
Model Mayhem #:
Last Activity:
May 29, 2012
Depends on Assignment
Sep 27, 2008

Lists (4)

FL people I'd like to work with

2 Photos

Love this makeup

5 Photos

I'd love to do some' like this

1 Photos

Awesome concept

1 Photos
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About Me

I come on here very, VERY rarely. So if you'd like to get a hold of me, please message me through Facebook (leave a comment on my wall) and I will get back to you smile Thanks!

I am developing some ideas right now. I want to make the next additions to my portfolio:

3)Tattooed girl
4)Pinup (Mexican style)
8)Pinup (20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s)

If you are or know anyone who can collaborate with any of these categories, let me know. Very much interested in working with you.


I love very much what I do. Not one day goes by when I'm not thinking of future projects, looking at clothes, themes, or anything that resembles an idea for a photoshoot.

I have a strong interest for arts in general: Music, dance, paint, cinema, clothes... everything is a muse. I get so flushed with ideas that I don't even know which one to do first.

Quality is my main goal when I work. I give my best everytime. I put my all into every project. Every final work represents me. Every photo is me. It's got to look flawless. If a whole film does not please me, I refuse to publish any of that work. I know it's a big waste, but I rather that than posting something mediocre, something that doesn't represent the quality I seek. As a model, I know this doesn't sound encouraging to you. I know that if you put the time and effort into a photoshoot you want something for your portfolio. Completely understandable and fair.

I am like the party planner. I am the first one to arrive and the last one to leave. You are the attendee, a guest. My work starts way before yours does. I have put a lot of hours, days planning: Gathering info, gathering clothes, surfing the net in search of ideas for makeup, hair, possible locations, etc. Some concepts take even months before they are a reality, no matter how simple they may seem.  Finding the crew (this includes you as a model) is pretty much the final stage. Once I have people on board,  I have to move things around and change some original ideas, just to accommodate everyone along the way. To make everyone agree on times, locations, etc. A lot of back and forth, emails, phonecalls... I am the planner, the mastermind behind it all, I have to make it happen. More than not, I do the makeup in my photoshoots. That's one more thing to worry about the day of the photoshoot, as I gotta make sure I carry EVERYTHING I NEED from the makeup to my photographic equipment, accessories for the model or clothes. And while taking photos, I gotta be aware of the light, the model's body, features, angles, what's behind her and in frame. You as a model or any other person in the crew get to go home after we are done. The other phase just begins for me. It's time to transfer files, start editing and deciding which ones work, which ones don't. I start retouching, adding the mood, treatments, maybe textures, trying things that will give the final photo its voice. Sometimes I spend hours on a photo, until it pleases me. Before deciding I don't like something, I have already tried doing different things to it. And there it is, what I hate most. Sometimes not a single shot does it for me, no matter what I have done to it in Photoshop. At that point, trust me, I have lost way more time and resources than you have as a model. But I prefer to waste that, than to reveal something that I am not happy with. My point? That sometimes I won't have anything to give you. Not because I am irresponsible, but because as an artist, I have a personal standard to keep and sometimes, some things just don't work. It could be the chemistry between us, it could be you, (but I won't be rude and tell you that), it could be me who wasn't able to capture the moment, the location, the wardrobe, so many things.

If I tell you that the whole film didn't do it for me, you already know what I mean. But, I don't want it to be a complete waste for you. You can gladly stop by my office, choose a few photos and take them to someone else to retouch them for you. That way you can get something in your port that you will be happy with. My only request. If once the photos are retouched I still don't like them, don't tell anyone I took those photos =/

My motto is quality.

Now, let's shoot! smile



NOTE: I don't give gas money or any money for TF shoots

-Talented, dedicated, responsible, punctual.
- No traveling restrictions (Tampa Bay Area and surrounding cities).
- Model release must be signed prior to shooting.
- If you are a minor; mom, dad or a legal guardian MUST be present to supervise and to sign the model release.
- Speak up if you need to. Let's avoid drama. How to avoid it? Speak up before committing to it, before the planning has gone too far.


- You need to do your hair on your own according to the theme of the shoot.
- Your nails HAVEto be done.  Regular French or clear polish is fine. No “cool” designs nor chipped nails. Remember, most photoshoots include close ups and your nails will be in frame.
-You will bring your own wardrobe. If I own anything that goes with the photoshoot I will bring it as well.
-Show up to the photoshoot with a clean face (not a drop of makeup). Just bring your own foundation, compact powder and fake eyelashes with you. I will do your makeup.

That's how this part will work, UNLESS I tell you otherwise. Meaning, if we have other people on board providing products or services (hair, wardrobe, makeup, manicure, etc.), I will let you know. If I don't, the guidelines above stick.

Photo Terms:

-You get high quality (retouched) prints and digital files for web use.
-You get 1 or 2 prints and a copy of all the digital files (for web use) of all the shots I retouch. I will give you the digital files as soon as I am done retouching. For your prints, you have to put pressure on me. Why? I have had many prints ready and models never bothered to pick them up. Prints are money. So, if you really want yours, you have to show me it is in fact so.
-If you need any extra prints, a small fee will be charged (8x10 print).
-If you want me to retouch shots of your choice, a retouching fee will be charged (it includes retouching, 8x10 print and its digital file for web use).
-I don't hand out unretouched pictures to anyone. Unless the first statement in this profile applies.
-There is a minimum turnaround time of at least 30 days. Remember that paid work comes first.
-Digital files for web use: Have my watermark, are small.

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