Forums > Digital Art and Retouching > DAR Critiques > My New retouching site on net



Posts: 2

Bangalore, Karnataka, India

Any comments/critique really appreciated, here is my site:

May 27 10 03:02 pm Link


Wilde One

Posts: 2373

Santa Monica, California, US

May 27 10 03:39 pm Link



Posts: 65

London, England, United Kingdom

RamK wrote:
Any comments/critique really appreciated, here is my site:

In the above link you missed the reflection of the legs.

Hope this helps.

Jun 02 10 04:51 pm Link


Daniel Meadows

Posts: 794

Manchester, England, United Kingdom

I know what you're doing, and you'll be disappointed to discover that although MM forum links appear to dofollow, they're actually restricted from indexing in the back end, meaning this thread isn't going to help.

You know exactly what I mean don't you RamK? smile

Jun 02 10 05:55 pm Link


Sebastian Reuter

Posts: 126

Frankfurt, Hassia, Germany

comments regarding the website or the retouches?

the titel reads to me as if you are referring to the page. i really would advice you to reconsider a lot of the main points in your layout. first and most the structur. i can see that the alignment is off on a lot of things. for example under "retouching" the second navigation bar comes out on the left side. another really disturbing point are the corners. you have 4 different (maybe 5) different types of corners. the only ones that are actually round are the navigation buttons. the other corners are somethwing between round and cut off? (sorry for my english here big_smile i hope i can get my point across, if not i will look up the vocabulary needed)

the typography is another thing that actually scares me away from the site. and this has nothing to do with personal preferrence and taste. the line height is too small for this very very long line length. that is very hard to read and especially on screen you _have to_ make reading more comfortable since they eyes are way more stressed.

take a look at the text under "services" "why choose us" or "faq"are the very definition of a printer's nightmare. long lines like that make it additionally difficult for the reader to not accidently get into the wrong line when jumping from the end of the line back to the beginning of the next one.

another point is, that the texts are by far too long. why should anybody read this? seriously hardly anybody bothers with this long texts on the web if it is not some sort of interesting article or something i have to read. the poor hirachy and structur makes it even less attractive to read. following this is you typography also inconsistent and sometimes wrong.
for example under the point "why choose us" you have a free line between the headline and the body copy, whereas under the "services" there is no free line between headlines and body copy. on another note since you are using a lot of colons, there is no space between the end of the word and the colon.

wrong :

i could go on like this regarding the typography but thats enough for now. another really big problem with the site is the inconsistency of the spacings. for example here:

but this occurs on a lot of other areas as well.

I hope you find that helpfull. I can give you examples and hints on how to increasy the typography and some other layout issues if you want that. but for the moment my advice would be to not let the site stay online like this. i would defintily not hire somebody with a website like this and i can only speak for myself here, but this is more damaging then helping buisness.

Jun 02 10 06:57 pm Link



Posts: 7665

Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina

I agree with the above poster

I'm not the right person to be talking about websites because mine's been under construction for over 3 years tongue

But I do think this site could hurt you. Retouching is about having a eye for detail and you're showing the opposite with your design.


Jun 03 10 04:33 am Link

Digital Artist

Eithne Ni Anluain

Posts: 1424

Dundalk, Louth, Ireland

Mourn wrote:

+2 Text is FAR too small and very aggrivating

and ye've done the one thing that DRIVES ME MENTAL on websites! If you include a tel number make sure people know whats the INTERNATIONAL code and whats the AREA CODE

Standard practice is putting the international code in brackets (*insert number here including zeros*) or putting +*insert number minus the zeros here*. Area code next separated by a space then regional number after area with another space in between.

For example using

+353 42 9300000
(00353) 42 9376163

+44 78 9300000
(0044) 78 9300000

Ye may think I'm going OTT but it drives me mental!

Jun 03 10 08:23 am Link



Posts: 2

Bangalore, Karnataka, India

Hi Members,

I thank for your comments, i will try to make changes as per your instructions as soon as possible, i requested my website designer to expose my work then his creativity, i need to update with new images, still working on some images for my site, will update as soon as possible, I am wondering all comments about my website designing, I also love to hear about my retouching, I have not used any blur techniques , this is dodge and burn technique and some degrunge, anybody can give appreciated comments, only some people can give critique comments, because they have gone through in detail can find mistakes, I feel its really an encouragement and recover my mistakes. I love all who commented on my post, Will do changes soon, Thanks.

Jun 03 10 11:24 am Link