Forums > Hair, Makeup & Styling > Suggestions for hair/makeup/skincare



Posts: 12

Chicago, Illinois, US

If anyone could post any comments on what are good product lines or even "at home remedies" please do! Here are a few problems I always seem to run into..

1.) EYELINER!! What is the best brand and best type? I always seem to have my makeup perfect, then an hour later I have eyeliner caked under my eyes, I've tried numerous brands, I don't rub my eyes, and yet I see all these girls like 5 hours after they did their make-up w/ no touch-ups and they still look gorgeous! It ticks me off! lol

2.) Acne.. I dont have it really bad, but what are the best products that don't dry out your face? Almost everything I see has Benzole (sp) proxcide in it.. which does nothing but dry out my face!

3.) Hair.. I have naturally frizzy hair and it is horrible!! It takes me 2 hours just to get my hair looking decent.. What are some good products for straightening?

Feb 14 06 12:25 am Link

Makeup Artist

Ashley Elizabeth

Posts: 1127

Miami Beach, Florida, US

You might want to try a consumer forum like

Feb 14 06 12:41 am Link


Mann Made Imagery

Posts: 5281

Lubbock, Texas, US

Make-up: I like stuff by Lancome and Dior it seems to stay on for me, oh oh and stuff by Clarins.  ^_^  For eyeliner specifically i use the ones by Lancome, I've had it on and had on the mascara also and I've cried with it on and not a streak in site and it lasts me from 8am til midnight when I wash it off big_smile  and I don't mean like oh a tear, I mean like the flood gates opened.

Acne stuff: Try using things with Salylic Acid instead of the benzoyl peroxide, it's not as harsh.  I have super sensitive skin that's also photosensitive and i use simple over the counter stuff by Biore and I also use Clearasil Total Control.  It seems to work just fine for me, you can see if it works for you too.

Hair: I have no clue what to do for frizzy hair the MUAs and Stylists on this site are awesome so I know one of them will help you.

Feb 14 06 12:50 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 3510

Los Angeles, California, US

I had acne when I was younger, it wasnt super bad, but I did go on acutane and it seriously changed my life. If you are willing to go through 3-6 months for the transition... it is worth it.

Feb 14 06 01:27 am Link

Makeup Artist

MP Make-up Artistry

Posts: 5105

Prince George, British Columbia, Canada

well heres an acne trick, put a dab of good honey on your zit then cover it with a band aid, and go to bed. then when you wake up in the morning it should be either gone or alot better, honey works really well

frizzy hair well try product that reduce frizz, like a claming balm or frizz ease wroks for some people.  also dont wash your hair with shampoo every day skip a day or two, your hair needs some natural oils this will help with thefizzyness, my hair is naturally curly and frizzes up when its humid so i try to only wash my hair every three days or so whith shampoo, its looks the best with 3 days of product build up smile

Feb 14 06 01:31 am Link


Mann Made Imagery

Posts: 5281

Lubbock, Texas, US

that thing about honey is super cool! I'm gonna try that and see if it works for zits big_smile

Feb 14 06 01:42 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 830

Washington, District of Columbia, US

Mario Bedescu has a drying lotion that I like for acne.

Feb 14 06 08:48 am Link


Ellie Viollet

Posts: 28

Storrs, Connecticut, US

Makeup: I swear by MAC. It's a new addiction, and the colors actually come out how they look in the packaging.

Acne: ProActive has worked for everyone I know who has the same problems. It's not an immediate fix, but it's worth it, and it doesn't cost much more than Lancome or clinique.  Also try individual products by Mario Badescu... his stuff is amazing, and again, not overpriced. Plus it's all natural, so it won't dry you out. You can go onto to check that out. Delivery is really quick, too. Their store is in NYC.

Hair: My hair is naturally curly, so when I straighten it, frizz can be a major issue. Try FLAT-OUT by KMS. It works wonders. Also try pantene pro-v's straightening cream (it comes in like a pump tube, i cant remember the exact name)... that works really well too.

Email me if you need anything else... I think i've tried essentially everything on the market, and if I havent, I'll know someone who has. smile

Feb 14 06 08:55 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 830

Washington, District of Columbia, US

faithb wrote:
Mario Bedescu has a drying lotion that I like for acne.

You can also get Mario's products from some department stores.  His site tells what stores carry them.

Feb 14 06 09:05 am Link

Makeup Artist

Janet Harris

Posts: 367

Allen, Texas, US

For eyeliner if you like liquid,lancome's artliner works really smudging
also their waterproof pencils are good. Bobby brown and Stilla both have a
waterproof gel cream eyeliner,I've tried them both and no smearing.

