Forums > Hair, Makeup & Styling > Does Designer = Gay? If not why the stigma?

Wardrobe Stylist

The Dezigner Emporium

Posts: 88

Chicago, Illinois, US

Why is it that everyone assumes that you are gay if you are a male designer? Sterotypes?!

Feb 03 06 02:19 am Link


Brandon Smith

Posts: 1562

San Diego, California, US

Struggle Dezign Co wrote:
Why is it that everyone assumes that you are gay if you are a male designer? Sterotypes?!

Could it be the proliferation of designers on tv that are the epitome of gayness?!  HEHE! You know...because TV is the all mighty truth!

Feb 03 06 02:36 am Link


Sabina N

Posts: 318

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

This is one de facto ("from the facts") reason I once heard...

Most designers seem to choose immeasurably lanky women on which to drape their creations. Now, this makes very little sense, as those proportions alienate much more potential public clientele than models who reflect the general population would. What reasons would they have, then - other than the fashion industry seems a self-contained life form, and hardly needs public empathy at times - for setting such an irrelevant standard? Someone told me it's because such models best resemble youthful, healthy-looking males. So, if they're surrounding themselves by those, it can't be for any reason other than homosexuality.

Interesting theory; not judging whether or not there's truth to it, though... However - any other reason to promote generally un-Darwinian body images would make me a little more upset and rather unempathetic... so I like to tell myself it's true :-P


~dissolved in delusion

Feb 03 06 02:56 am Link

Makeup Artist

Ray Filipowicz

Posts: 61

Los Angeles, California, US

cause most of them are..

ps and why are you concern about it? your sexuality should have nothing to do with your profession (unless you a stripper or a hooker) lol

Feb 03 06 03:22 am Link


Sean Armenta

Posts: 1560

Los Angeles, California, US

cause straight guys just aren't as talented.

Feb 03 06 03:49 am Link

Wardrobe Stylist

The Dezigner Emporium

Posts: 88

Chicago, Illinois, US

Sean Armenta wrote:
cause straight guys just aren't as talented.

Bulls^*t! I am straight and I am "The TRUTH" in fashion!

Feb 03 06 03:53 am Link


Sean Armenta

Posts: 1560

Los Angeles, California, US

Struggle Dezign Co wrote:

Bulls^*t! I am straight and I am "The TRUTH" in fashion!

oh my bad... i didn't know.

Feb 03 06 04:01 am Link


J C ModeFotografie

Posts: 14718

Los Angeles, California, US

Ray Filipowicz wrote:
cause most of them are..

ps and why are you concern about it? your sexuality should have nothing to do with your profession (unless you a stripper or a hooker) lol

I agree with Ray!  I am heterosexual but definitely NOT homophobic.  All that should matter is your talent and your character.

"It takes every kind of people . . . " - Robert Palmer (am I right or am I thinking of a different singer?)

JAY carreon

Feb 03 06 04:33 am Link

Wardrobe Stylist

The Dezigner Emporium

Posts: 88

Chicago, Illinois, US

This has nothing to do with homophobia, just sterotypes. People often are shocked of the fact that heterosexual Men can do fashions very well. Thats all...Calm down don't be so defensive, it appears questionable.

Feb 03 06 04:40 am Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

Cause gay guys are allowed to see girls' boobies.

Feb 03 06 04:49 am Link

Wardrobe Stylist

The Dezigner Emporium

Posts: 88

Chicago, Illinois, US

Brian Diaz wrote:
Cause gay guys are allowed to see girls' boobies.

Ha Ha Ha! Good 1.

Feb 03 06 04:51 am Link


elisaveta ♀

Posts: 619

New York, New York, US

Brian Diaz wrote:
Cause gay guys are allowed to see girls' boobies.

LOL wink   What about make-up artists, many are gay too??? (I just want to read BD's come back)

p.s. 99.9% of the men who go to fashion schools are gay and actually you even start doubting the straight ones, if they are really...uhmm STRAIGHT! wink

Feb 03 06 04:52 am Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

elisaveta ♀ wrote:

LOL wink   What about make-up artists, many are gay too??? (I just want to read BD's come back)

Straight MUA:  "I' up...the bronzer on your...umm...well...d'ecolletage."

Gay MUA:  "Your tits look fabulous!"

(I'm not going to attempt this for hair stylists.  tongue)

Feb 03 06 04:59 am Link


elisaveta ♀

Posts: 619

New York, New York, US

Brian Diaz wrote:

Straight MUA:  "I' up...the bronzer on your...umm...well...d'ecolletage."

