Makeup Artist

Stephanie Rose Artistry

Posts: 10

Riverside, California, US

ok I really love working on sets but lately Ive been doing TFP's and now I want to get paid! I am talented however I don't know what the "NORM" is so I can base my prices off of that, please HELP!!! let me know ...what are your rates??? or the "norm"


Feb 08 06 11:49 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Ashley Elizabeth

Posts: 1127

Miami Beach, Florida, US

Anywhere from $500-1000 a day is the average.  But I know of others that charge much more.

Feb 09 06 11:47 am Link

Makeup Artist

Camera Ready Studios

Posts: 7191

Dallas, Texas, US

I agree,  $500.00 minimum per day any where in Ca. $1200.00 is what some agencies are charging for better jobs, top names of course make even more.  Print pays more then video and TV as a general rule...I wouldnt touch print for under $600.00 a day.

In many states artists don't make as much as they make in Southern Ca and NY, since you live in CA, I assume you want rates for your area.

Feb 09 06 11:54 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 3510

Los Angeles, California, US

as far at the union goes I think it starts at $300+ a day.

Mary is right about the agencies, they ususally wont send their artists out for anything less than $500.

When I do headshots I start my rate STARTS at $100 for one look and one hairstyle (and the reason it is low is because i live like 1 min away from the photogs that I work with).

As Far as weddings go, that is a completely different ball game.

but coming up with your rate, I would ecourage you to also be flexible as far as the budget goes, there might be something with a legit low budget that could help yuor career a lot. For example... a lot of PSAs dont pay a lot, but they have bigger talent attached and there are great connections to be made. I worked on a movie that was super low budget, but the directors, producers and talent had connections and I got a tv show and a few high paying gigs out of it. Keep in mind this wasnt one of those.. no pay now but "great connections" GWCs.

But here are some general questions you need to ask yourself when coming up with a rate:

- Number of talent:In total and per scene/look
- Body Paint/Make-up
- Number of Males v. Females
- How many hours per day and when does over/golden time start
- How many locations per day
- Specialty Make-up
- Shooting Locations
- Hair Styles: Specialty products needed, up do's, straight dry styling, wigs

Feb 09 06 12:26 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Ashley Elizabeth

Posts: 1127

Miami Beach, Florida, US

I disagree about determining your rate by how many people you'll be doing.  You pay me my rate if I do one face or if I do 5.  I will determine if I need an assistant or two by how many people I will be doing.  But I'm not going to give you a break if I'm only doing one because you are keeping me from taking another job.  I will also ask for a kit fee when doing more than a few people.  And it usually will go up if I am doing a lot of people.

As for special things like wigs, expensive lashes, speciality products... the client pays for that plus a 10% charge.  Or if it's a full day of me prepping - cost + my day rate.  I also own a few wigs that can be rented.

Locations... if there will be a lot of driving and you don't have transpo for me, mileage will be charged.  $.34/mile

My rate is a 10 hour rate for film/broadcast or 8 hour for print.  OT after, then double after 12 or 14.  I also have a half day rate - 5/4 hours.  This is not half of the rate.  For example if my rate is $600, my half day is $400.  Again I am being kept from booking a full day, so the rate is higher.  I will never, ever work for a flat rate.  In theory if you accept a flat rate they can work you for 24 hours.  Please never accept a flat rate.  I hear of artists doing this and it makes me cringe.  Please respect for yourself and our craft.

Feb 09 06 06:27 pm Link



Posts: 1

Los Angeles, California, US

Feb 09 06 06:43 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Camera Ready Studios

Posts: 7191

Dallas, Texas, US

Ashley Elizabeth wrote:
I disagree about determining your rate by how many people you'll be doing.  You pay me my rate if I do one face or if I do 5.  I will determine if I need an assistant or two by how many people I will be doing.  But I'm not going to give you a break if I'm only doing one because you are keeping me from taking another job.  I will also ask for a kit fee when doing more than a few people.  And it usually will go up if I am doing a lot of people.

As for special things like wigs, expensive lashes, speciality products... the client pays for that plus a 10% charge.  Or if it's a full day of me prepping - cost + my day rate.  I also own a few wigs that can be rented.

