DetailsModel Mayhem #:
Last Activity:
Oct 24, 2023
Depends on Assignment
Jan 03, 2009
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Friends (122)About Meme ***as of August 2014 I am looking to do a few TFP shoots again after being out of the game for a while. If I randomly friend request you it's cause I'm looking around and want to keep you in mind for a TFP shoot idea*** I am a photography enthusiast who specialises in glamour photography. I have done mostly glamour, fashion, swim wear and lingerie style shoots, but my favourites are always fine art photography and themed shoots with a twist. I also love portraits which reflect the models personality. I am highly flexible and prefer to collaborate with the model on shoot ideas, themes and locations. I would like to work with both male and female models and am happy for you to bring an escort or assistant. I am happy to do both location or studio shoots. My rates are available on my website, I am still offering limited TFP to suitable models if I feel it benefits my portfolio. My website has a list of TFP shoots I am currently looking for under the "services" tab. If we agree to do a TFP shoot, PLEASE BE RELIABLE. I have been having problems with models not turning up or cancelling at the last minute too frequently in recent times. This is a huge waste of my time and if it keeps happening I will no longer be able to offer TFP. For TFP shoots I provide the photos on a CD in 900x600 pixel resolution and with my watermark. It can take up to 4 weeks for me to get the CD to you because processing each image takes a while. However, I am happy to email out the photos as I process them in which case you should get the first few within a week. You can expect anywhere between 10-30 photos from the shoot depending on how long it goes for and how many outfits we try. For TF shoots, I retain all rights to the photos and will publish them as I see fit, however, I am usually happy to take down photos that you are uncomfortable with if they show too much. This is always negotiable, especially for nude shoots or shoots where the model has significantly contributed to the creative planning for the shoot. I am happy to provide non watermarked images from shoots to non TF MUAs and hair stylists to use on their websites as long as I am credited appropriately.