Forums > Hair, Makeup & Styling > 5 Things You Better Get Right Before...

Wardrobe Stylist


Posts: 324

Dallas, Texas, US

Today two new models called me because they have shoots coming up.  In different ways, they both asked me what should they have or know when they meet with the MUA and the fashion stylist.

Here are my five things in no particular order:

1>Neutral nails and toe nails.  I don't want your weird red polish messing up my "look".

2>Shave, wax, just "git-r-done".  Don't make me go into details.  No one should have a furry tan going on at the shoot.

3>Clean face (I hate to wait for the MUA to have to take off the model's crap to put on a great face.  Such a waist of time.)

4>No Smoking! - Heck naw!  Not in my clothes!

5>Trust me!  You do your job and be pretty and I'll do my job and make you look great or just different than what you already have in your book.

Please give your five.  I'm sure it is different from a wardrobe stylist, makeup artist or hair stylist's point of view.

Feb 13 06 07:37 pm Link



Posts: 1292

Los Angeles, California, US

As a model I always ask because it depends on the shoot - maybe they want me to bring a cowboy hat, or have my nails in squares instead of ovals, etc

You didn't ask for a model's 5 so I'll just stay hush for now wink

Feb 13 06 07:48 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Tracey Masterson

Posts: 553

Shelton, Connecticut, US

Makeup Artist list here:

~Drink some water!  Lots of it.  Your skin and I will thank you for it.
~Exfoliate and moisturize.  Your skin and I will thank you for it.
~Tweeze your brows or be tolerant of me doing it and know it is for the good of the shot
~Get rid of the 'stache
~Exfoliate and moisturize your lips

Those were for before the shoot.  Here is during:

~Sit up.  Slouching is lazy and makes me bend over...
~Eat before you get there. 
~Come bare faced, if possible. I don't really mind either way.  Just skip the 3 layers of water proof mascara
~Breath mints if you are going to smoke, suck on garlic or not drink water.  If you are not drinking water, I can smell it.  Yes, I really can.
~Just be quiet a little bit while I am working.  Please.  I truly don't need to hear every detail of your life or who you shot with yesterday or who you are shooting with tomorrow.

Feb 13 06 07:50 pm Link


Bruce Talbot

Posts: 3850

Los Angeles, California, US

Bless the stylists!  Proper planning and communication prevent poor photos!

I'm a stickler for many things, but especially hair. Whether it's grown or purchased, bring it correct or expect to have fewer looks!


Feb 13 06 08:01 pm Link

Makeup Artist

MP Make-up Artistry

Posts: 5105

Prince George, British Columbia, Canada

I request
a clean face
moisurized skin
no mascar. byt bring your own if you have a particular one you like
have Clean hair, not bugs please
leave your cell phone off while i am working on your face
dont talk while i am painting  your lips
brush your teeth chomp on mints (not while i am painting your lips) have happy clean breath

dont be a diva if you are i will stop
and be nice to me if your being rude or even talking s$%t about someoneles i dont want to hear it, KARMA

and probably more but i can't think right now smile

Feb 13 06 08:16 pm Link

Hair Stylist


Posts: 360

As far as hair goes here is my top 5:

- Show up with clean washed hair ( no product in it )
-show up with clean DRY hair ( it just take time away from shooting for me to dry it and style it )
- Yes i know what i am doing and no I am not going to burn you with my giant curling iron smile
-Don't touch your hair when i am done
-Did i mention DON'T touch your hair when i am done or while shooting unless told to smile

Feb 13 06 08:26 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Camera Ready Studios

Posts: 7191

Dallas, Texas, US

I'll just link you to my requests....I have them on my q and a page as a public service  smile … stions.doc

Feb 13 06 08:55 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 583

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

1. As has been said several million times.... MINTS/GUM! lmao
2. Cell phone off... no exceptions.
3.  DO NOT TOUCH THE FACE!  If you "think" I messed up, tell me, and (if need be) I will fix it... but bottomline, never ALTER my makeup, it's a representation of my work, and if you f*** it up, then it's on me.
4. Please don't come with makeup on (YES, mascara, lipstick, powder, "just a little eyeshadow" ALL count as makeup).
5. Be nice.  Don't bitch at me about the photographer, other models on set, or treat me like your servant (that will piss me off the quickest).
5 1/2.  Stop looking in the mirror every 5.8 seconds, you can do that when I am completely done, it is for that reason that I took the mirror off the wall in our studio.

Ok, I'm done! smile Hopefully I wasn't too redundant, lol.

Feb 13 06 09:20 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 830

Washington, District of Columbia, US

1. No eye boogers!  (Unbelievably common for shoots that start any later than early am)

2. Clean face (You know you have a shoot, why are you slowing down the process by putting makeup on?)

3. Take care of your skin dammit.  (Why do I have to tell you to moisturize?  Aren't you a "model?"  You should know that by now.)

