Forums > Hair, Makeup & Styling > Bridal MUA vent

Makeup Artist

Jackie McClay

Posts: 206

Brick, New Jersey, US

I booked a wedding about a year and a half ago for someone that I knew from high school (I never book that far in advance) the last few months we had been in touch about how she wanted her makeup, she didn't want a trial for some reason. She paid the $50 booking fee to keep the date, I lowered my prices for her because she told me she didn't have much to spend and I felt bad, and because I know her I told her she did not have to pay my travel fee even though she's over an hour away from me... She was thrilled with all of these things. She filled out half of my contract but never filled in the most important details like what time they all needed to be ready by and where they are getting ready the day of. This week I kept asking her if she had these details and her answer was constantly "I don't know" two days before the wedding i asked if she knew yet and she would read my messages and not answer me. So is message her again asking and she would finally respond that she didn't know where she was getting ready and thinks she's now the only one getting makeup done.... The day before her wedding (yesterday) I sent her a message saying "I really need the address of where ur getting ready" she read it and ignored it.... Sent her another message and she ignored it..

So finally at 1130 last night I said to her "I'm getting the vibe you don't want me to do your makeup now, if this is the case that's fine I would have just liked to know earlier because I've been stressing all night about YOUR wedding, if I'm still doing the makeup please let me know the time and place as soon as possible so I don't miss your day!" (mind you, I'm almost 7 months pregnant so I stress easily) again she read it and didn't answer so I took that as I'm not doing her makeup today....I think I've been pretty friggin nice about the entire process including the immature way that she handled it by not letting me know that she cancelled my services... I'm insanely upset being this is is how i pay my bills and multiple brides have contacted me asking for this date and I kept turning them down because I thought i had a job. My bank account is currently low right now so I was depending on this wedding! I would really like to tell her to go F herself!!! But I won't.

Is there any possible way of avoiding things like this in the future???

Sep 10 16 05:07 pm Link


Looknsee Photography

Posts: 26342

Portland, Oregon, US

Sorry for your difficulties.

1) In general, professionals always document agreements.  Your first clue was when she didn't fully fill out your contract.  Consider this an incomplete agreement until it is filled out completely.

2)  Have a deadline for completing the contract.  Insist that the contract must be signed "n" weeks before the date.  If it is not signed, you are free to part ways.

3)  Consider getting a security deposit, say 50% of your fee.  That deposit is not refundable if the bride backs out.

Brides be crazy, and there's not a lot you can do about that, but to chase after her so much (and so close to the wedding date) is not very professional.  I think you went too long before you realized that your MUA services weren't going to happen.  In general, have a timeline & a checklist -- what you need from the bride & when you need it -- and communicate it & stick to your deadlines.

Sep 10 16 05:17 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Jackie McClay

Posts: 206

Brick, New Jersey, US

I was stupid for even falling for it because her and her sisters were considered "mean girls" in high school (I never personally had an issue because I kept my distance) I was more worried that she was going to try and say that she hired me and I didn't show up. I saved all the conversations just in case she tried to do that.

Sep 10 16 05:30 pm Link


Leonard Gee Photography

Posts: 18096

Sacramento, California, US

Jackie McClay wrote:
She paid the $50 booking fee to keep the date, I lowered my prices for her because she told me she didn't have much to spend and I felt bad, and because I know her I told her she did not have to pay my travel fee even though she's over an hour away from me... She was thrilled with all of these things. She filled out half of my contract but never filled in the most important details like what time they all needed to be ready by and where they are getting ready the day of.

$50 as retainer for a day is a bit strange. if you are passing on other jobs, that would be a silly amount. the contract without the address and time should not have been accepted until it was complete. some contracts stipulate that the full amount should be paid at least the month or week before the event.

and then you acted as if it was going ahead without a straight answer from the bride the first time you asked. the bridal party must schedule a start time for their invitations to be printed; which gives them the approximate advance time for getting dressed, hair & make-up. that should have been the ultimate red flag or more like flashing red strobe light with a very loud siren.

Sep 11 16 11:02 am Link



Posts: 1481

Delta, British Columbia, Canada

Well first off, hey, everyone makes mistakes, live and learn, I think it's not going to be the end of your world looking back on it in a few years. Having said that, from your story, here's what I would have done that might have allowed things to go differently...

1. Your retainer amount is ridiculously low. Especially for a wedding. Without even knowing what you were planning to charge her, a weekend date in the Summer is your time to make money on wedding season, if you're giving up other bookings, I would think a $250.00 retainer would be a minimum for a wedding party, $200.00 if it's a good friend and you're giving her a break.

2. Everything in writing, including a clause about not filling out the form completely X days before the wedding will nullify the contract and forfeit the retainer.

3. Any changes to the agreement must be done in writing, and accepted, in writing, by both parties, after the agreement has been signed.

4. Cancellation policy clearly laid out. If you have not received all the specifics you need (ie, when, where, how many) within ... 2 weeks of the wedding?... you have the option to cancel your services, and possibly return a portion of the retainer (but honestly, at that point, I don't see why you would return it, unless it's just to be nice, which is fine too).