Locations... if there will be a lot of driving and you don't have transpo for me, mileage will be charged.  $.34/mile

My rate is a 10 hour rate for film/broadcast or 8 hour for print.  OT after, then double after 12 or 14.  I also have a half day rate - 5/4 hours.  This is not half of the rate.  For example if my rate is $600, my half day is $400.  Again I am being kept from booking a full day, so the rate is higher.  I will never, ever work for a flat rate.  In theory if you accept a flat rate they can work you for 24 hours.  Please never accept a flat rate.  I hear of artists doing this and it makes me cringe.  Please respect for yourself and our craft.

this is exactly how I work, except the hours on TV and Print are reversed...650.00 to 10 hours (8 hours on TV/Video) $400.00 on half day (up to 5 hours)  $100.00 an hour overtime and you better believe there is no fudge room on that.  I just did a job in the desert where I was in a motor home for 3 hours of overtime....just sitting there making $100.00 an hour while being driven...but you know what?  I would rather have been home with my family and if you are going to tie up my life away from my family it's gonna cost ya.

There have been jobs I have done when I never opened my kit....I was there in case someone needed a bruise covered or something like that....They paid the full rate because if you take me out of the market you have to pay me what someone else whould have. 

If I start acting as a stylist and have to steam clothing etc because the client failed to hire a stylist, its $800.00 instead of $650.00 a day and I do make that clear in advance.

Know your worth!  Good artists and stylists are very hard to find, crappy ones are  a dime a dozen.....experienced clients and photographers know this....If you're good you can name your price because you are hard to come by.

Feb 09 06 06:49 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Ashley Elizabeth

Posts: 1127

Miami Beach, Florida, US

Sorry, Shantel was really me.  I keep getting logged into my friends account here.  Odd

Anyway... I just wanted to add that I am with Rachel on doing the PSAs and the lower budget (but not insulting low budget) films to get the credits and experience.  But after a while pass them on to newbies.

Feb 09 06 06:55 pm Link



Posts: 7791

New York, New York, US

You base your rate on your experience and what you can get away with.  Also images in your Portfolio without Photoshop!  Photoshop will hide all your hard work!  If you've been doing Makeup for a year or two and don't have the experience, it's unlikely that you will generate the $500 a day rate others have worked their asses off to build up to.

Don't be greedy, you are Only as good as your last Job.

Feb 09 06 07:11 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 442

Houston, Texas, US

Ok, just so everyone knows...I am dirt cheap. Day rate $350.

Feb 09 06 07:49 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Camera Ready Studios

Posts: 7191

Dallas, Texas, US

Charissa the Artist wrote:
Ok, just so everyone knows...I am dirt cheap. Day rate $350.

why are you so cheap?   just curious

Feb 09 06 08:38 pm Link


DeBoer Photography

Posts: 782

Melbourne, Florida, US

Mary wrote:

why are you so cheap?   just curious

Most likely it is what her market will bear.

Feb 09 06 08:40 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist


Posts: 324

Dallas, Texas, US

Charissa the Artist wrote:
Ok, just so everyone knows...I am dirt cheap. Day rate $350.

There are a lot of magazine in your market that need makeup artists.  Raise your prices.  Also, you are in pageant-vill.  Just with that market alone you could make $350.00 per girl for 2 hours.  I've seen makeup artist do it over and over again to the pageant girls.  Raise your rates.  If you come off cheap, people will negotiate down from the $350.00.

Feb 09 06 09:49 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Ashley Elizabeth

Posts: 1127

Miami Beach, Florida, US

I promise the going rate in Houston is not $350.  Girl, raise your rates.  And don't be braggin about being dirt cheap.  LOL

Feb 09 06 10:52 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 3510

Los Angeles, California, US

Ashley Elizabeth wrote:
I disagree about determining your rate by how many people you'll be doing.  You pay me my rate if I do one face or if I do 5.  I will determine if I need an assistant or two by how many people I will be doing.  But I'm not going to give you a break if I'm only doing one because you are keeping me from taking another job.  I will also ask for a kit fee when doing more than a few people.  And it usually will go up if I am doing a lot of people.

As for special things like wigs, expensive lashes, speciality products... the client pays for that plus a 10% charge.  Or if it's a full day of me prepping - cost + my day rate.  I also own a few wigs that can be rented.

Locations... if there will be a lot of driving and you don't have transpo for me, mileage will be charged.  $.34/mile

My rate is a 10 hour rate for film/broadcast or 8 hour for print.  OT after, then double after 12 or 14.  I also have a half day rate - 5/4 hours.  This is not half of the rate.  For example if my rate is $600, my half day is $400.  Again I am being kept from booking a full day, so the rate is higher.  I will never, ever work for a flat rate.  In theory if you accept a flat rate they can work you for 24 hours.  Please never accept a flat rate.  I hear of artists doing this and it makes me cringe.  Please respect for yourself and our craft.

