Forums > Digital Art and Retouching > DAR Critiques > photo retouching: need critique


Teodor Sirbu

Posts: 197

Iaşi, Iaşi, Romania

hi , i`m new on MM and i want some critique and some advice to become better at retouching ....

just few of them ... the rest are in my port


Mar 19 10 03:25 pm Link


Veritas Retouching

Posts: 21

Tampa, Florida, US

I think you're work is good.  I'm certainly not above mistakes, nor would I criticize any one technique over another -- whatever works for you; but since you asked for advice here are some things I've noticed.

Love this image -- it's the sort of retouch that I would like to have in my port; however there seems to be a loss or discrepancy in skin texture, most noticeably between the eyes.  Perhaps maybe using the patch tool to import some surrounding texture, then invert the selection and delete everything but the patch correction.  That will allow you to save on RAM while you continue to work and even change the blending modes if necessary.   Then you have a new layer with only the correction that you can easily mask to make the import seamless.

The left side of the face (her right) and the arm seem to have noticeable lines between the shadow and midtones.   If this was from curves or the burn tool, I'd use a softer brush to add shadows.  If it was the result of a blur + high pass; from my experience with that technique it's usually best to mask the transitions from shadows to midtones and midtones to highlights, as well as edges of the face and body.

I probably told you things you already know, but of those two images, those were the things that most strongly stood out to me.

Mar 20 10 01:56 am Link


Teodor Sirbu

Posts: 197

Iaşi, Iaşi, Romania

hey ... thanx for advice smile

Mar 21 10 02:16 am Link



Posts: 267

San Francisco, California, US

SirbuT wrote:

just few of them ... the rest are in my port


ok, this one is my favorite...skins look evenly nice, but like above comment, she looks kinda blocky (due to harsh transition). I also think that could look better with less contrast...her hairs, eyebrows, and her cloth look too dark and they are losing some details.

Mar 21 10 07:38 pm Link



Posts: 7665

Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina

I don't know what kind of "look" you're after. But I can see the "filtering" of the skin, there's no REAL texture anymore.

Some of the light/shadow transitions are way too harsh.

You have color banding in every single one of your images - that wouldn't make it to print.

I do like the general feel tho... you create focus where needs to be and bring the images to life.

Keep at it.


Mar 21 10 08:08 pm Link


Teodor Sirbu

Posts: 197

Iaşi, Iaşi, Romania

Natalia_Taffarel wrote:
I can see the "filtering" of the skin, there's no REAL texture anymore.

i used a little blur becouse i can't use D&B at his full potential ( i don't have a tablet ).

thnax for advice ... next time i`ll try to do better smile

Mar 21 10 10:37 pm Link


Krunoslav Stifter

Posts: 3884

Santa Cruz, California, US

My main critique is the transition between midtones-shadows-highlights. Visible banding. But that was already mentioned. Bluing is also an issue. Lets hope you get that tablet, soon.

Other than, looks like a pretty good retouch. smile Keep improving!

Mar 22 10 08:47 am Link


Teodor Sirbu

Posts: 197

Iaşi, Iaşi, Romania

Krunoslav-Stifter wrote:
My main critique is the transition between midtones-shadows-highlights. Visible banding. But that was already mentioned. Bluing is also an issue. Lets hope you get that tablet, soon.

Other than, looks like a pretty good retouch. smile Keep improving!

i didn't blur it alot .... just a little 60 % + highpass on unblured image ( unnoticeable )

maby when i did the glamour look it blured a little

here's a normal look

by the way ... thanx for your support smile i`ll get one soon ( i hope smile )

Mar 22 10 10:11 am Link


Krunoslav Stifter

Posts: 3884

Santa Cruz, California, US

I have seen that problem before. On others people images and some of mine. Even if you don't actually blur it. It looks like you have. And sometimes, even with pixel-level D&B, texture looks smooth. Too smooth. I guess it all depends on the lighting, model skin texture and other factors. Whatever method you use, as long as it looks good at the end.

If that was the original image, it looked smooth enough to me. A bit to smooth.
60% seems a bit high. BTW What blurring filter did you use?

Mar 22 10 11:01 am Link


Teodor Sirbu

Posts: 197

Iaşi, Iaşi, Romania

i used portraiture by imagenomic

Mar 22 10 11:33 am Link


Krunoslav Stifter

Posts: 3884

Santa Cruz, California, US

If you are going to use that filter, witch I think it's the best in the market, try these settings.

Use the "large" slider to correct blotchy skin, and then use soft mask for areas where its needed. That slider won't effect smaller imperfections, and skin texture. Also play around with, portrait size, and eyedropper tools. Additionaly, you can add sharpening on top, but don't overdo it.

Screenshoot shows what I mean. Just make sure you mask it to areas that need it. After you apply the filter, off course. It's a shortcut technique, but used in right way can produce very good results.

Mar 22 10 01:02 pm Link


Teodor Sirbu

Posts: 197

Iaşi, Iaşi, Romania

thanx ....

my last work

what do you think about it?

Mar 22 10 01:31 pm Link


Krunoslav Stifter

Posts: 3884

Santa Cruz, California, US

I think lips need a bit more work, and left highlight on her hair looks a bit too harsh. Did you use hard-edge brush? Color correction looks OK, for me.

And this is subjective, but highlights on her chest and shoulders should be shadows, not bright highlights. It would give her more faltering dimensions.

I'm sure you have seen it, but Nienna, did awesome job on that very same image. … -142843203

You just need to develop you eye, and with Wacom tablet... smile

Keep practicing, and watch other people best work, and you will be great.

Mar 22 10 02:00 pm Link


Teodor Sirbu

Posts: 197

Iaşi, Iaşi, Romania

thanx for advice smile

Mar 22 10 10:34 pm Link


Teodor Sirbu

Posts: 197

Iaşi, Iaşi, Romania

what do you think about this one?