Gay MUA:  "Your tits look fabulous!"

(I'm not going to attempt this for hair stylists.  tongue)

That's why I love gay make-up artists! wink We always look fabulous according to them! lol

Good one Diaz, I won't ask for the gay hair-stylists... tongue

Feb 03 06 05:05 am Link

Wardrobe Stylist

The Dezigner Emporium

Posts: 88

Chicago, Illinois, US

elisaveta ♀ wrote:
[Good one Diaz, I won't ask for the gay hair-stylists... tongue

Me neither. Diaz has the best one liners.

Feb 03 06 05:08 am Link


The Art of CIP

Posts: 1074

Long Beach, California, US

Struggle Dezign Co wrote:
Why is it that everyone assumes that you are gay if you are a male designer? Sterotypes?!

Becuase many men that design are gay...  It's just that simple...  Fashion is one of the few professions where many can ply their trade and be judged by the quality 
of their work - not by the lifestyles that they live...  When I was younger I had a joke..  Alot of people told me that if they could draw as well as I do they'd be fashion designers...  I always replied "Yeah i wanted to be a fashion designer - but I'm straight"...

Feb 03 06 05:12 am Link

Wardrobe Stylist

The Dezigner Emporium

Posts: 88

Chicago, Illinois, US

When did the Big Change occur? Meaning back in the very early days lets say, 30's - 50's the male designers, formerly known as, Tailors were known or appeared to be Straight Men in suits. When did the Big Gay Bang occur or was it all just an illusion? (That was a hot song back in the day.....its just an illus-ion)

Feb 03 06 05:24 am Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Struggle Dezign Co wrote:
When did the Big Change occur? Meaning back in the very early days lets say, 30's - 50's the male designers, formerly known as, Tailors were known or appeared to be Straight Men in suits. When did the Big Gay Bang occur or was it all just an illusion? (That was a hot song back in the day.....its just an illus-ion)

I tend to think of the early days as being classic Greece, and from what I recall about history, the Big Gay Bang was happening then.  Why do you think he was called Alexander the Great?

Feb 03 06 05:44 am Link


J Sigerson

Posts: 587

Los Angeles, California, US

I think it's nothing personal, or malicious, it's just that all designers are homosexual. Except you. And two or three other guys (jury's still out on one of them).

I can't help thinking there's a way you could turn this to your advantage...

EDIT: I've got it: a reality show. "Straight Spy on the Queer Guys"

Feb 03 06 05:46 am Link

Makeup Artist

Tracey Masterson

Posts: 553

Shelton, Connecticut, US

Ray Filipowicz wrote:
cause most of them are..

ps and why are you concern about it? your sexuality should have nothing to do with your profession (unless you a stripper or a hooker) lol

Lots of strippers are gay.

Feb 03 06 11:24 am Link

Body Painter

BodyPainter Rich

Posts: 18107

Sacramento, California, US

Generally it makes my work easier if they assume I'm gay, by the time I'm talking about my wife and kids they don't feel threatened by the fact that I am painting parts of them that they generally keep hidden.

In my work as a day care teacher and face painter it was often assumed I was gay as well, could have to do with the fact that I am quiet, respectful, and not into many "manly" persuits like baseball, hunting, or race cars...who knows.

I do know that there are some REALLY good straight MUA's and hair stylists, but we are not a majority for sure. Actually...when attending a hair show a while back I got a taste of what it is like to be in a minority and have people make assumptions about you. It wasn't all that unpleasant for me, but I realized that it must be a real pain in the ass to deal with people making assumptions about you all the time based on who you happen to want in your bedroom.

But then again...I've happily painted rainbows on drag queens for Pride Day, so I may not be the poster boy for straight men. I also get people who don't understand that I can paint women without being aroused. I guess my point is, what you do in the bedroom can be completely separate from what you do when you work. To each their own.

Feb 03 06 11:58 am Link

Makeup Artist

MP Make-up Artistry

Posts: 5105

Prince George, British Columbia, Canada

well when i whent to school there was only one guy in my class and some of the girls gave him a really hard time becaue his fashion make-up wasnt as creative or elegant as some of my class mates. I never understood why they were so mean to him. He did take the program for the fail make-up only but had to take the fashion classes too. His work did improve and he did do really nice stuff once the
"bi#@%es" left him alone. We ended up working alot together and I must say he is very talented. He's not Gay but that dosent matter . I had 3 males make-up teaches 2 were gay and one was straight and there wasnt anything techincally differnt if them only thier styles are a bit differnt. the non gay teacher had to be much more PC and watch whay he said but the gay teachers could pritty much say what ever they wanted to say.
I have worked with both straigth and gay stylists and make-up artists and photographers. I must admit that at least the gay one's seem to be easier to work with. They dont worry as much about what they say or do. i'm not sure if its  because they are gay or not it's more an attitude thing. Not a Gay thing
but thats just my 2 cents