Philosophy has several good products for your mild acne and don't contain any
benzoyl.On a clear dayH2o2...antibacterial hydrogen peroxide cream $20.00
On a clear day..blemish gel is great for occassional breakout,the salicylic acid
really helps dry up and heal breakout.

Hope this helps

Feb 14 06 03:19 pm Link

Hair Stylist


Posts: 360

For controling the frizz there is many products on the market to help.My favorites
- Hairgomine from Barex
-Phytodefrisant by Phytologie
-extra flat by Schwarzkoff
Apply them before blowdrying and I usually had a mousse (Rene furterer soft hold)for heat protection and soft hold. blowdry and then flat iron on top ( if going for the straight look) .
Pureology has also a straightening shampoo and conditioner that helps and works great with colored hair. Like it has been said before do not wash your hair everyday if possible it will look better on the 2 nd and 3 rd day.
Hope that helped smile

Feb 15 06 12:50 pm Link


name name

Posts: 2602

New York, New York, US

I use Lancome's no-sharpen eyeliner whatsist and it works great. The only smudging I get is when I forget I'm wearing makeup and rub violently at my eyes. I also have a Bourjois and Lola pencil, which are nice.

For skincare, figure out what kind of skin you have. I used to break out a lot, so I'd try all the products with the acids and shit in them, even Proactiv. They'd work for a week, then everything would go downhill. I went to a facialist in the summer and she told me my skin was dry and dehydrated and that the drying products I was using was actually causing my skin to overreact and create more oils, therefore more breakouts. If I remember correctly, she told me the easiest way to tell I had dry skin was because my poors were very small; clogged but small. If your pores are huge, it tends to mean oilier skin.

Now, I have this splendid line of products I purchased at my spa that are all natural and catered towards damanged skin like mine and my face has been PERFECT.

So make sure before you go attacking your face with all those harsh chemicals that its the right regime for the kind of skin you have.

Also: eating habits, sleep habits and stress affect skin as well. If I pull a couple of all nighters or eat really shittily, my face is sure to break out a couple of days later. Try to stick to a healthy and regular sleep and eating regime too.


Feb 16 06 02:56 pm Link


name name

Posts: 2602

New York, New York, US

Deadly Design Make-up wrote:
well heres an acne trick, put a dab of good honey on your zit then cover it with a band aid, and go to bed. then when you wake up in the morning it should be either gone or alot better, honey works really well

That honey thing is really neat, Mandy. I've read about it, but never actually tried it.

Does it matter what kind of honey? I'm assuming the 100% natural stuff....

Feb 16 06 03:00 pm Link



Posts: 1292

Los Angeles, California, US

Eyeliner - learn to use high pigment powder, an artist's painting brush and water

Frizz - BioSilk, started in Houston (the land of crappy hair!)

Feb 16 06 03:01 pm Link


name name

Posts: 2602

New York, New York, US

Ha...just can't seem to stop posting today, BUT, I remembered a girl I am aquainted with who runs a hair product company out of NYC specifically tailored to curly haired gals:

Deva Curl … store.html

Although I haven't tried 'em personally, they've been getting rave reviews on the other message boards I post on, from girls with curly and straight hair

And, if anyone needs a shampoo to take the brassiness out of their blond: THIS is the shampoo line for you. A friend of mine used the stuff and her blond practically turned purple.

Feb 16 06 03:08 pm Link

Makeup Artist

faythe jaxmua

Posts: 42

Jacksonville, Florida, US

I highly recommend a good skin car regimend used on a daily basis for clearer skin. Balancing out your Cleansing, Exfoliatling, Balancing your PH level, and feeding your sking with a moisturizer containg SPF. ( However you can not use a SPF formula for before photo shoots, because it will reflect light and create a lighter shade look on your face in pictures).

Common  problems such as blemish prone skin, discoloragtion, dry patches, can userally be turned around without pharmichtical help.

Feb 16 06 08:39 pm Link

Makeup Artist

faythe jaxmua

Posts: 42

Jacksonville, Florida, US

I highly recommend a good skin car regimend used on a daily basis for clearer skin. Balancing out your Cleansing, Exfoliatling, Balancing your PH level, and feeding your sking with a moisturizer containg SPF. ( However you can not use a SPF formula for before photo shoots, because it will reflect light and create a lighter shade look on your face in pictures).

Common  problems such as blemish prone skin, discoloragtion, dry patches, can userally be turned around without pharmichtical help.

Feb 16 06 08:39 pm Link