Forums > Hair, Makeup & Styling > What Do Your Parents Think of Your Profession?

Hair Stylist


Posts: 14

New York, New York, US

Hey everybody -- I'm continuously inspired by all of the amazing artists on this site and it does nothing but reinforce my choice to be a hair stylist.  This is really cool for me since my parents have always questioned my chosen profession.  My dad's a minister and my mom is a principal, so I've always felt that they didn't take my career as a hair stylist seriously.  Has anyone else had this dilemma?

Feb 09 06 03:41 pm Link


Jasmin Enedina

Posts: 47

Vista, California, US

ohhh yeah.
i'll be going to school soon to be an esthetician. my dad pretty much shot me down saying that it wasn't a real profession. blah. my mom, oddly enough, has always been supportive of whatever it is that i'm doing. she likes the idea that i model....i know daddy wouldn't be so i don't plan on telling him until my port is fuller.

Feb 09 06 03:44 pm Link



Posts: 551

Los Angeles, California, US

if my parents had thought more about my profession or my situation in general, i definitely wouldnt be here.

Feb 09 06 03:45 pm Link

Body Painter

BodyPainter Rich

Posts: 18107

Sacramento, California, US

Do what I did...prove it to them. They used to be ashamed to tell their friends that their son was an artist, a facepainter, or a bodypainter. Now at the top of my field I can make up to 10k in a week, and have painted such luminaries as George Lucas, and many other corporate leaders...they aren't ashamed to talk about it anymore.

I know one talented hair stylist who partnered with a friend to create their own day spa...her parents don't seem to mind the hand-me-down Beemers and Mercedes she gives them every other year after she has put 40-50,000 miles on them.

My point, they will be proud if you make your passion profitable. This does take some time though.

Feb 09 06 03:46 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 3510

Los Angeles, California, US

My parents thought it was silly until they saw my work on television on celebrities. I think that in general, non artistic types, tend to fear that they wont have any bragging rights. You know, "What is Rachel doing with her degree?... Make-up?...Oh..."

I have wanted to be a Make-up Artist since I was like 15 or 16, but my parents insisted that I go to university first. I think that they had secretly hoped that I would change my mind, but in 4 years, they had to keep their end of the bargain and pay for my make-up school.

I love my parents but we have a very weird business business type of relationship at times. It is hard for them to understand that starting a career as a MUA is just as expensive as starting ANY business.

I think in general parents just want something tangible so that they can feel validated as parents.

my father used to paint, so when he watched me do make-up.. he finally understood the creative aspect of it.

Feb 09 06 03:48 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist


Posts: 85

Norcross, Georgia, US

My family supports me 100%. Both of my parents are artistic beings as well (Dad: music/arts of all mediums & Mom:makeup artist/hair stylist and ex-model) so they understand me wanting to have a creative outlet. In fact they would probably think I was odd if I didn't do anything like this. Like both of them I enjoy doing things that make me happy, but I have/am also persuing a degree outside of the industry just in case I want a change of pace down the line. I have been very blessed to have a family that is willing to support me in whatever I chose. This isn't something new, they've been behind me since I was in the 6th grade wanted to play football.

For those whose family isn't on their side, its okay. Do your thing and soon they will understand. If you are good, shit you're good...bottomline!


Feb 09 06 03:52 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Andrea L. Dow

Posts: 109

Costa Mesa, California, US

I have a very supportive family, but I do get the feeling that my job is considered "less than" and that they would be a bit happier to tell their friends I was a/an (insert very cool and profitable job of your choice here).  My sister admires the fact that I have followed my dreams, but has had moments of disappointment in me when mom and dad were still helping me pay the rent.  The latest is a lot of fun.  My sister is introduced as "a high school math teacher" and I am introduced as "engaged."  Its kind of a laugh if I dont let it offend me, but sometimes that is hard to do.  I am proud of my work, I am constantly building my business and getting better at my craft, my fiance is proud and supportive of my career choice, and I can use that good old English degree to write these lovely posts.  So there. *blows big old raspberry to those who would question her chosen profession*

Feb 09 06 04:01 pm Link


Touscany Photography

Posts: 93

Green Bay, Wisconsin, US

My Dad didn't get until he saw how much I was paid to shoot a wedding.  Then he was able to get on board.

Feb 09 06 04:06 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 3791

Los Angeles, California, US

While growing up my parents wanted me to be artistic and continue painting.
However now they would rather I was in Buisness or Real Estate. Funny , huh?
They still dont take what I do seriously and think its just too gay- they live in a small town in Texas.
So it was ok to paint on canvas but not on people.

Funny- I make more money than they do- am able to work anywhere in the world yet I get the same respect as a stripper. Sheesh! Maybe I should be a strpper?

Feb 09 06 04:23 pm Link

Makeup Artist

MP Make-up Artistry

Posts: 5105

Prince George, British Columbia, Canada

I have always wanted to do something in the film or fashion industry and for years worked in the theares and local productions of stage shows so when I told my parents that I want to be come a professional make-up artist they were so proud of me. My dad is very creative and his parents never encouraged his artistic nature and I think he always regreted not going to art school, I whent got my degree in Art and Design, then whent to school to learn the trade of make-up and the rest is history.
Mom loves to tell people what I do and I think she hands out more buisness cards for me  than I do, smile She keeps a stck in her office incase the subject comes up smile
I never regret anything and my parent always encouraged me to follow my heart and my dreams smile

Feb 09 06 04:37 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Nadine Make-up Artist

Posts: 62

Düsseldorf, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Oh my dad didn't talk to me for a long time because I chose this profession. When I moved to the States it got even worse but after I worked on my first movie and showed him everything he finally accept it and seems to be proud. My mom always supported me! I could have never worked in an office at a bank or something like that like my dad wanted me to!