4. Get some rest the night before you know we're shooting!  (If you know you're catching the red-eye from LA and I'm on the east coast, don't schedule a shoot with me for the day you get back.)

5.  Have a personality in front of the camera. (There aren't too many things I hate seeing worse than my work on a model with dead-face.)

Feb 13 06 09:42 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Ashley Elizabeth

Posts: 1127

Miami Beach, Florida, US

1. tweeze your brows. but don't over tweeze, please

2. get your rest the night before and don't drink a lot of alcohol

3. get rid of the peach fuzz on your face and the stash

4. don't put your fingers in my make-up.  you can ask me about it, but don't touch it

5. be on time

Feb 13 06 11:39 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist

stylist man

Posts: 34382

New York, New York, US

Take a bath,  then take a shower,   If you do not use anti-perperant/deoderant well start today.

Brush your teeth and use mouth wash.  (for the whole crew.)

Nothing worse then bringing back stinky clothes and they still stink after you dry cleaned them already.

Cleaning for some clothes is not good often.   Some clothes are truly delicate.

Remember the designer did not make the clothes just for this one shoot.   The clothes pulled are often needed in the showroom.   There are often not extras.

Feb 13 06 11:51 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 583

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

faithb wrote:
1. No eye boogers!  (Unbelievably common for shoots that start any later than early am)

Ew! I can't believe I forgot to mention that. We are not eye goo pluckers, lol... Eyebrows yea, I guess ::sigh:: ... but eye goo... no way.

Feb 14 06 12:27 am Link

Body Painter

BodyPainter Rich

Posts: 18107

Sacramento, California, US

1. Have my check ready and filled out right or have the cash neatly in an envelope (minus what you paid me for my deposit)
2. Be there on time

Hmmm....everything else seems pretty easy to deal with for me but...oh yeah

3. Realize when you show up to shoot with me that you will have to remove your clothing if you want to be bodypainted!
(believe it or not this was an issue on a scheduled shoot once!)

Feb 14 06 12:30 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 3510

Los Angeles, California, US

1. I will have to second Narvell on the Nail Polish thing... easiest way to ruin a shoot. That's why I always carry nailpolish remover with me in my kit, I also have this really great little lippman collection mini manicure set.

2. Come Cleansed, Hydrated, Exfoliated, Waxed/Tweezed and Moisturized:
I will also have to second the CLEAN FACE. That waterproof mascara and black eyeliner is such a pain to get off and at times can compromise the look. If you are going to come with anything on come with: moisturizer and lip balm.

4. Get some rest the night before. It is a brush not a wand! it's not just a matter of "party eyes", a lack of energy can bring down an entire shoot.

5. Take off any jewelry, undergarments, etc that will leave lines on your body.

Feb 14 06 01:18 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 830

Washington, District of Columbia, US

BeautyByIsis wrote:
Ew! I can't believe I forgot to mention that. We are not eye goo pluckers, lol... Eyebrows yea, I guess ::sigh:: ... but eye goo... no way.

See?  Eye goo sounds even worse!

Feb 14 06 06:15 am Link

Wardrobe Stylist


Posts: 324

Dallas, Texas, US

BodyPainter Rich  wrote:
1. Have my check ready and filled out right or have the cash neatly in an envelope (minus what you paid me for my deposit)

AMAN!  However, if it is the day of the shoot (which is 1% chance I will wait that long) you better come with cash.  I don't play the hot check game.  If you have the money in your checking account then you can get it out BEFORE THE SHOOT.  By the way, I do not have anything to swipe a card unless I use your ...

Okay... I'll come down.

Feb 14 06 02:32 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist


Posts: 324

Dallas, Texas, US

MHana wrote:
Take a bath,  then take a shower,   If you do not use anti-perperant/deoderant well start today.

You know what this needs to be said over and over again.

Take a bath,  then take a shower,   If you do not use anti-perperant/deoderant well start today.

Take a bath,  then take a shower,   If you do not use anti-perperant/deoderant well start today.

Take a bath,  then take a shower,   If you do not use anti-perperant/deoderant well start today.

Take a bath,  then take a shower,   If you do not use anti-perperant/deoderant well start today.

Take a bath,  then take a shower,   If you do not use anti-perperant/deoderant well start today.

Feb 14 06 02:34 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Janet Harris

Posts: 367

Allen, Texas, US

1. Be on Time !!

2.Clean,makeup free skin.
   I know its tempting to put on makeup before you leave the house,maybe you
   have breakout or uneven skin,but let me do my job and you'll look great!!

3.Take care of tweezing,waxing,nail and toe polishing,new hair extension or 
   hair color before the shoot.

4.Drink plenty of water and take care of your skin...face and body.

5.Don't wear anything too tight if you mark up easy..please let me know
   about any scars or bruises.

Feb 14 06 03:02 pm Link