Feb 03 06 02:01 pm Link



Posts: 151

I assume because in past times men weren't expected to prep up there looks

Feb 03 06 03:07 pm Link


Jay Dezelic

Posts: 5029

Seattle, Washington, US

elisaveta ? wrote:
p.s. 99.9% of the men who go to fashion schools are gay and actually you even start doubting the straight ones, if they are really...uhmm STRAIGHT! wink

Design is a business.  I have been an industrial designer, engineer and inventor for over 25 years.  I have designed anything from commercial fishing equipment and kitchen appliances to truck components and industrial shipping containers. Designing clothing to me is just another product. I does not make me gay.  I know a number of people who design and manufacture clothing out here in the Northwest who are not gay.  I can't even say that I personally know any clothing designers who are gay.  I think the stereotype comes from a small number of popular gay designers over the years. - And certain TV shows.

Feb 03 06 03:33 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 472

New York, New York, US

Sean Armenta wrote:
cause straight guys just aren't as talented.


Feb 04 06 09:47 pm Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

Brian Diaz wrote:

Straight MUA:  "I' up...the bronzer on your...umm...well...d'ecolletage."

Gay MUA:  "Your tits look fabulous!"

OMG....that is so you Brian...No wonder you can't won't do nude shoots....

Feb 04 06 10:55 pm Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

Next time I go to NYC...we will have to get an MUA (gay or straight don't matter) and a bodypainter and then we can see what happens...

Feb 04 06 11:02 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist


Posts: 324

Dallas, Texas, US

Brian Diaz wrote:
Straight MUA:  "I' up...the bronzer on your...umm...well...d'ecolletage."

Gay MUA:  "Your tits look fabulous!"

(I'm not going to attempt this for hair stylists.  tongue)

I am dieing laughing over here!!!  My male MUA tells me things like...

"OMG you're freakin FAB-BUUU-LOUS!"  (with a little more "BUU")
"That outfit is bitchin!"
"Girl you look sooooo good, I had a hard vision about going strait."


It's funny that if you are a male designer you are either consider guy because you wish you could wear the clothes or a play boy who design clothes because you like to see women put on and take off cloths.  I personally don't care, just do it well

Feb 04 06 11:11 pm Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

i'm intrested

Feb 04 06 11:19 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Camera Ready Studios

Posts: 7191

Dallas, Texas, US

well, I havent worked with a straight male stylist or makeup artist yet but I know theyre out there.  The most fun I have ever had on a job was with gay stylists...You have no idea how fun people can be until you watch a short African American gay stylist try to show a model how to walk the runway in 6 inch stilettos....or watch a gay hair stylist deliver witty remarks to an unruley model.  With out these precious moments I couldnt have survived this industry. smile   There is nobody I would rather work with then a gay stylist, artist, hairstylist.

Now that I think about it my hairstylist is straight, but I don't work with him, he just does my hair....hes metro-sexual though, you know, he dresses really nice and has crazy hair and jewlery.  Hes a lot of fun....I just think artsits are a lot of fun straight, gay, or some where in between.....I mean look at the stylists forum and look at the rest of the's pretty clear who the fun people are. smile

Feb 04 06 11:57 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Crazier Benny

Posts: 2000

Rochester, New York, US

Struggle Dezign Co wrote:
Why is it that everyone assumes that you are gay if you are a male designer? Sterotypes?!

ha try me

I dress well, I love to cook,(i was a chef for 6 years), I am a model (MM#6741), I worked as a fashion editor of a magazine (ok it was a gay magazine), I am a wardrobe stylist. (MM# 10303) and also a makeup artist, (MM# 35107). o yea and I sing too

Feb 05 06 12:03 am Link

Makeup Artist

Crazier Benny

Posts: 2000

Rochester, New York, US

Brian Diaz wrote:
Cause gay guys are allowed to see girls' boobies.

i see them too, i'm not gay

Feb 05 06 12:03 am Link

Wardrobe Stylist

stylist man

Posts: 34382

New York, New York, US

Brian Diaz wrote:
Cause gay guys are allowed to see girls' boobies.

Crazier Benny wrote:
i see them too, i'm not gay

What is the big deal?

Sure a nice boob is nice to look at like a nice painting.  But I have seen many paintings before and many boobies before.   Get a grip.