5. Don't stress about it, it's just another client, and it's their problem once you've laid it all out in writing for them, and I would definitely go over it line by line so there's no misunderstanding.

6. Be professional (not saying you weren't), but don't let it affect you, as you stated, it's not your wedding, you went out of your way to try and ensure everything could still be done, after that, ball's in her court, don't let it alter the way you run your business.

7. Don't just rely on FB Messenger, or whatever, have a phone number, and an email, leave msgs on each system if necessary, there's no excuse for avoiding all those avenues, but there's always some weird excuse for not getting *1* of them... "oh, I lost my phone/stolen/broken/left at a party..." whatever. No one AFAIK *only* gets all those msgs on their phone and not also on their computer.

That's what I see, hope that helps!


Sep 11 16 01:03 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Danielle Blazer

Posts: 846

Los Angeles, California, US

No deposits, retainers only. Deposits can be returned. Your retainer should be 50% with the remainder due in full 30 days prior to service. Changing the number of services doesn't change the fees unless it's far enough before the wedding. We're talking months. This should be in the contract. You should have a minimum for booking. That way you are guaranteed to make enough money to eat.

No trial, no contract. Ever.

Contract not completely filled out? Then the date is not held.

Discount for friends? NEVER. Unless it is a sibling, parent, or your one very best friend, you charge. If you had a friend who sold cars or was a plumber and you used their services, would you expect a discount? If you were a doctor, would you discount your services for friends? Half off surgery? No.

This is your livelihood. Treat it as such. Professionals don't communicate regarding business by text, Facebook Messenger, etc. Email, paper, phone only. Keep everything. Then you have a paper trail when you need one.

Sep 11 16 06:20 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist


Posts: 1551

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Danielle Blazer wrote:
No deposits, retainers only. Deposits can be returned. Your retainer should be 50% with the remainder due in full 30 days prior to service. Changing the number of services doesn't change the fees unless it's far enough before the wedding. We're talking months. This should be in the contract. You should have a minimum for booking. That way you are guaranteed to make enough money to eat.

No trial, no contract. Ever.

Contract not completely filled out? Then the date is not held.

Discount for friends? NEVER. Unless it is a sibling, parent, or your one very best friend, you charge. If you had a friend who sold cars or was a plumber and you used their services, would you expect a discount? If you were a doctor, would you discount your services for friends? Half off surgery? No.

This is your livelihood. Treat it as such. Professionals don't communicate regarding business by text, Facebook Messenger, etc. Email, paper, phone only. Keep everything. Then you have a paper trail when you need one.


There were numerous red flags throughout the process and rather than address them you let them pile up. I understand that this was a "friend", but in my opinion that's even more of a reason that there needed to be a contract in place.

Beyond that if you have a client who's not upholding their end of the bargain (client a) and someone else wants the date (client b) then that's your cue to contact client a and truthfully inform them of the situation e.g. interest from client b in the date so that you don't end up in the predicament you're in currently because either client a will step up or you can cancel on them guilt free because they haven't adhered to your terms e.g. a complete contract.

Sep 11 16 09:02 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 241

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Danielle Blazer wrote:
No deposits, retainers only. Deposits can be returned. Your retainer should be 50% with the remainder due in full 30 days prior to service. Changing the number of services doesn't change the fees unless it's far enough before the wedding. We're talking months. This should be in the contract. You should have a minimum for booking. That way you are guaranteed to make enough money to eat.

No trial, no contract. Ever.

Contract not completely filled out? Then the date is not held.

Discount for friends? NEVER. Unless it is a sibling, parent, or your one very best friend, you charge. If you had a friend who sold cars or was a plumber and you used their services, would you expect a discount? If you were a doctor, would you discount your services for friends? Half off surgery? No.

This is your livelihood. Treat it as such. Professionals don't communicate regarding business by text, Facebook Messenger, etc. Email, paper, phone only. Keep everything. Then you have a paper trail when you need one.


Date, Time and Location is three of the most important piece of information. Sometimes the client just wants to place a hold on you while they decide shop around.  This happens even in other industry but they need to pay a reasonable retainer fee for holding up your time.

Sep 13 16 06:19 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Janet Harris

Posts: 367

Allen, Texas, US

Its nice to try and help out friends ... but above all remember its your BUSINESS so treat it as such !

In my quotes to potential brides I let them know that the trial run is required ... which is great time to nail down the wedding day start time for their services and location. Definitely a retainer NOT a deposit and I also require the contract to be fully paid 10 days prior to the wedding day. I always have a balance due date written out in the contract and remind them 2 days prior and they have 48 hrs to pay the balance due. After the 48 hrs and they haven't paid or responded their contract becomes null and void and NO refunds will be given.

You reserved this date for them and had to turn down other brides because of her .. which sucks.

You've gotten some excellent advice ... I wish you the best !!

Oct 19 16 01:52 pm Link