Forums > Hair, Makeup & Styling > Beauty Shoots (Suggestions)


Mishelle portfolio

Posts: 163

Miami, Florida, US

I have Beauty Shoot scheduled but wasn't told anything about wardrobe. I assume it does not matter because my guess is that it'll be focused on the face makeup. Either way what should I wear to the photoshoot, and should I bring any wardrobe? 

What do you suggest for nail polish?
I don't know the style we are going to be going for but they mentioned many different styles as possibilities.

Another helpful feedback is tips for posing and expressions? Do you have a favorite pose, care to share?
May include images below:

Feb 22 16 01:27 pm Link


Thomas Van Dyke

Posts: 3234

Washington, District of Columbia, US

Mishelle portfolio wrote:
Beauty Shoots (Suggestions)

Typically particulars should be on your Call Sheet...
Including contact info for all team members so everyone can be on the same page BEFORE the session.

That said, here iis the punch list we typically use...

Have brows well groomed prior to arriving on set...
Best to have them threaded.... and several days before...
Note: This is critical since grooming isn't an option during prep, it will cause irritation and impossible to mask with foundation/concealer since it fades continuously over several hours...

Nails should be well maintained, all the same length... Natural is preferred unless the narrative calls for something like French tips (this is rarely done now).... If you nails are seriously beat-up then Gel Tips work best...

Please be certain to judiciously moisturize lips in the days leading up to the session... ChapStick or similar works here... This is especially important during the dry winter months which oft can turn lips into Alligator hides... conventional wisdom is to exfoliate lips several times a week... I cotton wash cloth is all that is needed here...

Hair should be washed and conditioned the night before the shoot, do nothing with it on the day of the shoot to make it easier to style... Better yet touch base with the hair stylist on the team and follow his/her guidance here...

Arrive with a clean face (san all makeup especially mascara). This assumes you have a MUA on your team... If not then you are not doing serious beauty genre...

Wardrobe is typically a black tube top (you should have this in your model kit)  No bright colors, they will contaminate the illumination by reflecting onto your skin/hair...  Do not wear a bra to the shoot, loose garments only... bra strap marks add unnecessary complexity to post processing...

Get plenty of rest for several days before the session (yes it matters) while Visine can help it's not a wise ideal... there are many with allergies to the aforementioned...

As for pose dynamics?  Working your hands close to your face is an art that precious few master... best advice is to gently touch your face then back off a tad... otherwise you'll create dimples wherever you are touching... not good, this will reveal in unwanted shadows...

Best advice? Look through VOGUE, ELLE, BAZAAR etc at the beauty ads... it's all there in front of you... make these pose dynamics yours... i.e. practice until you can do them with your eyes closed...  btw, for newbies we oft have a mirror behind the camera... helps them get a handle on what they are doing...

Still have questions... PM me, k?
I rarely check MM forums anymore...

Hope this helps...

Edit: Here is a Photo Shoot Punch List compliments of Mary Erickson one of the more tenured senior makeup artist to have shared on this forum... I concur with much of her wisdom here sans tanning booths... Avoid these, tanning booths are now know to dramatically increase melanoma risk i.e. skin cancer... That said I believe Mary wrote this long ago while the jury was still out on tanning booths... However evidence is now rather overwhelming... Tanning booths are best to be totally avoided...  If you question this, ask your dermatologist...

Feb 22 16 02:28 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Brittany Wand HMUA

Posts: 28

Austin, Texas, US

most models have a standard wardrobe kit containing nude, black, and white bandeaus, strapless bras, tanks, and tees. This is industry standard. As model having a quality skin regimen should be a personal standard as well- exfoliating, moisturizing skin and lips regularly, grooming etc. I also recommend researching beauty shot and poses and practicing having natural looking hands in photos (not looking awkward or forced) this comes with time and experience.
Best of luck!

Jun 06 16 08:48 pm Link



Posts: 43

Santa Barbara, California, US

When I shoot these types of photos, it's important to me that the model doesn't have any impression straps from her bra on her shoulder line or on the upper part of her back.  I do all my own photoshop work, and it's a bear to work out the skin indentation impression marks. 

I always recommend wearing loose-fitting clothing the morning of the shoot.

As far as expression goes, genuine, real, authentic.  I direct my models to hold on to a thought, almost like an actress/actor would carry a character through a movie.  That thought shows in their eyes and translates well in the final image.  Think about something, and the camera will see what you're thinking about on your face.

Jun 08 16 08:40 am Link