No big deal.   Those that get worked up over it do not see enough of them.

But like paintings most are not all that special unless connected to someone you love.

And those that get worked up over it might possibly have not had theirs seen by enough people.

Feb 05 06 12:12 am Link

Makeup Artist

Crazier Benny

Posts: 2000

Rochester, New York, US

Sean Armenta wrote:
cause straight guys just aren't as talented.

Feb 05 06 12:13 am Link

Makeup Artist

Crazier Benny

Posts: 2000

Rochester, New York, US

MHana wrote:

Brian Diaz wrote:
Cause gay guys are allowed to see girls' boobies.

What is the big deal?

Sure a nice boob is nice to look at like a nice painting.  But I have seen many paintings before and many boobies before.   Get a grip.

No big deal.   Those that get worked up over it do not see enough of them.

lol you said "get a grip" about boobies hahahaha tongue

Feb 05 06 12:14 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 3510

Los Angeles, California, US

Mary wrote:
well, I havent worked with a straight male stylist or makeup artist yet but I know theyre out there.  The most fun I have ever had on a job was with gay stylists...You have no idea how fun people can be until you watch a short African American gay stylist try to show a model how to walk the runway in 6 inch stilettos....or watch a gay hair stylist deliver witty remarks to an unruley model.  With out these precious moments I couldnt have survived this industry. smile   There is nobody I would rather work with then a gay stylist, artist, hairstylist.

Now that I think about it my hairstylist is straight, but I don't work with him, he just does my hair....hes metro-sexual though, you know, he dresses really nice and has crazy hair and jewlery.  Hes a lot of fun....I just think artsits are a lot of fun straight, gay, or some where in between.....I mean look at the stylists forum and look at the rest of the's pretty clear who the fun people are. smile

I love my gays.

And the stylists are TOTALLY the fun bunch!

Feb 05 06 12:14 am Link

Makeup Artist

Crazier Benny

Posts: 2000

Rochester, New York, US

Mary wrote:
well, I havent worked with a straight male stylist or makeup artist yet but I know theyre out there.  The most fun I have ever had on a job was with gay stylists...You have no idea how fun people can be until you watch a short African American gay stylist try to show a model how to walk the runway in 6 inch stilettos....or watch a gay hair stylist deliver witty remarks to an unruley model.  With out these precious moments I couldnt have survived this industry. smile   There is nobody I would rather work with then a gay stylist, artist, hairstylist.

Now that I think about it my hairstylist is straight, but I don't work with him, he just does my hair....hes metro-sexual though, you know, he dresses really nice and has crazy hair and jewlery.  Hes a lot of fun....I just think artsits are a lot of fun straight, gay, or some where in between.....I mean look at the stylists forum and look at the rest of the's pretty clear who the fun people are. smile

hi my name is Benny and I can do that too tongue

Feb 05 06 12:17 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 173

Los Angeles, California, US

Well I am going to ring in here........I am a Clothing Designer /MUA /Photographer and I am also a cock smoker.........This thread is fairly silly.........

To answer the original question..........I don't think that everyone assumes that all designers are gay......

If someone is assuming that you are gay look for a reason within your self........Not at your chosen profession.

Good gods Y'all

Feb 05 06 04:15 am Link

Wardrobe Stylist

The Dezigner Emporium

Posts: 88

Chicago, Illinois, US

benson wrote:
To answer the original question..........I don't think that everyone assumes that all designers are gay......

If someone is assuming that you are gay look for a reason within your self........Not at your chosen profession.

Has nothing to do with me. HETEROSEXUAL ALL THE WAY! It has to do with sterotypes. Also no one has assumed that I was gay. I posed the question based on peoples shock when they find out that I am not gay due to the type of fashion I present.

Feb 12 06 07:45 am Link

Hair Stylist


Posts: 360

benson wrote:
Well I am going to ring in here........I am a Clothing Designer /MUA /Photographer and I am also a cock smoker.........This thread is fairly silly.........

To answer the original question..........I don't think that everyone assumes that all designers are gay......

If someone is assuming that you are gay look for a reason within your self........Not at your chosen profession.

Good gods Y'all

I do not agree with this statement smile
I am a hairstylist and as soon as i mention my profession most people assume that i am gay.Like it has been said before because a large amount of this industry is gay, peoples just assume. I have no problem with it ,just because some like to think that doesn't change who I am or my talent . If you think of it most of the famous male hairstylists are straight ( not all but a lot )..
At the end of the day none of this should be important to you , what is important is your talent smile

Feb 12 06 10:27 am Link