutter click of an SLR camera, i have been almost addicted to the feeling.  Many artists over the years have gifted the world beautiful images for us to enjoy.  The essence and passion i have seen captured by so many greats has given me inspiration to express myself, and to aid others in the same goal.  Even as a musician primarily, it is rare to find me at any given point WITHOUT one of my cameras with me. 

Actually i guess that describes the 'why' in a way after all.

I am much more interested in shoots involving 'new' and creative ideas.  Anyone looking to experiment with new things hoping for a unique outcome and maybe getting some crappy shots out of it...come apply!  I'm capable of doing 'standard' portrait work as well if needed.  Any models also willing to give their looks to one of my many zany experimental ideas also welcome of course.  All kinds of macabre, horror, spunky, fun, inventive, idea you can come up willing to give it a shot!

There are some things you just cant 'un-see...'

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Ariele Baragona