
Model Mayhem #:
Last Activity:
Mar 12, 2014
No Experience
Time for Print
Jul 19, 2009

Lists (1)

Lighting, Portraits and Things That Make Me Go Wow

10 Photos
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About Me


I've had a keen interest in both fashion and photography for the past few years, spending time assisting and learning from other photographers.

My first "proper" shoot was in April 2011 and since then i've tried to gain both experience within the studio and create overall better images.

For me this is a serious hobby, something I love and have real energy for, I hope this combined with my youthfulness and creativity shines through in my portfolio.


I'm currently looking to achieve high quality, clean beauty images and commercial 'light' fashion. This requires models with defined facial features, height isn't a particular issue for me, nor are most tattoos and piercings, however an ability to pose and express is a must to create striking images for us both.


I generally shoot in my flat in central Northampton which I use as a studio space, I can easily walk people from both the train station or the bus station, however it is Pay and Display so if you're driving you may have to park in a nearby car park. My Partner Andy K Stratford usually assists me and if you ask him super nicely you may even get the two of us for the price of one ;)

I see TF* shoots as a collaboration between two people and therefore if you have an idea that you would like to shoot then hit me with it :)


I'm a strong believer in less is more and I shoot with the aim to achieve 1 striking image per set, expect these edited and with you in a fortnight, however don't be surprised if you get them all within a couple of days, it all depends on my availability at the time.

Don't be put off contacting me if you're interested in shooting, i'm a shy girly and won't always make the first move. The worst I can say is no and usually that is just because you don't fit what i'm currently looking to shoot.

FOR THOSE I HAVE FRIEND REQUESTED: I will only add you as a friend if I feel your work is inspiring to me and I wish to follow your future development or because I really like your look and you're in my area and you might have some room in your diary for me :-)

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Niko Laslo · Retoucher

HI! My name is Nikolas and I am Hi-end retoucher. I would like to offer my service. You get professional, quality and fast help with photo editing.For more information plz email me : [email protected] . Regards!

Aim model · Model

Hey, I am a full time model coming to work in the UK in late May then flying back to Australia either via Rome or London around late September. I've been modelling for many years & experienced in a large variety of styles with works being displayed in multiple magazines and galleries throughout the world. Would love to know if you would like to work with me while I'm this side of the world or you know anyone else who might. I can email you an invoice if you like once details of a shoot are discussed.

@layal.official (non nude work)
@aim.model (art nude)

Thanks, kind regards, hope to hear from you, all the best!

Kelsey Donnelly · Model

Stunning pictures, Amazing porfolio :)

Would love to work with you on a photoshoot.


reepo · Model

hi babe,
I really like your are so natural!
I'm a model, and as you can see from my pics, and the lead singer and guitar in the international band OCTOPUS.

We are plannig with a producion company based in London, FOCAL RHYTHM, to shoot a super cool flashmob (kinda) video clip in a London Town square during the Olympcs, sat the 11TH august.
It will be great!!
We'll need a lot of fresh and good looking people to join it, to give the freedom and COLORFUL impression we are aiming to have!!!
We are searching for some professional actress and actors, but also (if you are not a professional actress) extras to put among the " normal people" for the first part of the clip, and for the flashmob.
Let's show to the world that beautiful people is not just "pretty faced", but can use their beauty doing something great gathering together.

I really like your style, and think you could be perfect for it.
Just let me know SHORTLY (private message or by email to [email protected]) if you could be interested in , and I'll provide you more detalis and eventually casting infos.

Zelena Zec · Model

Thanks for the FR :) ZZ.