Feb 09 06 04:38 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Ashley Elizabeth

Posts: 1127

Miami Beach, Florida, US

I guess I'm lucky.  My father is in the film industry and my mother owned an art gallery for many years.  They are very supportive, but would support me in almost any profession.

Feb 09 06 05:26 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 182

Los Angeles, California, US

My mom has been supportive and the rest of my family hasn't really. They tell me their little comments and say when are you getting a real job. I have one cousin who is really supportive and even helps with some of my advertising and she passes out my  business cards.

Feb 10 06 02:45 pm Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

Excuse me for popping in gang..But I was surfin MM and landed here..

Bottom line is this..

While the rest of us are over in the other threads debating everything but our professions..LOL..

I see you guys over here handling business..

Until I began using MUA's and Stylist my work was less than on par.

You guys are the unsung heros.

Rock on!

For those of you in the Los Angles area please forward your rates to my box.

Take care


Feb 10 06 07:26 pm Link


No longer a membee

Posts: 115

Dallas, Texas, US

Crews wrote:
Hey everybody -- I'm continuously inspired by all of the amazing artists on this site and it does nothing but reinforce my choice to be a hair stylist.  This is really cool for me since my parents have always questioned my chosen profession.  My dad's a minister and my mom is a principal, so I've always felt that they didn't take my career as a hair stylist seriously.  Has anyone else had this dilemma?

yessss, i am in school for fashion design and my parents hate the fact that i also want to model, they think that since they are paying for design school then that is all im going to do with my life, they say im wasting my time and their money...... but im trying my hardest

Feb 10 06 07:36 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Olga S.

Posts: 23

New York, New York, US

I didn't allow myself to begin my dream career for years bc I thought my parents would think its nonesense... I forced myself to do the college thing. Made deans list and all, but I was miserable and they saw it. I finally followed my heart and my parents couldn't be more supportive or proud of me. My dad just doesn't get the "paying your dues" part and gets pissed off that I worked for free for some time. I am lucky, very lucky for my parents. I wouldn't have a kit without them, lol. But not everyone one has the good fortune of understanding and supportive parents. I just want to say that I hope none of you give up your dream. It's who you are and one day, when you "make it", the stress and upset will all be worth it.

Ok, didn't mean to sound like an after school special, lol. Best of luck to all!

Feb 11 06 01:08 pm Link


Samantha Grace

Posts: 3228

Los Angeles, California, US

My dad is extermly proud. He told all his friends when I was first published. He asks if I am going to be on any websites soon. My dad is proud to say, his daughther is Betty Page of the mid-west. How many people can say their parents are proud?

Feb 11 06 01:19 pm Link


strong photography

Posts: 10

Cheltenham, England, United Kingdom

Hi there           ( great work all you who have posted so far BTW)
I am also make up artist and stylist on my shoots and other peoples although i never did do any certificates for this I never over look any detail if I cant find what I want I will make it so I am in control from begining to end just how I like it.

Thought I would explain myself incase you told me to bugger off as I am photographer ! lol

I have always been creative and I just cant help it! My parents have always accepted that I was  creative ( and never questioned my love for staying in and dressing up instead of riding a bike)
I have been to college and nearly finished uni so 6 years in total., and I have only just reallised that my parents are actually proud of me!!!
It makes me so much happier as I just thought they were just letting me get on with it and thought i would revert to a 'propper job' once this nonesence was over.
But just the other week when talking about my exhibition my mother said "I cant wait to see your photographs on the gallery wall" for some damn reason I was choked up because I diddnt think they would ever feel that way!

They still cant understand why I do alot of jobs for free and cant see what networking is all about!

May I ask what MUAs and stylists charge?  say really great ones like those above.


Feb 12 06 12:07 pm Link


Webspinner Studios

Posts: 6964

Ann Arbor, Michigan, US

They like it much better than my previous profession...'nuff said.

Feb 12 06 01:30 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 47


strange--- i was an singer/actress(chosen profession for most of my family) for abt 17 yrs and that i have moved on....
they dont REALLY acknowedge that i even do this yet.
i think they think its a hobby.
i'm too old and busy to worry too much abt it though.

Feb 12 06 03:16 pm Link

Makeup Artist

MP Make-up Artistry

Posts: 5105

Prince George, British Columbia, Canada

strong photography wrote:
They still cant understand why I do alot of jobs for free and cant see what networking is all about!

May I ask what MUAs and stylists charge?  say really great ones like those above.


Well depending on the project I charge any where from $25 bucks up to $1200 per project some times more if I am working in film and creating effects. it really depends on the project your level of expertise , trianing and talent.

Feb 14 06 07:32 pm Link


Pedro Lima

Posts: 1

Lisbon, Lisboa e Vale do Tejo, Portugal

Ferst my perentes din want me to be photographer, wen i was abaut 16, well they mayde ther poit of vew i want in faculty made my barcharel of Design but the i went to a school of photographer's and the I realaise that is my live!
Naw I'm 27 and i'm glad i chose my profesion and I do wat I always dream, but its not a dream on the roses bicause her in Portugal, the yong photographers dont have many chanse it's a smole cantry but my parents are glad for waht i became.

Holly when Im not beging for manay - lol.

Pedro Lima

Feb 14 06 07:58 pm Link