Mar 27 10 10:56 am Link


Krunoslav Stifter

Posts: 3884

Santa Cruz, California, US

I'm sure you spend most of your time on the face, and it shows. Looks real good. But, you have maybe neglect other parts of the image. Jaw and cheeks have nice yellow warm tone to them, but the forehead and hands especially have more of a magenta tint. Chest too. Having nice uniform tone of the image, looks nicer.

Few more things. Her forehand has some loose hair, might be better if you clone that out. And her hands need a little bit more D&B or clone/heal. Whatever is your favorite method. I would go with D&B. You basically need to lower the intensity of the lines. I don't know the right expression in English, but I hope you know what I mean. Don't remove them inertly, just lover the intensity.

Her lips are in need of your attention as well. Left and middle of her lower lip. Clone/heal and D&B. Top of her hair has a bit of green cast. Hue/Saturation with masking makes easy fix. Darker parts of her hair in lower section could be fixed too mach the rest. But that is subjective.

Lower part of the image, is a bit too light for me. It's natural that our eyes go for the brightest parts of the image. I would tone that down a bit, to bring focus on the the face area.

It looks like a long list, but it just small things. And you always want to be the best you can be. Proven formula to get noticed, and to move up the ladder in this industry.

Keep it up. smile

Mar 27 10 12:15 pm Link


Teodor Sirbu

Posts: 197

Iaşi, Iaşi, Romania

Apr 22 10 01:40 am Link

Digital Artist

Eithne Ni Anluain

Posts: 1424

Dundalk, Louth, Ireland

I was just having a wee gander (look) there through yer stuff. I like them overall, but I'm noticing a trend. Now let me say I be no expert at all and I haven't done a retouch in ages as its all illustration work currently but there's wee things your missing in each image.

Lips, eyes, shadow areas needing blended, not paying attention to zee details. Its just small things in each one that if were fixed they'd be perfect.

I'll do the last 3

SirbuT wrote:
can you give me feedback to this photos?

lip on bottom left, right of nose theres like a pimple or something.

chin point and below ear have a strange grey area possibly from selection mask?

eyes need more work to blend the skin in better, chin blending

all wee small things that are easily fixed once ye get yer eye in.

Apr 22 10 02:39 am Link



Posts: 116

Altoona, Pennsylvania, US

SirbuT wrote:
thanx ....

my last work

what do you think about it?

i might be crazy but if you look right about where the skin stops and the hair starts, the hair in the one spot kinda looks like a eye is peaking through.

Apr 22 10 12:33 pm Link

Digital Artist

Michael C Pearson

Posts: 1349

Agoura Hills, California, US

SirbuT wrote:
i used a little blur becouse i can't use D&B at his full potential ( i don't have a tablet ).

Natalia uses a mouse for all her d&b, and the retouches in my portfolio with the black borders were done with a mouse. It's really just a matter of preference, and it probably wouldn't hurt to learn both.

Apr 22 10 04:21 pm Link


Krunoslav Stifter

Posts: 3884

Santa Cruz, California, US

SirbuT wrote:
can you give me feedback to this photos?
rollover: … -161477896
rollover: … -161384005
rollover: … -161562697

You are improving, and it shows. But for this type of close-ups every detail counts.

Things that bug me in general.

To my personal taste, images are a bit bright, witch makes them look flat. Thy lack the dimension, and for that they need to be a bit less bright overall. So that the highlights can relay stand out and give it dimension. Even if the originals are bright to begin with. Again my personal preference.

Two other things you should avoid are facial hair that relay stands out and kills all the hard work put into the skin. And the second thing is whites of the eyes, should be white. Unless there is a good reason. Not bright with, just withought color cast.

Image No.1
Pit made by her collarbone is a distraction to me.

Image No.2
Area bellow her chin, needs a bit more D&B look. It's not consistent with the rest of the image.

Image No.3
Her chin has lost it's shape a bit. And I actually like the original yellow tone more. Maybe not that yellow, but definitely not that desaturated. Image needs warmth.

Some of these count as my own personal opinions, so take them as such.
Things that I think you do very well are the lips. Good job on all of them.
You are obviously improving and not hiding anything. So keep it up. smile

Apr 22 10 05:08 pm Link


Ashish Arora

Posts: 2068

Montreal, Quebec, Canada

MP Retouch wrote:
Natalia uses a mouse for all her d&b.

Me too! Goes even happier and dances. :oxoxo

Apr 23 10 02:40 am Link


Teodor Sirbu

Posts: 197

Iaşi, Iaşi, Romania

CC retouch: that was an old retouch ( i don't like how i retouched it)

anyway thanks to all for feedback smile it helped me . i hope that next time i won't make the same mistakes.

on the last  retouches i did't use blur and i tried to keep them natural


Apr 23 10 04:24 am Link


Teodor Sirbu

Posts: 197

Iaşi, Iaşi, Romania

can you give me some feedback about this retouches?
rollover: … 389?q=&qo=
rollover: … 376?q=&qo=

Jun 22 10 10:57 am Link



Posts: 2241

Wenatchee, Washington, US

SirbuT wrote:
can you give me some feedback about this retouches?
rollover: … 376?q=&qo=

I love this one!!![=
Great job!
I don't know if its my monitor but the eyelashes seem that they are going inward[dont know how to spell that] -Thats the only think I noticed[=

Jun 22 10 07:05 pm Link


Nikki Cole

Posts: 11

New York, New York, US

Teodor Sirbu wrote:
can you give me some feedback about this retouches?
rollover: … 376?q=&qo=

I see like a greenish shadow on the left side of the photo (her face & neck)

Jul 12 10 06:28 am Link