I think you misunderstood my post, I didnt mean to give people a discount if you are doing one face. I am talking about the people who expect you to do 10 faces for the same rate you charge for one person.

Feb 09 06 11:10 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Stephanie Rose Artistry

Posts: 10

Riverside, California, US

You all are so sweet thank you so much!

Feb 10 06 01:42 am Link

Makeup Artist

Stephanie Rose Artistry

Posts: 10

Riverside, California, US

Hamza wrote:
Also images in your Portfolio without Photoshop!  Photoshop will hide all your hard work! 

Are you saying I should have pictures WITH OUT photo shop in my port?? Because I do! the pic you see (to the left) is 0% photoshop! ;-) whatcha think? also thanx for the imput......Thank you to every one for the imput!! you ALL are so wonderful Ive been a stylist goin on 4 years and my passion is working on shoots However I'm just begining to really pursue that passin so you ALL are so beautiful for helping me out thanx!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Feb 10 06 01:46 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 442

Houston, Texas, US

Mary wrote:

why are you so cheap?   just curious

Mary, I actually began with a day rate of $500-$700 but when my cheaper competitition started beating me to every job here - I was forced to adjust. I live in Houston, so oppurtunity can be scarce here at times. I figured getting 3-4 weekly $350 dayrates (plus the extras)..was better than 1 $500-$700 day rate a week. Many say I am selling myself short, but at this this is the choice I have had to make.

Feb 10 06 06:30 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 442

Houston, Texas, US

Narvell wrote:

There are a lot of magazine in your market that need makeup artists.  Raise your prices.  Also, you are in pageant-vill.  Just with that market alone you could make $350.00 per girl for 2 hours.  I've seen makeup artist do it over and over again to the pageant girls.  Raise your rates.  If you come off cheap, people will negotiate down from the $350.00.

Girl if you hear of any magazine in Houston needing an artist..hit me up..I have met with TONS of people and even magazines here don't end up paying the girls that, my friend Heather swipes up most of those jobs for $200-275. I do make good money off promps and pagents since I just work and then run. I get what your feel is though, I would always say $500 then sway it down but it began to get to where I was losing so many jobs to inexperienced artist charging much less...
Thanks for the feedback!
Take care

Feb 10 06 06:36 am Link

Makeup Artist

Camera Ready Studios

Posts: 7191

Dallas, Texas, US

charrisa....Its not just where you are, this happens everywhere but you have to trust me when I say there is a better way to handle this.

I stick to my rate and of course I lose all the budget jobs to others but thats ok....the big jobs won't go near the budget artists and so those I always get.  You build a reputation as being a more expensive artist and you will eventually own that market.  I work as much as I like....I turn down work all the time at full rate because I just like time off to play around.  I am in a Secondary market as well.  I never compromise what I charge.   

Once you get a reputation of being a budget artist the big boys won't touch you.  Is is better to work 2 days at $350.00 or one day at $ brainer.  You take the other day off and spend it marketing yourself and improving your portfolio....things that will make you worth more to the better clients.

Feb 10 06 10:00 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 442

Houston, Texas, US

Mary wrote:
charrisa....Its not just where you are, this happens everywhere but you have to trust me when I say there is a better way to handle this.

I stick to my rate and of course I lose all the budget jobs to others but thats ok....the big jobs won't go near the budget artists and so those I always get.  You build a reputation as being a more expensive artist and you will eventually own that market.  I work as much as I like....I turn down work all the time at full rate because I just like time off to play around.  I am in a Secondary market as well.  I never compromise what I charge.   

Once you get a reputation of being a budget artist the big boys won't touch you.  Is is better to work 2 days at $350.00 or one day at $ brainer.  You take the other day off and spend it marketing yourself and improving your portfolio....things that will make you worth more to the better clients.

Mary, thanks for the are so right. I think I am ready to make the adjustment, I know you didn't get where you are today by charging a $350 day rate, and I know I won't get there either, if I continue to "be cheap".

Feb 10 06 05:18 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist


Posts: 324

Dallas, Texas, US

Mary wrote:
charrisa....Its not just where you are, this happens everywhere but you have to trust me when I say there is a better way to handle this.

I stick to my rate and of course I lose all the budget jobs to others but thats ok....the big jobs won't go near the budget artists and so those I always get.  You build a reputation as being a more expensive artist and you will eventually own that market.  I work as much as I like....I turn down work all the time at full rate because I just like time off to play around.  I am in a Secondary market as well.  I never compromise what I charge.   

Once you get a reputation of being a budget artist the big boys won't touch you.  Is is better to work 2 days at $350.00 or one day at $ brainer.  You take the other day off and spend it marketing yourself and improving your portfolio....things that will make you worth more to the better clients.

