Forums > Critique > Fun and Games > seeking critiques


Fred Scholpp photo

Posts: 74

Norge, Virginia, US

Approaching one year of shooting with serious intent. and  now I am wondering how am I doing with my portfolio?

Advice most welcome! What did I get wrong? What are the stronger elements of my shots?


Aug 25 14 01:23 pm Link



Posts: 2844

Detroit, Michigan, US

I really like your art and figurative nudes, there are a number of them which stand out.  18+ is one of my favorites.

I'm impressed enough that if I were closer, I would be interested in modelling for your nude work.

Aug 26 14 03:08 pm Link


Fred Scholpp photo

Posts: 74

Norge, Virginia, US

smile thank you for the compliment, if you are ever in Va drop me a note, I'd love to shoot with you!

Aug 26 14 06:23 pm Link



Posts: 2118

Wichita, Kansas, US

as time goes by...notice what works and what does not with your pics and the response....then ignore most of it and do what you love....outdoor work is great, see where you want to go with your indoor...keep working at it....made me look...that is what counts...Mo

Aug 26 14 06:44 pm Link


Random Image

Posts: 335

Pocatello, Idaho, US

You have gotten better, my problem with your port is that it is kind of bi-polar.  Some of the shots are significantly better than others.  My advice is that it is time to cull the herd so to speak.

Here are what I would cut out and why:

Bad posing and composition, you have the walls conflicting with her lines.

Horrible facial expression, skin needs major work,

Why is this in your port?  There is no story or goal to this shot.  Doesnt blend with the others and it cant stand on its own.

Horrible lighting.  Everything is too flat, no depth and seperation of the model from the background.

Is a good shot expect your blurry and out of focus.  You might be able to save this shot with something like topaz in-focus, but otherwise toss it.

The other nude in the tree is a much stronger image, no reason to have poor quality in your port.

Hope this helps.

Aug 26 14 07:04 pm Link