Wardrobe Stylist

Linda Drabova

Posts: 79

Los Angeles, California, US

How / where to get an agent....(no through the agency)?


Feb 11 06 10:58 am Link

Wardrobe Stylist


Posts: 324

Dallas, Texas, US

Get Crystal Wright's 'The Hair Makeup & Fashion Styling Career Guide'.  It has a lot of great information on agencies.


I have a brand new copy of the 4th edition that is still in the package and never opened.  My friend got me a copy at the same time I ordered it.  I'm willing to sell it for $25 plus shipping.

Feb 11 06 12:54 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist

Linda Drabova

Posts: 79

Los Angeles, California, US

yes I have the book. there is a lot of agencies...I know. i was thinking of a representative

Feb 12 06 03:41 pm Link