Once again... AMAN to Mary!

Feb 11 06 11:04 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist

SoVi-Southern Vitality

Posts: 153

Houston, Texas, US

So what about wardrobe stylists? What should they charge? Right now, my market is video/print (mostly Af Amer) and girls here don't like to pay for that. The photogs (whom are getting paid by the way) they shoot with just tell them to being their own clothes. I have a couple of places that I can pull a few higher end pieces without a fee, including using some of the designs from HCC couture students but it just doesn't seem important here. I emailed a mag here (002) to ask what their process was for choosing which designers were featured in the mag. They said that most of them were advertisers-that was it. Then they said they didn't understand what I was asking. When I clarified (and asked about doing some assisting) I got no response.
Do I need to base my rates off of what looks they want and what I have access to for free, or by a flat day rate so as to cover everything?

Feb 12 06 11:30 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist


Posts: 324

Dallas, Texas, US

SoVi-Southern Vitality wrote:
So what about wardrobe stylists? What should they charge? Right now, my market is video/print (mostly Af Amer) and girls here don't like to pay for that. The photogs (whom are getting paid by the way) they shoot with just tell them to being their own clothes. I have a couple of places that I can pull a few higher end pieces without a fee, including using some of the designs from HCC couture students but it just doesn't seem important here. I emailed a mag here (002) to ask what their process was for choosing which designers were featured in the mag. They said that most of them were advertisers-that was it. Then they said they didn't understand what I was asking. When I clarified (and asked about doing some assisting) I got no response.
Do I need to base my rates off of what looks they want and what I have access to for free, or by a flat day rate so as to cover everything?

I just set my prices and said to myself, if they don't hire me, I'll have to just miss out on that model.  I am single mother of two little girls, a business owner and a full time student (I still can't figure out why I added that stress).  I don't have time to play with some of these so called serious models who can't get a call back to save their lives.  Yet, they want you to provide clothes for free.  PLEASE!

I've had plenty models that really want me to create something amazing for them but, they "can't afford it right now".  However, I've been getting some serious clients who are serious about their portfolio.  They want "that amazing look" and "something different".  They are paying full rate therefore, they get my up most attention and dedication.  As of now, the only TFPs or low paying models I will accept will be an agency model (and not all of them) or the two little models on my port with the Afro puffs.
Two very models who won't do TFPs.  Must pay in happy meals.

Also, to answer your question.  I did this:
-How many hours would it take me to pull two outfits from head to toe for one model
-For two looks, what is the average time the shoot would take
-How long will it take to return the items to the stores you pulled or have to get refunds (some things just have to go back)
-What is the amount I want to make per hour
= You base rate (well my base rate)

-Add more if you will design, select fabric and construct a garment
-Add more if traveling
-Add more if the model is a bi--- ((Just kidding {Maybe I'm not}))

I know your market.  I've been there a few times and there isn't much competition.  I've been there to consult clients and been paid well just to consult.  Just set your worth and stick to it.  Because honey, you are worth it.

Feb 13 06 05:46 am Link

Makeup Artist

Picture Perfect Makeup

Posts: 186

Hesperia, California, US

SoVi-Southern Vitality wrote:
So what about wardrobe stylists? What should they charge? Right now, my market is video/print (mostly Af Amer) and girls here don't like to pay for that. The photogs (whom are getting paid by the way) they shoot with just tell them to being their own clothes. I have a couple of places that I can pull a few higher end pieces without a fee, including using some of the designs from HCC couture students but it just doesn't seem important here. I emailed a mag here (002) to ask what their process was for choosing which designers were featured in the mag. They said that most of them were advertisers-that was it. Then they said they didn't understand what I was asking. When I clarified (and asked about doing some assisting) I got no response.
Do I need to base my rates off of what looks they want and what I have access to for free, or by a flat day rate so as to cover everything?

oKAY... What about a MUA that can do hair and wardrobe styling? Wouldn't that put the price way too high?? That's a lot of stuff to bring to a shoot --

Feb 13 06 05:03 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Stephanie Rose Artistry

Posts: 10

Riverside, California, US

oKAY... What about a MUA that can do hair and wardrobe styling? Wouldn't that put the price way too high?? That's a lot of stuff to bring to a shoot --

Girl! that's what I'm asking to! I'm not a wardrobe stylist however I do hair, make-up and photography with or without photo shop gzz! triple treat people call me But I think starting at 500.00 Like other's have stated on this page is a good steping stone.


Feb 13 06 06:24 pm Link